Dr. Parag Rahatekar Cardiologist in Nagpur

Dr. Parag Rahatekar

Cardiologist, Nagpur


  • 13 Years Experience
  • 2 Hospitals


Dr Parag Rahatekar has completed MBBS from Government Medical College, Nagpur in 2011 and postgraduation MD (Medicine) from Grant Medical & JJ Hospital, Mumbai in 2015. He has also done DM (Cardiology) from Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) & Dr RML Hospital, New Delhi in 2019.
He is experienced in performing coronary and peripheral angiography. His areas of expertise include primary angioplasty, simple & complex angioplasty; pacemaker implantation, ICD & CRT; balloon valvuloplasty, transcatheter therapies(TAVI); paediatric cardiology; adult and paediatric echocardiocardiography, tran-oesophagal echocardiography and dobutamine stress echocardiography.
He is the receiver of Best Medicine Resident award at Grant Medical & JJ Hospital, Mumbai and is also a gold medalist in DM Cardiology. He has done a paper presentation on ” left main ostial compression by aneurysmal pulmonary artery” at National Interventional Council- Lucknow 2019 and was also selected among top 50 cardiologists of India for SCAI-AV Gandhi Award 2018, for best researches in Cardiology. He has completed a dissertation on “Comparative outcomes at 1 and 6 months in patients of NSTEMI undergoing complete vs target vessel revascularization”. He is a co-author in Atrial Fibrillation update – A textbook of Cardiology. He has also presented a dissertation paper in CSI-Delhi 2019 and has done 6 paper publications. He was awarded for best paper presentation at RSSDI Nashik and best poster at state level conference, Mumbai in 2014. He was also awarded short term studentship by ICMR, New Delhi for Medical Research.


Interventional Cardiologist , Yashoda Hospital , Secunderabad 2019 -  2020


  • Cardiology

  • Cardiac Critical Care

  • Cardiovascular Diabetology

  • Interventional Cardiology

  • Pediatric Cardiology


Radial route angioplasty Simple & Complex angioplasty Primary angioplasty Pacemaker implantation & care Valvular heart diseases Arrhythmia management Heart failure advanced treatment Hypertension & diabetes management


MBBS, 2011, Government Medical, Nagpur

MD (Medicine), 2015, Grant Medical & JJ Hospital, Mumbai

DM (Cardiology), 2019, PGIMER & Dr. RML Hospital, New Delhi

Practice Information

KIMS-Kingsway Hospitals, Nagpur

KIMS-Kingsway Hospitals, Nagpur

44 Kingsway, Near Kasturchand Park, Nagpur, Maharashtra - 440001

Anika Heart Care Centre, Nagpur

Anika Heart Care Centre, Nagpur

Mate chowk, Pratap Nagar, Nagpur, Maharashtra - 440022
