Dr.Prof. Subhash Khanna
Robotic Surgeon, Guwahati
- 42 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Trustee: Indian Association of Gastro Intestinal Surgeons
- Vice President :International College of Surgeons
- Organising Chairman :World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery 2024
- Editor in Chief:Recent Advances In Minimal Access Surgery
- Editor (section GI Endoscopy) Journal of Minimal Access Surgery(JMAS)
- International Academic Convener - IAGES.
- Organising Chairman - World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery 2024
- Languages : English, Assamese, Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali
Robotic Surgery
Gastrointestinal Surgery
General & Laparoscopic Surgery
Bariatric Surgery
Laparoscopic Surgery
MBBS, 1979, Gauhati Medical College (Guwahati University), Guwahati, India
MS (General Surgery), 1983, Gauhati Medical College (Guwahati University), Guwahati, India
Practice Information
Swagat Super Speciality Surgical Institute, Guwahati
Mahapurush Damodardev Path, Maligaon, Guwahati, Assam - 781006
Achievements & Contributions
- Continuing Medical Education Programme of First Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of Assam, 3rd - 4th Nov. ’90. Joint Organising Secretary and Chairman Scientific Committee.
- Continuing Medical Education Programme and Workshop on “ Gastro-intestinal Endoscopyâ€. 37th Annual Conference of International College of Surgeons (Indian Section) - Goa, Sept. 27-29, ’91.
- Training in Laparoscopy at the dept. of “Obstet. and Gynae.†Gauhati Medical College. 15.10.92 to 31.01.93.
- Workshop on Laparoscopic Surgery at the Calcutta Medical Research Institute, Calcutta; conducted by Dr. James Wellwood. Feb ’93.
- Conducted Workshop on Laparoscopic Surgery and hands on training at Institute of Human Reproduction, Guwahati, Assam. Sept. ’93 and Nov. ’93.
- Appointed National Course Instructor for Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education, Mumbai under IAGES. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy courses since Feb ’95 .
- “Advanced techniques in Endoscopic Surgery – Laparoscopic suturing and knotting†course at All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India, 01.03.96 to 03.03.96.
- Conducted Workshop on Laparoscopic Surgery as course facility in the Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of Assam at Guwahati, Oct ’96.
- Attended Workshop on Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery at “P.D. Hinduja Hospital†and Research Centre, Mumbai, 18th Nov. ’96.
- Continuing Medical Education Programme of “VII Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of Assamâ€, Guwahati, Oct ’96. Organising Secretary of the Conference.
- 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Therapeutic Endoscopy, Mumbai. Sep.’97
- Short-term clinical training in Gastro-intestinal Endoscopy from 04.01.98 to 17.01.98 at the “All India Institute of Medical Sciencesâ€, New Delhi.
- Convened 1st East Zonal Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery Workshop at Guwahati on 22nd - 23rd Aug. ’98.
- International conference and workshop on Pancreatic Diseases. Bombay Hospital Institute of Medical Sciences. 5th-7th January2001,Mumbai.
- Conducted workshop on Therapeutic Endoscopy at G N R C Hospital Jan 2003
- Conducted Hands on Training in Laparoscopic surgery cum CME at Swagat ESRI 22nd, 23rd, 24th March 2002.
- Conducted workshop as Laparoscopic Surgery at A.G. Nursing Home Jorhat Assam. 6th & 7th April ’2002.
- Moderated Therapeutic Endoscopy Workshop at Kothari Medical Centre, Kolkata 10th & 11th Aug’2002.
- Conducted Workshop on Basic Laparoscopic surgery at Swagat ESRI 19th Jan 2002
- Conducted Hands –on Training cum CME as Laparoscopic surgery at Swagat ESRI 27th, 28th, 29th March’2003.
- Conducted G.I. Endoscopy training Course at Swagat ESRI, 24th & 25th Jan’2004.
