Dr. Pattatheyil Arun
ENT and Head & Neck Surgeon, Kolkata
MBBS, DLO, MS (ENT), DNB (ENT), M.Ch (Head and Neck Oncology)
- 1 Hospital
ENT and Head & Neck Surgery
MBBS, 1995, Calicut Medical College, Kozhikode, India
DLO, 1998, Calicut University, India
MS (ENT), 1999, Calicut University, India
Practice Information
Tata Medical Center, Kolkata
New Town, 14 Mar (E-w), Rajarhat, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700156
Achievements & Contributions
- Phase II, randomized placebo-controlled trial of chemoprevention of oral premalignantlesions using Curcumin. Sponsored by Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India
- Effect of Topically applied turmeric/curcumin on hair growth when used in conjunctionwith Variable Pulse Light exposure in mice
- Open Label Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Topically Applied Curcumin versusStandard Treatment on Healing of Chronic Wounds
- Dr. C.A. Kurian Gold Medal for best paper at the Annual Conference of AOI, Malabar Branch inMay 1997
- Dr. Gopalakrishna Pillai Memorial Gold Medal for best paper at the annual conference ofOtolaryngologists of Kerala state. Nov 2004
- FHNO Gold Medal for the best free paper at the 4 th National Conference of the Foundation forHead and Neck Oncology, Hyderabad, India. Jan 2005
- Dr. P.A. Shah Junior Consultant Award for best paper at the National meet of ENT Surgeons ,India.January 2006
- Dr. C. Prabhakaran Gold Medal for best video presentation. Annual meeting of Otolaryngologistsof Kerala State. Sept 2006.
- Best Research Proposal Award: National Meeting of Foundation for Head and Neck Oncology InIndia. Oct 2009, Kochi.
- ‘Sure closure'-skin stretching system, our clinical experience. Subramania KI, Mohit S,Sasidharan PR, Abraham MK, Arun P, Kekatpure V. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery.200538(2) 132-137.
- Functional reconstruction of near total glossectomy defects using composite gastroomental-dynamic gracilis flaps. Sharma M, Iyer S, Kuriakose MA, Vijayaraghavan S, Arun P,Sudhir VR, Chatni SS, Sharan R. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2008 Aug 27. PMID:18760683.
- Bortezomib-induced apoptosis with limited clinical response is accompanied by inhibitionof canonical but not alternative nuclear factor-{kappa}B subunits in head and neck cancer.Allen C, Saigal K, Nottingham L, Arun P, Chen Z, Van Waes C. Clin Cancer Res. 2008 Jul1;14(13):4175-85. PMID: 18593997
- NF-kappa-B in carcinoma therapy and prevention. Brown M, Cohen J, Arun P, Chen Z, VanWaes C. Expert Opin Ther Targets. 2008 Sep;12(9):1109-22. PMID: 18694378
- Attenuated Transforming Growth Factor {beta} Signaling Promotes Nuclear Factor-{kappa}B Activation in Head and Neck Cancer. Cohen J, Chen Z, Lu SL, Yang XP, Arun P, Ehsanian R, Brown MS, Lu H, Yan B, Diallo O, Wang XJ, Van Waes. C Cancer Res. 2009 Apr15;69(8):3415-24. Epub 2009 Apr 7.
- Current and Potential Inflammation Targeted Therapies in Head and Neck Cancer. Wang F,Arun P. Freidman J, Chen Z, Van Waes. Curr Opin Pharmacol. 2009 Aug;9(4):389-95. Epub2009 Jun 29.
- CK2 modulation of NF-kappaB, TP53, and the malignant phenotype in head and neckcancer by anti-CK2 oligonucleotides in vitro or in vivo via sub-50-nm nanocapsules. BrownMS, Diallo O, Ehsanian R, Yang XP, Arun P, Lu H, Korman V, Unger G, Ahmed K. Chen Z, VanWaes C. Clin Cancer Res. 2010 Apr 15;16(8):2295-307. Epub 2010 Apr 6.
- YAP Dysregulation By Delta NP63-mediated Gene Repression Or PhosphorylationPromotes, Proliferation, Survival And Migration In Head And Neck Cancer. Ehsanian R,Brown M, Lu H, Yang XP, Arun P, Yan B, Duggal P, Chuang R, Sudol M, Chen Z, Van Waes C.Accepted for publication.
- HSP90 inhibition targets the dysregulated signaling network that drives proliferation andsurvival in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Jay Friedman, Stephanie Contag,Michael Hu, Christian Freudlsperger, Vishnu Kannabiran, Pattatheyil Arun, James Mitchell,Jamey Skillings, Nicolleta Brega,Julie Kan, Zhong Chen, Carter Van Waes. Manuscript inpreparation
- Life Member: Foundation of Head and Neck Oncology (India)
- Alumnus: Australia and Asia Pacific Clinical Oncology Research and Development Workshop,Brisbane.
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