Dr. Rachna Mittal
Dermatologist, Chandigarh
- Dr. Rachna Mittal is consultant at Skin and Cosmetology Clinic, Chandigarh
- Worked asconsultant Dermatologist at Kaya Skin Clinic, Chandigarh from 2003 - 2014
- Worked as a consultant dermatologist in Behla's Skin Institute & School of Dermatology, New Delhi, from Nov, 2000 to June,2003
- Resident Teaching Fellow w.e.f. June 1995 to June 1998 during the period of training for MD from Dayanand Medical College, Ludhiana
- Worked as a Senior Resident in Government Medical College, Chandigarh from Sep 2, 1998 to Jan 16, 1999
- Extensively involved in cosmetic dermatology which includes Nd-Yag Laser for hair removal
Dermatology (Skin)
Cosmetic Dermatology
- Leprology
- MBBS from Christian Medical College, Ludhiana
- MD in dermatology, Venerology and Leprology from Dayanand Medical Collge Ludhiana
Practice Information
Dr. Rachna's Skin and Cosmetology Clinic, Chandigarh
SCO 22, First Floor Inner Market, Sector 8 B , Chandigarh, Chandigarh - 160011
Kaya Skin Clinic, Madhya Marg
Ground Floor, SCO-68/69, Sector-8C, Near HDFC Bank, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh, Chandigarh - 160008
Achievements & Contributions
- A case report entitled “ Post-kala-azar dermal leishmanasis occurring after 10 years of treated kala azar†was published in International Journal of Dermatology 2002, 41, 875-876
- Paper entitled “Angiokeratoma circumscriptum: a case report and review of the literature†was published in International Journal of Dermatology 2005, 44, 1031-1034.
- Paper entitled “ Evaluation of Long-pulsed 1064nm Nd:YAG laser assisted hair removal vs multiple Treatment sessions and different hair types in Indian patients†was published in Journal of Cutaneous and Aesthetic Surgery,July-Dec 2008, vol1,1ssue2,75-79
- Medical conferences :Attended the XXIIth Regional Conference WM XII CME of IADVL held in Patiala from 16th – 17th November, 1996
- Attended the 25th national conference of IADVL held in Guwahati from 24th to 26th January, 1997
- 26th National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologist Venerologists and Leprologists at P.G.I., Chandigarh from 29th January to 1st februry, 1998
- Attended the 27th National Conference of IADVL held in Bangalore from 28th January, 2000 to 1st February, 2000
- Attended the 26th regional conference cum CME of IADVL, PGIMS,ROHTAK from 23rd to 24th September, 2000
- Attended the 34th National Conference of IADVL,Hyderabad , February 2-5,2006
- Attended the 36th National Conference of IADVL- Dermacon ,24th -27th January 2008,PGI, Chandigarh
- Attended the 38th National Conference of IADVL, held on January 7-10,2010,in Lucknow
- Attended the National CME Dermatology AIIMS 2010 ,held on April 10-11,2010,in New Delhi
- Attended theCME, “ DERMATOLOGY UPDATEâ€, in PGIMER, held on September 5th, 2010 ,in Chandigarh
- Dermatosurgery Workshops :Participated in Dermatosurgical Workshop conducted by Dermavision, Calcutta, September 28 – September 29, 1996
- Attended the ‘CME-cum-Workshop on Contact Dermatis’ in P.G.I., Chandigarh on 28th September, 1997, organised by ‘Contact and Occupational Dermatoses Forum of India (WDFI)
- Attended the Dermatosurgery Workshop in PGI, Chandigarh held on 13th April, 1997
- Attended the 7th Biennial Conference of Association of Cutaneous Surgeons of India November10-12, 2006, New Delhi
- Attended the 1st conference of contact and occupational dermatoses forum of India, Mumbai on 3rd to 5th November, 2006
- Attended the Joint IADVL-DSB and ASCI “ Dermatosurgery Updateâ€held on Sunday, March 14,2010 in Safdarjang Hospital, New Delhi
- Attended the Aesthetic Laser Surgery Workshop held on 8th August, 2010 at Taj, Sector -17A,Chandigarh
- Cosmetology workshops :Attended the 2nd Conference of Asian Society of Pigment Cell Research held on 6th-8th July, 2007 at Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore
- Attended the annual CSI Conference in Hotel Renaissance, Mumbai, India between 15th-16th December 2007
- Attended the DERMA CME 2008, Recent Trends in cosmetic Dermatology,9th November,2008 held in GMCH,sector 32, Chandigarh.
- Attended the IMCAS INDIA(international master course on ageing skin) held on 1st & 2nd December, 2008 at Jaypee Palace hotel, Agra, India
- Attended at the 3rd conference of Asian Society of pigment Cell Research held on 11th -13th June, 2009,millennium Seol Hilton hotel, Seoul, Korea
- Attended the interface between Plastic Surgeons and Dermatosurgeons , “AESTHETICS 2010-LEARNING FROM EACH OTHER†held on 28th-29th August,2010 at Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi
- Certificate Of Injector’ for Modelis, Fortelis, Esthelis and Aquamid , given by Coherent medical systems on October 31,2010, New Delhi
- Attended the IMCAS INDIA (international master course on ageing skin) held on 12th & 13th November ,2011 at Leela Kempinski hotel& cConvention centre, Gurgaon, New Delhi India
- Presented a paper entitled ‘Systemic Azoles – Role in treatment of Candidial Infection’ at the 26th National Conference of Indian Association of Dermatologist Venerologists and Leprologists at P.G.I., Chandigarh
- Presented a paper entitled “Long pulsed 1064 Nd-Yag laser assisted hair reduction success in relation to six multiple consecutive treatment sessions in darker skin types†at the 2nd Conference of Asian Society of Pigment Cell Research held on 6th-8th July, 2007 at Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore
- Presented a paper entitled “Botulinum Toxin Type A for the Reduction of Crow’s Feet, Glabellar and Forehead Rhytides : a retrospective study of 82 treatments in 43 patients “ at IMCAS INDIA(international master course on ageing skin) held on 2nd December, 2008 at Jaypee Palace hotel, Agra
- Presented a paper entitled “Efficacy and Safety of Trichloro acetic Acid (TCA) Peels in the treatment of Recalcitrant Melasma in Dark-Skinned patients†at the 3rd conference of Asian Society of pigment Cell Research held on 11th June, 2009,millennium Seol Hilton hotel, Seoul, Korea
- Presented a paper entitled “Percutaneous Collagen Induction Therapy (PCT) in depressed Acne Scars in Dark-Skinned patients†at IMCAS INDIA (International master course on ageing skin) held on 13th November, 20011 at Leela Kempinski hotel & convention centre, Gurgaon, New Delhi
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