Dr. Pravin Rajendra Suryawanshi
Minimal Invasive Surgeon, Aurangabad
M.B.B.S., D.N.B. (General Surgery)FMAS, FAIS, FIAGES, FICS (GI SURGERY)Chief Endoscopist and Advanced Laparoscopic , Hepato Pancreatico Biliary and Liver Transplant Surgeon Centre for Endoscopy and Advanced Minimally Invasive Surgery
- 26 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
Advanced Laparoscopic , Hepato Pancreatico Biliary and
Liver Transplant Surgeon
Centre of Excellence for Gastroenterology and Advanced
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Deputy Dean, M.G.M’S
Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad.
Professor and Head, Dept.
of Surgery M.G.M’S Medical College,
C. E. O. , M.
G. M’s Medical Centre and Research Institute
- Languages : Marathi, Hindi, English
Minimally Invasive Surgery
Practice Information
MGM Medical Centre & Research Institute, Aurangabad
N-6 Cidco, Aurangabad, Maharashtra - 431003
Achievements & Contributions
- Conferences AttendedDelegate – MASICON, Nasik, 2001
- Delegate – ASICON, Pune, 2003
- Delegate – MASICON, Nagpur 2003
- Delegate – Proctology workshop Aurangabad 2003
- Delegate – MASICON, Thane, 2004
- Attended training session on proximate staplers at Mumbai, 2004
- Attended Laparoscopic surgery and Gynecological surgery workshop Aurangabad surgical society, Aurangabad 2005
- Attended Reconstructive surgery workshop at Aurangabad 2005
- Delegate – AMASICON, New Delhi, 2005
- Delegate – 6th Marathwada Surgeons conference Parli, Vaijnath.Delegate – MAHAISGGON, Nasik, 2005
- Delegate - IAPS Conference, Aurangabad, 2006
- Atteneded ELSA 2006 the Congress of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Surgeons of Asia from Oct. 18-21 2006, in Seoul Korea
- Attended Live Workshop on Laparoscopic Surgery for Colo-rectal Diseases at Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences at Sawangi, Wardha. (30th June 2007)
- Attended Conference ENDO-SURG at Goa on 25th to 28th Aug 2007
- Delegate - International Pancreatico-Hepato-Biliary Conference at Mumbai on Feb.2008
- Attended ‘Liver Surgery Course’ at TATA Memorial Hospital, Mumbai on April 2008
- Attended AMASICON at Chennai from 3rd July to 7th July
- Attended victory medical summit at Rajiv Gandhi Indoor Stadium Kochi, Kerala on 30th July to 2nd August 2008, for International Medical Tourism
- Attended DDW-2009 (Diagestive Disease Week) Conference on May 29th to 4th June 2009 at McCormick Place Chicago, IIIinois
- Attended AMASICON- 2010 (5th International Congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India) on 29th to 2nd May 2010 at B. M. Birla Science &Technology Research Centre, Jaipur
- Attended 20th Annual Conference of Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology (IASGCON) held at Hyderabad on 7th to 10th October 2010
- Attended 1st International Conference & Live Operative Workshop ‘SILSCON-2011’ on Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery, on 29th April to1st May 2011, at Hotel Grand Hyatt, Mumbai
- Attended 10th Biennial National Congress of IAGES & Workshop on Minimal Access Surgery on 16th -19th, Feb. 2012, Karnavati Club, Ahmedabad
- Attended Conference – Advances in Hepato Biliary Pancreatic Endoscopy, held in Hyderabad from February 24th to 26th 2012
- Attended Conference- 10th World Congress of International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association on July 1-5, 2012 – Palais des Conggres, Paris/France and presented two videos
- a. Intrabiliary Rupture of Hydatid Cyst Presenting as Cholangitis treated with Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiography with Sphincterotomy : Using a novel technique of Hydropressure
- b. Laparoscopic Management of Staghorn CBD Calculus with Multiple Intrahepatic Calculi
- Invited Faculty For Various Conferences
- Operative faculty at Minimally Invasive Surgery Workshop in MASICON – 2007. Demonstrated Live Laparoscopic Appendectomy and Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with CBD exploration. Attended (29th Conference) MASICON 2007 organized by Latur Surgical Society on 1st Feb. to 4th Feb.2007. (Theme “Minimal Access Surgery For All”)
- National Faculty at AMASICON – 2007, at Hyderabad.
- Invited as a faculty for Laparoscopic Surgery Workshop on 12th to 13th May 2007 at Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital, at Pune.
- Invited for ACRSICON – 2007 Conference at Ahmedabad on 11th to 16th Sept.2007 as a Faculty (Topic – Colorectal malignancy).
- Invited for MASICON – 2008 Conference at Kolhapur, as a Faculty.
- a) Demonstrated Live ‘Laparoscopic Difficult Cholecystectomy in a liver operative Workshop.
