Dr. Punit Tiwari
Urologist, Bhopal
MBBS, MS (General Surgery), M.Ch (Urology), FRLS, FR TVA, EUREP
- 1 Hospital
Renal Transplant
Pediatric Urology
Uro Oncology
MBBS, 2003, MGM Medical College, Indore, India
MS (General Surgery), 2007, GSVM Medical College, Kanpur, India
M.Ch (Urology), 2011, SSKM Hospital, Institute of Post- Graduate Education & Research, Kolkata
Practice Information
MKM Stone and Urology Hospital, Bhopal
E1/88A, Arera Colony, Near RBI Awasiya Parisar, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh - 462016
Achievements & Contributions
- Attended cadaveric Organ Retrieval :Towards a consensus on Best Surgical Practice cum Operative Workshop on Kidney Transplantation on 11-12 May 2013 at Sir Gangaram Hsopital, new Delhi.
- Participated in How? Hands on Workshop on Laparoscopy on 28th July,2012 at MPUH, Nadiad, Gujarat, India.
- Participated in the Robotic Urology Workshop organized by Fortis Hospital(New Delhi ) on 4th-5thDes 2010.
- Attended workshop on PCNL at fortis hospital ,Kolkata on June 20,2010.
- Actively participated in Interactive International Web Symposium-Tricks of the Trade in Urologic Surgery (Video workshop-through webcast) on 18 Nov 2010.
- Participated In hands on training dry lab coarse on laparoscopy I EUREP,2010 at Prague, Czech Republic on 3-8th Sept 2010.
- Attended and Participated workshop on laparoscopic Urology on 26th Sept at Fortis hospital, Kolkata.
- Attended 4th International Workshop on Basic & Advanced technique of PCNL-PERCON-2010 on 2 & 3rd Apr 2010.
- Attended Hands on training Workshop on Laparoscopic urology by- Dr.Shyam Matanhelia ( Lancashine Taching Hospital,Preston, UK) on 23rd March 2010.
- Attended International Live / Video operative Workshop on Genito-Urinary cancer and Gender surgery-2009 at R G Kar Medical Collage, Kolkata -4th and 5th des, 09.
- Attended Advanced Lapuro-Workshop-2009, Dept. of Urology, Civil Hospital, Ahmadabad-14-15th Nov, 2009.
- Workshop on Lasers in Urology - Woodland Hospital Kolkata.
- Workshop on Green light laser - R N Tagore Hospital Kolkata-(29 Sept, 2008).
- Live surgical workshop focusing on female stress incontinence and pelvic organ Prolapse (Apogee and Perigee repair of POP) - lead by-Dr Amit Chakraborty (Urologic Clinics of North Alabama, USA).
- LAP-URO WORKSHOP (EZ) - 2009, National Medical Collage. 7th -8th Aug, 2009.
- Attended Laparo-Surg-Workshop at Rama Super-speciality hospital (UPASICON), Kanpur-June 2007.
- Attended 2ndNational Workshop on Diabetic Food Care at SGPGI, Lucknow –Nov, 2006.
- Participated in Workshop at LXVIth Annual Conference ASICON 2006 at Varanasi.
- Attended training coarse- Managing in the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme-30thAug - 3rd Sept 2006 at GSVM Medical College Kanpur, UP.
- Training Programme on PROXIMATE STAPLERS organized ETHICON ENDOSURGERY at New Delhi Aug, 2005.
- Attended AMASICON -2005, LIVE- workshop at AIIMS, New Delhi.
- Attended Dedicated Hernia Workshop-HERNIACON-2005.May 2005.
- Programme on “PROBLEM SOLVING FOR BETTER HEALTH†Organized by Dept. of Community Medicine , M.G.M.Medical College, Indore,Nov,2000).
- Attended 46th Annual Conference of USI at Pune on 17th to 20th July 2013.
- World Congress of Endourology and ESWl held at Kyoto, Japan, from 30th Nov to 3rd Des,2011.
- East Asian Society of Endourology at Kyoto, Japan from 29th Nov to 2nd Des,2011.
- The Phoenix Conference-future Perspective of Urooncology at Miyazaki,Japan on 23rd -25th Des 2011.
- The 63rd Western section Meeting of Japanese Urological Association at Kurme on 10th to 12th Nov, 2011.
- USICON-2012 (45th Annual conference of Urological Society of India)-21st-24th Jan, 2011 at Banglore).
- USICON-2011 (44th Annual conference of Urological Society of India)-21st-24th Jan, 2011 at Kolkata.
- USICON-2010 (43rd Annual Conference of Urological Society of India)- 4-7th Feb, 2010 at Agra.
- BASICON-2010 (organized by association of surgeon of india ,Bihar chapter) from 24th to 26th sept 2010.
- Urological Society of India (East Zone)-18th Annual Conference.
- Bengal Urological Society-Annual Conference on 15/03/2009.
- CME on Breast Cancer at J.K. Cancer Institute, Kanpur.
- 32nd Annual Conference of UPASICON- 2006 at Allahabad, U.P
- LXVIth Annual Conference, ASICON 2006, Varanasi
- AMASICON 2005, AIIMS, New Delhi
- CME & 4TH Annual Conference of Association of Radiation Oncologist of India (M.P. & Gujrat Chapter)
- Urological society of India ( East Zone)-19th . Annual conference-Sept 2009.
- NATCON (IASO)2009 -National Annual Conference of Indian Association Surgical Oncology Sep 2009
- Winner of URO-QUIZ 2009 (First Prize) in 19 Annual Conference of USIEZ-Sept 2009.
- As a part of SYMPOSIUM presented Management of Testicular tumors (Seminoma)-UPDATE on 14th March, 2010 at annual conference of Bengal Urological Society.
- Podium presentation of Hematuria during pregnancy-at annual meeting of Bengal Urological society on 15th may 2010.
- Does the Position Of Voiding Affect Uroflowmetry Findings And Post-Void Residual In Patient With BPH?-Presented at USICON-2010 at Agra.
- Reno-Enteric –Cuteneous Fistula-Review of Literature –Presented at annual conference of BUS-March09.
- Video presentation on Laparoscopic management of Pelvi-Urteric Junction Obstruction-SASICME 2009(State Association of Surgeon of India CME) on 4th-6th Sept 09, NRS Medical Collage Kolkata, WB.
- Paper presented- Epidemiological study of incidence of Carcinoma Bladder with respect to blood group antigen in Bengali speaking population of west Bengal-19th Annual Conference of USI-EZ-Sept, 2009.
- Paper presented- Sutureless Circumcision-Prospective study – at 19th Annual Conference of USI-EZ-sept2009.
- Poster presentation-Sponteneous Reno-Jejuna-Cuteneous fistula- a case report with review of literature-19th Annual Conference of USI-EZ-sept2009.
- Video presentation- Transperitoneal laparoscopic pyelopalsty for PUJO-at 19th annual conference of USI-EZ-sept2009.
- Podium presentation-Triple malignancy in urinary system zt annual meeting of Bengal Urological Society on 15/03/2009
- Cyanoacrylate Glue for closure of minor operative wound -Presented at UPASICON-06.
- Urological society of India (Membership No. TO67).
- European association of urology
- American urological Association (AUA ID: 00812731)
- Bengal Urology Society Indian
- American Urological Association
- Professional Licenses and Board Certification Medical Council of India (MP-5560)
- State Medical Council (Madhya Pradesh, Delhi)
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