Dr.P.V. Raghava Sarma
Interventional Cardiologist, Guntur
MD (Internal Medicine), DM (Cardiology)
- 1 Hospital
Consultant, Lalitha Super Specialities Hospital, Guntur
Interventional Cardiology
Cardiothoracic Surgery
- Coronary Angioplasty
- Transradial Angioplasty
- Carotid & Vertebral Angioplasty
- Intracranial Angioplasty
- Renal Angioplasty
- Peripheral Angioplasty
- Pacemaker Implantation
- Balloon Valvotomy and Intra Arterial Thrombolysis
MBBS, 1984, Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research (JIPMER), Pondicherry
MD (Internal Medicine), 1987, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
DM Cardiology, 1989, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Practice Information
Lalitha Super Specialty Hospital, Guntur
Kothapet, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh - 522001
10:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Achievements & Contributions
- Participated in “The Create Registry†which is multicentric observation study in Acute Coronary syndrome done from St. John’s Medical college & Research Institute, Bangalore
- Principal Investigator in several International Multicentric Clinical Trials.
- Batch Topper, (DM Cardiology), PGIMER Chandigarh
- Medals in Biochemistry, Pharmacy, Pathology and General Medicine
- Participated in “The Create Registry†which is multicentric observation study in Acute Coronary syndrome done from St.John’s Medical college & Research Institute, Bangalore
- Y.Chandra Sekhar MD, Inder S.Anand MD, Raghav Sarma MD et al. Effects of prolonged infusion of human alpha calcitonin generelated peptide on hemodynamics, renal blood flow and hormone levels in congestive heart failure. TheAmerican Journal of Cardiology Volume 67,Issue 8, 1 April 1991,Pages 732736.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/000291499190531O
- PV Raghava Sharma, R Murli Babu Rao. Coronary Angiography- Left Trans Radial Approach- Our Experience in 4500 cases. Indian Heart J 2007; 58:396-405.http://indianheartjournal.com/2007_%20magzines/sep-oct2007/sep-oct2007.htm(Abstract No-40, page 14)
- PVR Sarma, RMB Rao. Coronary Angiographic Study in Post-CABG Scenario from a Semi-Urban Community. Indian Heart J 2008; 60:386-420
- Vijaya P, Suneetha M, Raghava Sarma PV et al.Angioplasty and stenting as an adjunct toIntra arterial thrombolysis in patients with Acute Ischemic stroke of carotid circulation.15th Annual conference of Indian Academy of Neurology Oct 4-7,2007, Mumbai, India. “notindexedâ€
- Vijaya P, Raghava Sarma PV. Multimodal Reperfusion therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke. 3rd National Congress of Indian Stroke Association, Feb-2008, Amritsar, India. “not indexedâ€
- Member, Association of Surgeons of India (ASI), Guntur Chapter
- Indian Medical Association
- Associate Physician of India
- Cardiology Society of India
- Indian Society of Echocardiography
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