Dr.P. Raghu Ram Breast Surgeon in Hyderabad

Dr.P. Raghu Ram

Breast Surgeon, Hyderabad

MS, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Edin), FRCS (Glasg), FRCE (Irel), Hon. FRCS (Thailand), FACS

  • 34 Years Experience
  • 1 Hospital


Dr. P.Raghu Ram Breast is awarded Padma Shri for year 2015. He is one of the leading Breast Surgeons of India associated with KIMS, Hyderabad. He has a great vision & intense body of work at improving Breast Healthcare in India and equally for his unstinting contribution in promoting the highest standards of Surgical Education in India through his association with the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh & Royal College of Surgeons of England. He is an expert and successful with Breast Reconstruction and Breast Cancer. Dr. Raghu Ram is the CEO and director of Ushalakshmi Breast Cancer Foundation. He is specialized in Breast Cancer, Breast Pain, Breast Cysts, Fibroadenoma, Nipple Discharge and Duct Ectasia.
  • Languages : English, Telugu, Hindi


Director & Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon, KIMS-Ushalakshmi Centre for Breast Diseases, Hyderabad


  • Breast Surgery


  • Surgical Management of Early Breast Cancer
  • Sentinel Node Biopsy of Axillary Nodes
  • Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
  • Breast Reconstruction and Breast Cancer


  • Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon from Hyderabad (India)
  • Prestigious FRCS from all four Royal Colleges in British Isles – FRCS (England), FRCS (Edinburgh), FRCS (Glasgow) & FRCS (Ireland)

Practice Information

KIMS - Ushalakshmi Centre for Breast Diseases, Hyderabad

KIMS - Ushalakshmi Centre for Breast Diseases, Hyderabad

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences Ltd, Minister Road, Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500003


09:00 AM - 04:00 PM

Achievements & Contributions

  • Selected for Overseas Gold Medal by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (2013) – youngest ever in 500 years history of the oldest Surgical College in the World to be chosen for this honour in recognition of a decade’s unstinting contribution to the College & promoting the highest standards of Surgical Education in the Indian Subcontinent
  • Conferred FRCS without examination by the Royal College of Surgeons of England (2010). Amongst the few Surgeons in the World to have obtained FRCS from all Four Surgical Colleges in the British Isles – London, Edinburgh, Glasgow & Ireland.
  • Awarded Vishal Bharat Ugadi Puraskar by Delhi Telugu Academy on the occasion of Telugu New Year’s day (2011)
  • Awarded Visishta Ugadi Puraskar (State Award) by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh on the occasion of Telugu New year’s day in recognition of outstanding contribution made towards improving the delivery of Breast healthcare in the State (2010).
  • Featured in the Book ‘In pursuit of Passion’, which includes the profiles of 50 icons of change & inspiration from Andhra Pradesh (2010).
  • Served on the Board of Advocates, American Society of Breast Surgeons, the largest Society in the World that represents Breast Surgeons across America - FIRST & the ONLY Surgeon outside United States of America to have served on this high profile Committee (2009 - 2011).
  • Received Vocational excellence Award for distinguished service in the field of ‘Breast Oncology’, Rotary Club of Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad (2009)
  • Established Indian Subcontinent’s FIRST free standing, purpose built and comprehensive Centre for Breast Health (2007)
  • M.S – FIRST place, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore (1995)
  • Awarded Padma Shri for the year 2015
  • The driving force behind the formation of Association of Breast Surgeons of India (ABSI) as a Section of ASI. It is the very FIRST organization in the Country that exclusively represents Surgeons practicing Breast Surgery all over India – The Voice for Breast Surgery in India. Elected Founder Honorary Secretary, ABSI (2011)
  • Joint Editor, Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology (IJSO) – the Official publication of the Indian Association of Surgical Oncology - IASO (2010- 2014). Member, Executive Committee, IASO (2011 – 2012). Editorial Secretary, IASO (2009 – 2010) – introduced widely appreciated innovative changes to the structure, design & layout of the IASO Newsletter
  • Overseas Coordinator, ASI (2009 – 2012). Proposed and coordinated the formation of UK & Ireland Chapter of ASI – a historic move by the Association to bring together Surgeons of Indian origin and Honorary members of ASI living in the British Isles and encourage them to actively contribute in the academic activities of ASI
  • Overseas Coordinator, Indian Association of Surgical Oncology – IASO (2005 – 2008). Instrumental in bridging closer relationship between IASO and British Association of Surgical Oncology (BASO)
  • Organised National & International Conferences, delivered Orations, Invited/Guest Lectures, moderated Symposia/Panel Discussions at Local, Regional, National & International Conferences (2000 – 2012)
  • Contributed EIGHT Chapters in Two Text Books of Surgery & a Chapter in ‘Recent advances in Surgery’- a popular series edited by I. Taylor & C.D. Johnson. Published in peer reviewed National and international Journals
  • Convenor – Overseas FRCS & MRCS Courses held by Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh (RCS Ed) in Hyderabad (2000 to date). Successfully organized TEN Courses in India – HIGHEST NUMBER of Courses ever to be held by RCS Ed outside United Kingdom. Well over 1500 Surgeons from all over India and abroad attended these Courses and many of them have now passed the FRCS & MRCS Examinations
  • Convenor, Intercollegiate MRCS Examination, Hyderabad (2008, 2010 & 2012) – Responsible for making Hyderabad a Centre for MRCS Examination - FIRST time in the 500 years history of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh for the Examination to be held in Andhra Pradesh
  • Member Executive Committee of Indian Association of Surgical Oncology.