Dr. Puja Dewan
Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Mumbai
- Dr. Puja Dewan is a consultant at Nova Speciality Hospital, Mumbai
- Co-ordinator-IVF & Sr. Consultant at Center for Reproductive Medicine & IVF, Max group of Hospitals, Max Healthcare at New Delhi, India (2011-12)
- Co-ordinator-IVF & Consultant at Center for Reproductive Medicine & IVF, Max group of Hospitals, Max Healthcare at New Delhi, India (2009)
- Visiting Clinician The London Women's Clinic, Harley Street, London, UK (2008)
- Consultant (Obstetrics & Gynaecology) at Apollo Hospital, Sector 26, Noid, (UP), India (2007-08)
- Junior Consultant (Reproductive Medicine & IVF) at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, (Santa Vihar), New Delhi, India (2008)
- Senior Resident at ESIC Model Hospital, Noida (U.P.), India (2005-06)
- Senior Resident at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India (2003-05)
- Senior Resident at Army Hospital, New Delhi, India (2002-03)
- Clinical Assistant at University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff (U.K.) (2002)
- Junior Resident and Post Graduate Trainee at Maulana Azaad Medical College, New Delhi (2002)
Obstetrics and Gynecology
- MRCOG from Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, UK (May 2003)
- DNB from National board of Examinations (Sept 2005)
- DGO from Maulana Azaad Medical College, Delhi (May 2000 – April 2002)
- MBBS from Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi (Sept 1993-Dec 1997)
- Clinical Fellowship in Minimally Invasive and Pelvic Surgery Sunrise Keyhole Surgery foundation, sunrise Hospital, Kochi, Kerala
- Certificate in Ultrasonography in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sonoscan Ultrasonic Scan Center, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
- Certificate of Commendation in Ultrasound Obstetrics – Gynaecology and Abdomen, Jefferson Ultrasound Research and Education Institute, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia
Practice Information
Apollo Spectra Hospitals, Chembur
Sunder Baug, Ujagar Compound, Trombay Road, Opp. Deonar Bus Depot Main Gate Off. Sion, Deonar, Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400088
Achievements & Contributions
- "Re-evaluation of follicular flushing in transvaginal oocyte aspiration: A prospective randomised study". Sinha Sushma , Dewan Puja, Sud Charu. in. Fertivision 2007, Indian Fertility Society on 8 — 9 December 2007
- "An Indian survey of awareness and use of complimentary alternative medical (CAM) therapy in infertile couples attending a private tertiary ART unit" Dewan Puja, Verma Sohani in the International Fertility Congress, Indian Fertility Society at Pune, India on 4 — 6 April, 2008
- "An Indian survey of awareness and use of complimentary alternative medical (CAM) therapy in infertile couples attending a private tertiary ART unit" Verma Sohani, Dewan Puja, in the.International Medical Sciences Academy Conference (IMSACON) 2008 at Dubai, UAE on 12 — 13 October 2008
- "A survey of awareness and use of complimentary alternative medical (CAM) therapy in infertile couples attending a private tertiary ART unit" Verma Sohani, Dewan Puja, presented at 30thannual conference of Association of Obstetricians And Gynaecologists of Delhi (AOGD) at New Delhi, India on 8 — 9 November 2008
- Best Innovation Paper, oral paper presentation "An Indian survey of awareness and use of complimentary alternative medical (CAM) therapy in infertile couples attending a private tertiary ART unit." in the International Fertility Congress, Indian Fertility Society at Pune, India on 4 — 6 April, 2008
- Best Paper Award on Menopause (Junior Category) — FOGSI-Golden Jubilee Syizera Award for paper presentation "Effect of soy-derived isoflavones on the uterus in pen- and postmenopausal women with natural menopause' presented at the 50111 All India Congress of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (AICOG) organized by The Federation of Obstetric & Gynaecological Societies of India, at Kolkata, India, on 7-9 January, 2007.
- Dr. C.S. Dawn Best Paper Award for oral paper presentation "Effect of soy-derived isoflavones on the breast in pen- and postmenopausal women with natural menopause" in VIII World Congress and XVI Indian Conference on "Reproductive & Child Health" organized by NARCHI and ICMCH, at Lucknow, India, October 2006
- Best Paper Award for oral paper presentation (co-author) "Assessment of Uterine Receptivity by Transvaginal Doppler Ultrasound in an IVF programme and it's correlation with pregnancy rate - A preliminary study" in National Conference on Infertility "Fertivision", Indian Fertility Society, at New Delhi, India, 8-10 December 2006
- "Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasia" presented at Update Gynaecological Oncology, organized by the Association of the Obstetricians and the Gynaecologists of Delhi (AOGD), India, in January 2001
- "Analysis of Sexual health awareness in Adolescent population "presented in the National Seminar on Reproductive and Child Health: Key to population stabilization, organized by the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (NIHFW), New Delhi, India, in February 2002
- "Atypical presentation of a stony hard mass in pelvis" in the 28th Annual Conference of Association of Obstetricians and Gyanecologists of Delhi (AOGD), New Delhi, on 18.11.06 — 19.11.06.
- "Effect of soy derived isoflavone on the breast pen- and post menopausal women with natural menopause" presented at the VIIIth World Congress XVI Conference on (Reproductive & Child Health) organized by National Association of Reproductive & Child Health of India (NARCHI) at Lucknow on 27.10.2006 - 29.10.2006
- "Effect of aerobic semen culture in asymptomatic men undergoing in vitro fertilization and/or intracytoplasmic sperm injection on pregnancy rates", in National Conference on Infertility "Fertivision", Indian Fertility Society, 08.12.06 — 10.12.06
- "Effect of soy derived isoflavone on the uterus pen- and post menopausal women with natural menopause" presented in the 50th All India Congress of Obstetricians and Gyanecologists (AICOG), 2007 organized by the Bengal Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Societies of India and the Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) at Kolkata on 05.10.2007 - 09.10.2007
- "How to maximize pregnancy results through intrauterine insemination procedure?" presented at the CME (Update on Infertility — Select Topics) organized by Indian Fertility Society at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals, New Delhi on 01,07.07
- Member Royal College of Obstetricans and Gynaecologists (M.R.C.O.G.), London, England, United Kingdom, May 2003.(Regd, No. 131666)
- Member Royal College of Obstetricans and Gynaecologists (UK) - India — North Zone, (R.C.O.G. — INDIA — NZ), May 2003
- Member National Association of Reproductive and Child Health of India (N.A.R.C.H.I.), Kolkata, West Bengal, India, April 2005
- Member National Academy of Medical Sciences (M.N.A.M.S.), New Delhi, India, 2006
- Member Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Delhi (A.O.G.D.), September 2006( Regd No. LM 1202)
- Member, The Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (F.O.G.S.I.), Mumbai,India, September 2006
- Member, International Academy of Medical Sciences (M.I.M.S.A), Delhi, India, 2007
- Member, Max Healthcare Institutional Committee-Stem Cell Research and Therapy (MHIC-SCRT), February 2009-December 2009
- Member, Safe Motherhood Subcommittee of Association of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Delhi (A.O.G.D.), July 2011 till date
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