- b) Delivered Guest lecture on Laparoscopic Management of Difficult Cholecystectomy.
- Invited for CME - 2008 Update on Surgery on 23rd and 24th Feb. at Pune as a Faculty organized by MUHS - Nasik.
- Invited for 10th Annual Conference of Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India. International Workshop on Advanced GI Endoscopy on 20th-22 Feb.,2009 at Asian Institute of Gastroenterology to Shilpakala Vedika, HITEC City, Hyderabad.
- Invited for 2nd IRCON-2009 (Interdisciplinary Research Conference) on 6th to 8th March, 2009 organized by Government Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad and delivered a guest lecture on Laparoscopic – MAS TO MASSES
- Invited as a faculty for AMASICON- 2009 (4th International Congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India) as a convener of Laparoscopic Solid Organ Surgery (Lap. Adrenal, Lap. Nephrectomy, Lap. Spleen, Lap. Liver and Pancreas resections and Lap. In Pancreatitis) on 21st to 24th May 2009 at Grand Hyatt Mumbai.
- Invited as a guest faculty for Live Surgical Workshop on Anorectal Diseases organized by Surya Hospitals Pvt. Ltd., Pune on 28th November 2009.
- Invited as a faculty for 69th Annual Conference of the Association of Surgeons of India at Coimbatore on 25th to 30th Dec.2009 to deliver a guest lecture on ‘Difficult Gallbladder”
- Invited as a faculty for 1st West Zone Congress of IHPBA India on 9th and 10th Jan. 2010, in Aurangabad.
- Invited as a faculty for 32ndAnnual Conference of Maharashtra State Chapter of ASI MASICON-2010Held at Solapur on 4th to 7th Feb.2010
- 1) to participate in a debate on “Hungry post operative patients and reluctant system”
- 2) demonstrated live laparoscopic difficult cholecystectomy
- Invited for the ceremony of publishing the first volume of the “Journal of Fertility, Stem Cell and Reproductive Science”, and demonstrated live Laparoscopic Surgery on 13/02/2010, at MGM’s Medical College & Hospital.
- Invited for the guest lecture on Management of Obstructive Jaundice at Nasik (Nashik Surgical society) on 13/03/2010.
- Invited as faculty for “ENDO-SURG – 2010” held at Pune on 20-22nd August 2010.
- 1) Live demonstrated - Laparoscopic Empyema Gall Bladder and
- 2) Laparoscopic Hiatus Hernia.
- Invited as a Chief Guest of Inaugural function of Workshop on Endoscopic Suture Knotting Technique on 29th to 30th Oct.2010 organised by Indian Association of Gastrointestinal Endoscopist at Barshi and Live demonstrated – Laparoscopic Difficult Cholecystectomy.
- Invited as a Faculty for 51st Annual Conference of Indian Society of Gastroenterology (ISGCON-2010) held at Hyderabad on 20th to 25th Nov.2010 organized by Asian Institute of Gastroenterology in association with Indian Association for the study of the Liver (INASL) and Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India (SGEI).
- a. Has been awarded 1st prize in Endoscopic Video Presentation for “Endoscopic Management of Intrabiliary Ruptured Hydatid Cyst of Liver”.
- Invited as a Faculty for the 3rd Live Operative Workshop on Laparoscopic Surgery organized by Joy Hospital in Collaboration with Maharashtra Chapter ASI, on 5th Dec.2010 at the Convention Centre, Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS), Deonar, Mumbai.
- Invited as a faculty for the 70th Annual conference Association of Surgeons of India ‘ASICON-2010’, at New Delhi on December 15-20, 2010.
- Invited as a Faculty for the “1st GI-Vision-2011”, Live Endoscopy Workshop organized by EmRALD Medical Research Pvt. Ltd in association with Ciigma Hospital, Kodlikeri Hospital and Aurangabad Surgical Society on 15th to 16th Jan.2011 at Hotel Ambassador Ajanta, Aurangabad.
- Invited as a Faculty for 33rd Annual Conference of Maharashtra State Chapter of ASI ‘MASICON-2011’ at Seth G.S. Medical College and K.E.M. Memorial Hospital, Mumbai on 3rd to 6th Feb. 2011.
- a.Delivered Guest lecture on Management of Obstructive Jaundice
- Invited as a faculty for IAGE National Conference ‘ENDOWORLD- 2011 on 26th & 27th Feb. at MGM’s Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad.
- a. Delivered a guest lecture on Management of Bowel Injury
- Invited as a faculty for 4th International Live Workshop & Conference on Minimally Invasive Hernia Surgery on 22nd to 24th Sept.11, organized by Gem Hospital and Research Centre at Coimbatore
- Invited as a faculty for 4th International Live Workshop & Conference on Minimally Invasive Hernia Surgery on 22nd to 24th Sept.11, organized by Gem Hospital and Research Centre at Coimbatore
- a.Chairperson - Debate on “Inguinal Hernia”
- b.Moderator - for Combined procedures, Recurrent ventral hernia repair, Abdominoplasty
- Invited as a Faculty for 57th Annual Conference of International College of Surgeons on 21st to 24th Sept.11, at Srinagar.