- Conducted Hernia Workshop-Surgical Update & CME at Swagat ESRI 6th &7th Nov’2004.
- Conducted live surgeries as faculty in the workshop “A DAY IN LAPAROSCOPIC HERNIA SURGERYâ€, conference cum workshop held at ILS Multispeciality Clinic, Kolkata, 24th July 2005.
- Attended training programme for “The BioEntrics Intragastric Balloon (BIB ) System†a workshop organized by Centre for Obesity & Diabetes Support at Mumbai on the 9th April 2010.
- Attended Laparoscopic Workshop on “Single – Portal Access Surgery†on the 30th May 2010 organized by Max Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi.
- Moderated Live Surgery and delivered lecture on “Master Class in Bariartric & Metabolic Surgery†organized by ILS Hospital, Kolkata on the 10th & 11th July 2010.
- Attended the “1st International Conference and Live Workshop on lleal Interposition For Type – 2 Diabetes†held on 21st – 22nd August 2010 at Hyderabad.
- Conducted Live Surgery and delivered lecture as a faculty at the “Minimal Invasive Surgical Conference†on the 28th & 29th of August 2010 at Medinova Diagnosis & Services Hospital and Research Centre, Silchar.
- Conducted 11th Fellowship Course of IAGES at Guwahati on the 2nd – 5th of Dec 2010.
- DPRC Award of Medical Excellence for the year 2015 received in july 2015.
- Lipoblastoma—A rare presentation in the parapharyngeal space. Journal of NEBAOI Vol. IV, 1993.
- “Galactoceleâ€â€”A case report. Journal of Association of Surgeons of Assam (JASA). Oct. ’94.
- “Laparoscopy & Training of a Surgeonâ€â€”JASA, Oct. ’96.
- “Complications in Laparoscopic General Surgeryâ€â€”Chapter published in “Recent Advances in Surgery -1999â€â€”Editor R.L. Gupta, Meerut, India.
- “Minimal Access Surgery-Guidelines and Recommendations†– published 2002-contributed chapters in the book –approved by medical Council of India and Ministry of Health“Post Laparoscopy Port Infection†-Chapter published in the Monograph of International conference on Minimal Access Surgery-Complications and mishaps reduction strategy organised by Sir Ganga Ram Hospital and IAGES Feb 2005 N Delhi
- Principle and Technique of Endoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair chapter contributed to A “Monograph on Hernia†published by Institute of laparoscopic Surgery, Kolkata
- Endoscopic metal stenting for carcinoma oesophagus- a better palliative perspective, Journal of Otorhinolarynology and Head and Neck surgery, Jan- April 2006.
- “Laparoscopic Surgery During Pregnancyâ€-Chapter published in “Recent Advances in Surgery†2006-10th edition-Editor R.L.Gupta, Merrut ,India
- “Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair- Principles and Technique†–Journal of Association of Surgeons of Assam Vol 14(1) 2006
- “The Adult Neck Mass†Physicians Digest Feb March vol 15(60 2007.
- “How to Predict a Difficult Cholecystectomy and When to Convertâ€-Chapter Contributed to “Comprehensive Laparoscopic Surgery†a text book published by Indian Association Of Gasto- intestinal Endosurgeons’ March 2007.
- “Intragastric Balloon- Indication, Efficacy, Complications & Resultsâ€- Monograph on Essentials of Bariatric & Metabolic Surgery, First Edition, 2010- Editor Dr. Om Tantia“Video endoscopic treatment of complex anal fistula- a new emerging treatment modalityâ€- Chapter published in The Clarion – International Multidisciplinary Journal, Volume 1, February 2012
- Member - Advisory Committee - Postdoctoral courses in Minimally Access Surgery - National Board of Examinations (N.B.E.).
- Member Core Committee of experts to formulate Guidelines for Minimal Access Surgery in the country 2001 – Book released by the President of India.
- Member of Editorial Board of Journal Of Minimal Access Surgery of I A G E S (June 2004)
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