Dr.R. Subramanian
Rheumatologist, Mysore
MD (Gen Med) PDF(Rheumatology and Immunology)
- 14 Years Experience
- 1 Private Practice
- Assistant Professor, Gen Medicine
- Senior Resident, SGPGI Lucknow
- Senior Resident, CMC Vellore
- Assistant Professor, Rheumatology & Immunology, JSS Hospital Mysore
- Languages : English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Malayalam
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Scleroderma
- MBBS from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
- MD Gen Medicine from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal
- PDF from Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, CMC Vellore
Practice Information
Private Practice Information
Rheumatology Clinic
No 452, Shop No. 4,5, Sri Nanjundeshwara Complex,, MG Road, Agrahara, Mysore, Karnataka - 570004
- 9945472441
Achievements & Contributions
- Gold Medallist, Medicine KMC Manipal
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