Dr. Padmaja Fertility Center, Bhongir
Near Prince Corner, Azad Road, Bhongir, Nalgonda, Telangana - 508116
- 2 Specialities
- Anesthesiology
- IVF & Infertility
- Advanced Imaging Techniques
- World Class Sterilization and infection control protocols, Operation Theatre, ICU, Inpatient Rooms
- Emergency Services - 24 hours, Pharmacy
- All the hospitals are equipped with state-of-the art world class equipments
- Ultra Modern ART Lab for IUI, IVF, ICSI procedures
- Nikon /Olympus Micro Manipulators & Microscopes
- Foolproof air cleaner systems
- Hormone Lab, Patholab, Pharmacy
- Mon - Sat: 09:00am - 02:00pm
05:00pm - 08:00pm