- a.Delivered a guest lecture on Management of Obstructive Jaundice
- Invited as a Faculty for 20th Fellowship Course, CME & Live Workshop on Laparoscopic Surgery (FIAGES) organized by Kolhapur Surgical Society on 13th to 16th Oct.2011
- a.Delivered a guest lecture on Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Invited as a Faculty for CME & Live Operative National Workshop on Laparoscopic Surgery (LAPAROTECH-2011) organized by Datta Meghe Institute of Medical Sciences on 26th Nov.2011, at Sai Auditorium, Nagpur
- a.Delivered a guest lecture on Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Invited as a Faculty for CME of Surgery Update-2011 organized by Dept. of Surgery MIMSR Medical College, Latur on 27th, Nov.2011.
- a.Delivered a guest lecture on Difficult Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
- Invited as a Faculty for 12th International Surgical Congress of the Society of Surgeons of Bangladesh held in Dhaka, on 10th-13th Dec.2011.
- a.Delivered a guest lecture on Management of CBD Stones.
- Invited as a Faculty for 71st Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India (ASICON-2011) at Kochi, on 25th Dec. to 29th Dec.2011.
- a.Delivered a guest lecture on ‘Management of Hydatid Cyst of Liver’.
- Invited as a Faculty for 34th Annual Conference of Maharashtra State Chapter of ASI ‘MASICON-2012’ at Hotel Marriot, Senapati Bapat Road, Pune on 26th to 29th Jan. 2012.
- a.Delivered a guest lecture on ‘Difficult Calots Dissection’.
- Invited as a Faculty for the “2nd GI-Vision-2012”, Live Endoscopy Workshop organized by EmRALD Medical Research Pvt. Ltd in association with Ciigma Hospital, Kodlikeri Hospital and Aurangabad Surgical Society on 9th to 11th March 2012 at Hotel Ambassador Ajanta, Aurangabad.
- a.Demonstrated live Colonoscopy (Polypectomy)
- Invited as a Faculty for 7th International Congress of Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (AMASICON-2012) on July 19-22, 2012 at Codissia Trade Fair Complex Coimbatore
- a.Delivered a guest lecture on ‘Difficult Calots Dissection’
- An Interesting Case Of Metabolic Disorder”(case Report) Presented At 10th Research Meeting Of Medical Research Centre, Bombay Hospital
- Spontaneous Rupture Of Esophagus” (case Report) Presented At 37th Research Meeting Of Medical Research Centre, Bombay Hospital
- Prospective Study Of Surgical Management Of Nodular Thyroid Disease And Role Of F.n.a.c. In Such Cases” Presented At 45th Research Meeting Of Medical Research Centre, Bombay Hospital
- Largest Cbd Stone In A Case Of Choledochoduodenal Fistula”(case Report) Presented At 53rd Research Meeting Of Medical Research Centre, Bombay Hospital
- Co-author Of The Paper On “study Of Ext. Branch Of Superior Laryngeal Nerve In Relation To Thyroid Gland And Post Thyroidectomy Voice Changes” At 53rd Research Meeting Of The Bombay Hospital Medical Research Centre
- Published A Case Report With Literature Review On “retroperitoneal Leiomyoma” In Bombay Hospital Journal
- Presentation On Advanced Laparoscopic And Minimally Invasive Surgeries In Association With Rotary Club Of Aurangabad On 20th Oct 2004.
- Presentation At Aurangabad Indian Medical Association On Persistent Vomiting On 28/04/2004
- Paper Presentation On Difficult Cholecystectomy, Masicon, 2005
- Paper Presentation On Laparoscopic Management Of Intra-abdominal Abscess, Masicon, 2005
- Video Presentation On Thoracoscopic Management Of Hydatid Cyst Of Lung, Masicon- 2005, Nanded
- Poster Presentation On Persistent Vomiting, Masicon 2005, Nanded
- Poster Presentation On Rectal Gangrene, Masicon 2005, Nanded
- Video Presentation On Laparoscopic Apr, Masicon 2005, Nanded
- Video Presentation On Laparoscopic Pancreaticoduodenostomy, Masicon 2005, Nanded
- Best Poster Prize At Masicon 2005, Nanded For Persistent Vomitting
- Medical Registered member of the Maharashtra Medical Council (affiliated to the Indian Medical association) Regd. No. 071618
- Life Membership of AMASI No. 1785
- Life Membership of IAGES No. 2905
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MBBS, MD (Obstetrics and Gynaecology), Fellowship in Minimally invasive Gynaecological surgery, Fellowship in Reproductive Medicine
15 Years Experiance