Dr. Raj V. Nagarkar
Oncologist, Nashik
- 25 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Started oncology practice in 2000
- Have operated more than 4500 major / supramajor oncosurgeries
- Assessed more than 15000 cancer patients
- Performed more than 1100 breast cancer surgeries
- Organised 54 free cancer detection camps in Nashik district.
- Associated with Intervida – Finland based NGO for free treatment to childhood cancer victims.
- Associated with Nashik Run Charitable trust for free treatment to childhood cancer victims.
- Chemotherapy drugs made available at concessional rates
- Regularly arrange slide shows & lectures for doctors / common public
- Organised ‘Manavata Cancer Sammelan’ get together for Cancer patients & their families; presided over
- by Dr Arvind Bavdekar
- Regularly organise awareness programmes for cancer patients and their relatives. Have been attended
- by eminent persons like Dr Anil Avachat [ Pune], Dr Sanjay Sharma [ Mumbai], Dr Shekhar Kulkarni [
- Pune], Mr Hemant Takle, Dr Vasant Pawar, Mr Hemant Barve [ TV artist – Mumbai ], Prashant Damle
- and many more
- Organised “Laughter Show, 06†at Dadasaheb Sabhagruh, on 4th Feb. 2006. Main attraction – Mr. Navin
- Prabhakar, attended by 2700 patients
- Curie Manavata Cancer Centre
- Raj Nagarkar Medical foundation Pvt Ltd
- Manavata Clinical Research Institute
- Vasantrao R Nagarkar Medical Foundation [ Public Charitable Trust ]
- Nagarkar Gurukul Vidyamandir
- Aadhar – Cancer Patient’s Support Group
- MBBS from Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College , Belgaum; 1996
- MS from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai; 2000
- BSS from Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; 2000
- DNB from Ministry of Health, New Delhi; 2000
- Membership of Royal college of Surgeons, Edinburgh (MRCSEd)
- Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh; 2000
- Membership of National Academy of Medical Sciences (MNAMS) Ministry of Health, New Delhi; 2004
- ICH-GCP Training in Various Investigators Meetings
Practice Information
HCG Curie Manavata Cancer Centre, Nashik
Near Mylan Circle, Mumbai Naka, Nashik, Maharashtra - 425004
Achievements & Contributions
- Dr S R Shinde Memorial cancer Workshop; 2001. Attended by 150 consultants from North Maharashtra
- Cancer 2003; Attended by 265 consultants from North Maharashtra
- Maharashtra Breast Cancer Conference; 2008. Two day conference with operative workshop covering
- various aspects of breast cancer. Attended by 72 oncologists from Maharashtra & Goa
- Samaj Bhushan, Gol Deol Trust, Mumbai 2002
- Seva Ratna Gaurav Puraskar, All India Shastri Social Forum, Nanded,2003
- Rotary Achievement Award, Nashik 2004
- Nashik Gaurav, Nashik 2008
- PublicationsPrognostic Criteria in Cystosarcoma Phylloides ; 15th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference, Chennai
- Post-operative Bronchogastric Fistula; ISO Germany, Case presentation
- Retroperitoneal Sarcoma as 2nd primary; A case report, MASICON 2002
- Various Clinical presentations of GISTs of Stomach ; XI Annual conference of Royal college of Surgeons
- of Edinburgh, Hyderabad 2003.
- Carcinoma Breast – Think Globally Act Locally; 3rd International SAARC Oncology Conference, GOA
- 2005.
- International Breast Cancer Expert Forum; Vienna, Austria 2006.
- International Lung Cancer Conference; Hamburg, Germany 2006.
- Worked as a Colloborator for the research project; Immunopathogenesis in Breast Cancer – Pravara
- Institute of Medical Sciences, 2006-07
- Clinical Trials as a InvestigatorChemotherapy induced nausea & vomiting; phase III study. Underwent audit
- Metastatic Carcinoma Breast; phase II study
- Carcinoma Esophagus; phase III study
- Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma ; phase III study
- Carcinoma Ovary ; phase II study
- Metastatic Colorectal Carcinoma; phase II study
- Non Small cell Lung Carcinoma ; phase II study
- Metastatic Carcinoma Breast; phase I study
- Locally advanced Head Neak Carcinoma Phase I study
- Metastatic Carcinoma of Pancreas; Phase I Study
- Metastatic Her-2 Positive Carcinoma of Breast; Phase I Study
- Metastatic Carcinoma Breast/Colo-rectal; BA/BE Study
- SecretaryMaharashtra Oncology Group
- Associate Professor Surgery
- NDMVP Medical College, Nashik
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