Dr.P.M. Jagannath
Neuro Oncologist, Bangalore
- I have Assisted/Performed more then 450 neurosurgical Cases over the period of 5 years apart from the surgical exposure in General and Plastic surgery departments over a period of 6 months ( As per the DNB curriculum)
- Worked at St.Philomena's Hospital, Bangalore, from July 2007 to October 2007 as a Registrar
- Worked as Registrar — Neurosurgery ftom January 2008 till August 2008 at BGS Global Hospital, Kengeri, Bangalore
Neuro Oncology
- MBBS from At M.S. Ramaiah Medical College and Teaching Hospital
- Compulsory rotating internship (2001-2002)
- I month of training in Neurosurgery and Vascular surgery
- DNB Neurosurgery from At Manipal Hospital, Bangalore
Practice Information
HCG Ramaiah Cancer Centre, Bangalore
MSRIT Post, MSR Nagar, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560054
Achievements & Contributions
- Training Programme on -Health care of the Elderly People" For primary and secondary care physicians held oil 30-3 )1` October,2001 organised by W.H.O. in association with Ministry of health and MSRMC
- 39th National Conference of Indian Academy of Pediatrics held in Bangalore between 24"'-27"' Jan. 2002
- 13`h Indian and International Conference of Pediatric Neurosurgery, Bangalore, 2002.
- 5"' Annual Conference of Skull Base Surgery Society of India, Bangalore, September 5-6, 2003.
- 7th Annual conference of Indian Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 29"' & 30"' September, 2004.
- First National workshop on 'Coblation Disc Nucleoplasty'. Bangalore, 1st September 2005.
- Annual Conference of Indian society for Cerebrovascular Surgery, Bangalore, 2"d-4th September, 2005.
- The South India Hands-on Micro-Neurosurgery course, conducted at Ethicon Institute of Surgical Education, Chennai on 31" Jan.-2"d Feb. 2006 - Conducted by Dr.Nadia Khan (Zurich) and Ms.Roscmaric Frick (Zurich).
- Neurosurgery Update 2006 and Neuroendoscoi;, Workshop, at NIMHANS, Bangalore, 15th-17th April 2006.
- 55 1h Annual Conference of Neurological Society of India (Neurocon 2006), Madurai, 20th-23rd December 2006.
- Spine 2006. Jaipur September 2006.
- 9th Annual MI MS Microneurosurgery Workshop, All India Institute of Medical Sciences. New Delhi, 14"'- 15"' February 2007,
- Spine Course, 2007. Lumbar Spondylolisthesis. Bangalore, 20"' May. 2007.
- 11"' Annual Microneurosurgery Workshop, VHS, Chennai; 20"'-22"d September 2007.
- Pre-conference WENS Microsurgery & Endoscopy Skull Base Cadaver Hands-on Workshop, AIIMS, New Delhi; 24th-25th October, 2007.
- 9'h Annual conference – Skull Base society of India & International CME, ARMS New Delhi; 26"'-28h October,2007.
- 1" symposium on "CERVICAL SPONDYLOSIS – RECENT TRENDS" – On October 26"' 2008. ( Part of the organizing team)
- Associate member of Neurological Society of India (NSI) from 2006 till date
- Member of Bangalore Neurological Society from Jan 2009
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