Dr.P.A. Mahesh
Pulmonologist, Mysore
MBBS, DTCD, DNB (Respiratory Diseases)
- 1 Hospital
Respiratory Allergic Diseases
MBBS, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, India
DTCD, Medical College, Trivandrum, India
DNB (Respiratory Diseases), Medical College, Trivandrum, India
Practice Information
Allergy Asthma & Chest Centre, Mysore
No 1397, 4th West Cross, Near Ballal Circle, Krishnamurthy Puram, Mysore, Karnataka - 570004
Achievements & Contributions
- Phase-III Global clinical trial on Rhinitis (Ongoing)
- Phase-III Global clinical trial on moderate to severe COPD patients (Ongoing)
- Phase-II Clinical Trial on moderate to severe persistent Allergic Asthma (Ongoing)
- Phase-III Clinical trial on COPD patients (Ongoing).
- Phase-III Clinical trial on COPD and a history of or at increased risk for cardiovascular disease (Ongoing)
- Phase-III Clinical trial on moderate to severe COPD patients (Ongoing).
- Phase-II Clinical trial on persistent asthma patients (Ongoing).
- Phase-II trial on Asthma (Feb 2004 to Jan 2005).
- Phase-III Clinical Research on COPD (Mar 2005 to May 2005).
- Phase-III Clinical Research on Asthma (June 2005 to Nov 2005).
- Phase-III trial on Asthma patients (June 2005 to Nov 2005).
- Phase-III trial on Asthma patients (Aug 2005 to Jan 2006).
- Phase-IV trial on Asthma patients (Feb 2006 to July 2006).
- Phase-III trial on Asthma patients (Aug 2006 to Dec 2006).
- Phase-IV trial on Asthma patients (Nov 2006 to Apr 2007)
- Phase-III Global clinical trial on COPD patient (Nov 2006 to Sep 2008)
- Phase-IV clinical trial on moderate to severe COPD patient (Nov 2007 to Dec 2008
- Phase-III clinical trial on mild to moderate COPD patient (Feb 2008 to Nov 2008)
- Therapeutic Equivalence study on mild to moderate Asthma patients (Jan 2008 to Apr 2008).
- Therapeutic Equivalence study on mild to moderate Asthma patients (Mar 2008 to May 2008).
- Phase-III clinical trial on moderate to severe COPD patient (May 2008 to July 2008).
- Phase-II Global clinical trial on mild to moderate Asthma patients (May 2008 to Jun 2008).
- Phase-II Global clinical trial on severe Asthma patients (Jul 2009 to Dec 2009)
- Inhalation behavior study on mild to moderate Asthma patients (Aug 2008 to Sep 2008)
- Phase-II Global clinical trial on mild to moderate Asthma patients (Dec 2009 to Jul 2010).
- Phase-III Global clinical trial on moderate to severe COPD patients (Dec 2009 to Nov 2010).
- Phase-III Global clinical trial on moderate to severe Asthma patients (Jun 2009 to Jun 2011)
- Phase-II Global clinical trial on mild to moderate Asthma patients (Feb 2010 to Jun 2011)
- Phase-III Global Clinical trial on moderate to severe COPD
- Phase-III Global Clinical trial on severe to very severe COPD.
- Phase-III Clinical trial on mild to moderate Asthma patients.
- Phase-IV Clinical Trial on Recurrent Respiratory Tract Infection Patients.
- Phase-III Global clinical trial on moderate to severe COPD patients.
- Bio Equivalence study on mild to moderate Asthma patients (Feb 2010 to Mar 2011).
- Phase-III Clinical trial on mild to moderate Asthma patients (Aug 2011 to Jan 2013).
- Phase-II Clinical trial on moderate to severe COPD patients (Aug 2011 to Oct 2012).
- Effectiveness of Different Inhaled Steroids. Its Bioavailability and Systemic Side Effects (Investigator at JSS Medical College). University Grants Commission, India.
- An investigation of the effects of favin, dolochosbifloruslectin and potato lectin on the cells of the immune system (Investigator). Department of Science and Technology, India.
- Quality of Life in Asthma patients receiving different long acting beta 2 agonists (Investigator). Federation of International Pharmacy, Netherlands.
- Prevalence of COPD and associated factors in rural population in India (Co-I). Indian Council of Medical Research, India.
- Prevalence of Asthma in adults in urban and rural population in Mysore (Co-I). Indian Council of Medical Research, India.
- The Prevalence, Basis and Cost of Food Allergy in Europe. “Europrevall†(As Pi – India). European Commission under Framework Programme 6.
- Immunological studies on pollen allergy (Co-I). University Grants Commission, India (Pi – Dr. Negi – JIPMER).
- A comprehensive screening of Adam 33 gene polymorphisms: relationship to asthma and airway obstruction (PI). Indian Council of Medical Research, India.
- Prevalence of COPD in Mysore and Exhaled Breath Condensate as an early biomarker for COPD (PI). Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India.
