Dr. Pratibha Shetty Dentist in Mumbai

Dr. Pratibha Shetty

Dentist, Mumbai



Dr. Pratibha Shetty is a renowned dentist practicing at Intact 32 The Dental Spa having an experience of 18+ years in this field. She has passed B.D.S. from Government Dental College and Hospital, Mumbai, the third best college in India. Having passed from government college has given her an exposure to a wide variety and number of patients with different treatment modalities. She is a member of the Indian Dental Association and the Indian Society of Oral Implantologist.

” I Am a dentist by profession and extremely passionate about my work.”


Proprietor , Intact 32 The Dental Spa , MUMBAI February, 2004 -  2024


  • Dentistry

  • Cosmetic Dentistry


Root canals Full mouth crown and bridge work Implants Aligners Cosmetic dentistry Smile design


BDS, 2002, Govt Dental College Mumbai , MUMBAI, India

Practice Information

Achievements & Contributions

  • Life membership of Indian Dental Association Life membership of Indian Society of oral implantologist