Dr. Prakash B Sonkusare Gastroenterologist in Nagpur

Dr. Prakash B Sonkusare

Gastroenterologist, Nagpur

MBBS, MD(Med), DNB(Gastro), MNAMS

  • 13 Years Experience
  • 1 Hospital


Dr Prakash B Sonkusare is a Gastroenterologist, Hepatologist and Therapeutic Endoscopist. He had done MBBS, MD(Medicine), DNB(Gastroenterology) , MNAMS. He had done his Superspeciality in Gastroenterology from Hyderabad under the guidance of world renowned Hepatologist and Liver Transplant Physicians and distinguished Gastroenterologist. He had been extensively trained under them in various Gastroenterology procedures. He had a vast experience of 250 liver transplants as a part of medical team for both pre and post-transplant management. Currently he is running his own clinic by GUTCARE clinic in Ramdaspeth, Nagpur and is a Constant Gastroenterologist at Suretech Hospital, KRIMS Hospital, Orange City Hospital and Swasthyam Superspeciality Hospital. His clinic is well equipped and is doing regularly all diagnostic and all major therapeutic Endoscopies. His center is also involved in various social activities and runs clinics at remote areas for the welfare of the needy and poor people. Dr Prakash Sonkusare is a very soft spoken person and bears a comforting and assuring nature.


  • Gastroenterology

  • Endoscopy

  • Gastrointestinal Medicine

  • Gastrology

  • Hepatology

  • Liver Hepatology

  • Liver Transplant

  • Piles


IBD (Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn's Disease) , IBS, GI Cancer, General Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Upper GI Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy, ERCP, PEG Insertion, Banding (EVL), Metallic Stenting for Cancer, Bile Duct Stones, Obstructive Jaundice, Ulcer Disease


MBBS , 2003, PDMMC, Amravati , Amravati, India

MD(Medicine), 2008, SRTRMCH, Ambajogai, , India

DNB(Gastroenterology), 2018, Global Hospitals, Hyderabad , Hyderabad , India

Practice Information

Dr. Prakash B Sonkusare Clinic, Nagpur

Dr. Prakash B Sonkusare Clinic, Nagpur

21, Central Bazar Road, Neeti Gaurav Complex "B" Wing, Gandhi bagh, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur, Maharashtra - 440010

Achievements & Contributions

  • Marathon pancreatitis
  • Teratment of severe Psuedomembranous Colitis with FMT

Patient Experience

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