- Awarded Second Prize for the National Level Essay Writing Competition for postgraduates under the aegis of Indian Medical Association. Topic of essay was ‘Need For Geriatric Specialty in India’. 1996
- Honoured by the Rotary, Hunsur for Rendering Medical Social Service – July, 2001.
- Recipient of 'Young Scientist Award', 'Sundaramma Award' presented at 35th National Conference of The Indian College of Allergy, Asthma and Applied Immunology – Trivandrum. 2001
- Received Raju Award for the Best Research Paper by an Allergist for the year 2002 at the 36th National Conference of The Indian College of Allergy, Asthma and Applied Immunology – Chennai 2002.
- Received Travel Grant from The World Allergy Organization for the paper presented at Munich, Wao Congress 2005.
- Received Best Thematic Paper award for COPD at NAPCON (National conference of Chest Physicians), India held in November 2008, Chandigarh.
- International Presentation: Allergy Profile in patients with Urticaria. P K Vedanthan, P A Kushalappa, Amrutha D Holla, P A Mahesh. American College of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology. Nov. 3-8, 2000 Seattle, Washington, USA.
- International Presentation: Comparison of Allergy Profile among Urban, Semiurban and Rural Patients with Allergy in South India. Amrutha D Holla, P A Mahesh, P K Vedanthan, Prashanth D Holla. American College of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology. Nov 16-20, 2001 Orlando, Florida, USA.
- International Presentation: Influence of Endotoxin Exposure on Atopy and Asthma Prevalence in South India. P K Vedanthan, P A Mahesh, Amrutha D Holla, Rajesh Vedanthan, Ah Liu. AAAAI Conference, Mar 1-6, 2002 New York, USA.
- International Presentation: Autologous Serum Testing in Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria. P A Mahesh, P K Vedanthan, Amrutha D Holla, P A Kushalappa, Suhrutha D Holla. Third Congress on Allergy and Immunology, Malaysia. Jan 25-27,2002.
- International Presentation: Paradoxical Effect of Cow Dung Exposure on Childhood. Atopy in Rural and Urban Children in South India. P K Vedanthan, P A Mahesh, Amrutha D Holla, R Vedanthan, Ah Liu. AAAAI Conference, March 2003, Denver, USA.
- International Presentation: Clinical Significance of Autologous Serum Testing in Patients with Chronic Urticaria. P K Vedanthan, P A Mahesh, Amrutha D Holla, ASPEN Conference, July 2003.
- International Presentation: Predictive Effects of Autologous Serum Testing in the Management of Chronic Urticaria. P K Vedanthan, P A Mahesh, Amrutha D Holla, P A Kushalappa. AAAAI Conference, March 2004, San Francisco, USA.
- International Presentation: Comparison of Quality of Life in Asthmatic Patients Receiving Different Inhaled Steroids. P A Mahesh, Parthasarathy G, Sabin Thomas, Shilpa Palaksha. American Thoracic Society Conference, May 2004, Orlando, USA.
- International Presentation: Factors Predicting Medication Adherence in Patients Receiving Immunotherapy. P K Vedanthan, P A Mahesh, Amrutha D Holla, Giridhar B. ASPEN Meeting, July 2004.
- International Presentation: Comparison of Quality of life assessment in Asthmatic patients receiving fluticasone compared with equipotent doses of beclomethasone or budesonide. Vedanthan P K, Sabin Thomas, Gurumurthy Parthasarathi, Shilpa Palaksha, Jayaraj B S, Mahesh P A. American Thoracic Society, 2004.
- International Presentation: Secular trends in the prevalence of allergic rhinitis and asthma in Mysore. P A Mahesh, P K Vedanthan, Amrutha D Holla, Praveen. Trans Pacific Allergy and Immunology Society meeting, Nov, 2004.
- International Presentation: Feasibility of allergy practice in India. P A Mahesh. Workshop, International Update on Recent Advances in Asthma at JIPMER, Pondicherry, Jan 1, 2005.
- International Presentation: Long acting beta agonists and ics in Asthma. P A Mahesh. CME, International update organized by JIPMER Pondicherry, Jan 2, 2005.
- International Presentation: Baseline and transitional dyspnea indices as an outcome measure for asthma. P A Mahesh, Parthasarathy G, Sabin Thomas, Jayaraj B S. International Conference of Integrated Health Systems, Feb 25-26, 2005, Mysore.
- International Presentation: Is fluticasone superior to budesonide. Sabin Thomas, Parthasarathy G, P A Mahesh. International Conference of Integrated Health Systems, Feb 25-26, 2005, Mysore.
- International Presentation: Limitations of reversibility of fev1 during spirometry for the diagnosis of Asthma. P A Mahesh, Parthasarathy G, Sabin Thomas, Jayaraj B S, Vedanthan P K. World Allergy Congress, Munich 2005, June 26-July 1.
- International Presentation: Missing doses as a predictor of poor medication adherence in patients receiving specific immunotherapy. P A Mahesh, Vedanthan P K, Amrutha D H, Giridhar B H, Parthasarathy G. World Allergy Congress, Munich 2005, June 26-July 1.
- International Presentation: Comparative Pharmacoeconomic Analysis of Inhaled Corticosteroids with Salmeterol in Steroid Naive Persistent Asthma. P A Mahesh, G Parthasarathi, S Thomas, B S Jayaraj, P K Vedanthan. AAAAI meeting, Philadelphia, 2008.
- International Presentation: Clinical equivalence of two HFA formulations of salmeterolxinafoate in asthmatic patients using 12 hour serial spirometry. N Syed, S Balamurgan, P A Mahesh, C J Po, A Jakkanwar, N Sharma, S Chachad, S Purandare, A Sule, A Lulla. European Respiratory Society meeting, Vienna 2009.
- International Presentation: Prevalence of asthma and allergic rhinitis in children in urban Bangalore. Mahesh P A, Narasimhan R, Amrutha D H, Jayaraj B S, Prabhakar A K, Vedanthan P K. European Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, 2010, London.
- International Presentation: Prevalence of Food Allergy in India. Mahesh P A. Indo-UK workshop at London, September, 2011.
- Does Presence of Animals in the Home Increase the Risk of Sensitization to the Same Animals? Anusha Raj K, P A Mahesh, Amrutha D Holla, B S Jayaraj, Pudupakkam Vedanthan. American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, 2013.
- International Presentation: Serum Levels of IL-10, IL-17F and IL-33 in Patients with Asthma: A Case-Control Study. P A Mahesh, Sareh Jeromi, Amrutha D Holla, B S Jayaraj, Nallur B Ramachandra. European Respiratory Society Annual Congress, Munich, 2014.
- International Publication: Anaphylaxis caused by the Ingestion of Pomegranate, Identification of the Allergen as Mannitol. Venkatesh L Hegde, P A Mahesh, Yeldur P Venkatesh. Published 2002, Jan. Allergy and Clinical Immunology International. (Official Organ of The World Allergy Organisation).
- International Publication: Lower Prevalence of Atopy and Asthma in Rural. Children In India Is Associated With Animal Contact And Microbial Exposures. Vedanthan P K, Mahesh P A, Amrutha D H, Rajesh Vedanthan, Andy Liu. Annals of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, April 2006.
- International Publication: Potato lectin activates basophils and mast cells of atopic subjects by its interaction with core chitobiose of cell-bound non-specific immunoglobulin E. Pramod S N, Venkatesh Y P, Mahesh P A. ClinExpImmunol. 2007 Jun;148(3):391-401. Epub 2007 Mar 15.
- International Publication: Soluble Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 and E-selectin in Patients with Asthma Exacerbation. Mahdi Bijanzadeh, Nallur B Ramachandra, P A Mahesh, R Savitha, Vijay Kumar G S Pradep Kumar, B S Manjunath, B S Jayaraj. Lung 2009, Sep-Oct;187(5):315-20. Epub 2009 Aug 23.
- International Publication: Association of IL-4 and ADAM33 Gene Polymorphisms with Asthma in an Indian Population. Mahdi Bijanzadeh, Nallur B Ramachandra, P A Mahesh, R Savitha Mysore, Pradeep Kumar, B S Manjunath, B S Jayaraj. Lung 2009, 188 (5); 415-422 Epub 2010 June 4.
- International Publication: Dolichandroneplatycalyx: new entomophilous pollen – a report on pollen sensitization inallergic individuals. Mridula P A, Mahesh P A, Joseph, Agashe S N, Amrutha D Holla, Sitesh Roy, Vedanthan P K. American Journal of Rhinology and Allergy 2011, Jan-Feb; 25(1): e34-8
- International Publication: Serum levels of interleukin-13 and interferon-gamma from adult patients with asthma in Mysore. Davoodi P, P A Mahesh, Amrutha D Holla, G S Vijayakumar, B S Jayaraj, S Chandrashekar, Nallur B Ramachandra. Cytokine (2012), Nov;60(2):431-7.
- International Publication: Chronic Urticaria: Indian Context – challenges and treatment options. Sujoy Khan, Anirban Maitra, Pravin Hissaria, Sitesh Roy, Mahesh P A, Nalin Nag and Harpal Singh. Dermatology Research and Practice (accepted 2013).
- International Publication: Variation in the prevalence of chronic bronchitis among smokers: a cross-sectional study. Mahesh P A, Jayaraj B S, Chaya S K, Lokesh K S, McKay A J, Prabhakar A K. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. (accepted 2014).
- Member, Indian Chest Society.
- Member, Indian College of Allergy Asthma and Applied Immunology.
- Member, Indian Academy of Allergy.
- Member, Academy of Pulmonary and Critical Care.
- Member, Asthma Foundation of India.
- Member, Association of Physicians of India (Mysore chapter)
- Member, American Academy of Allergy Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI).
- Member, European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI)
- Member, European Respiratory Society (ERS).
- Member, American College of Chest Physicians
- International affiliate member, American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.
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