Dr.N.K. Panigrahi
Cardiologist, Visakhapatnam
- 30 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Senior Consultation and Interventional Cardiologist, Apollo Hospital, Visakhapatnam, India
- Performed individually more than 6000 coronary angiography, 3000, Coronary angioplasty and stenting including non coronary interventions like, Renal carotid, and peripheral stenting; Rotational atherectomy, Valvuloplasty (Mitral, pulmonary, Aortic); Coarctoplasty, Coil embolisation, IVC filter implantation, Device closure for ASD and PDA, Pacemaker, CRT, ICD, Implantation
- Performed more than 3000 Radial angiography and 1200 Radial PCI
- First Operator in Primary PCI programme (Including transradial) in more than 200 cases including patient with Cardiogenic shock requiring IABP and ventilatory support
- Individually performed 20,000 echocardiography and 10,000 TMT. (Paediatric and Adult)
- Languages : English, Hindi, Oriya
- Interventional Cardiology
- MBBS from V.S.S. Medical College, Sambalpur University,1986
- MD (Medicine) from S.C.B. Medical College, Utkal University,1990
- DM (Cardiology) from S.C.B. Medical College, Utkal University, 1994
- Fellow, Indian College of Cardiology
- Fellow, Cardiological society of India
Practice Information
Apollo Hospitals, Vizag
Waltair Main Road, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh - 530002
Achievements & Contributions
- Conference Participation:Faculty and Presenter,Annual Conferrence ,Indian College Of Cardiology,2011,Kolkotta & 2001 Bhubaneswar
- Faculty and Presenter,Annual Conferrence,Cardiological Society of India,
- Andhra Pradesh state Chapter,2011,2012
- Faculty and Presenter,Cadiological Society of India (Odisha state Chapter) in 2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2011,2012
- Faculty,Panelist TCT Asia Pacific at Seol, South Korea, 2011
- Faculty,Panelist India Live at Mumbai, India, 2011
- Faculty,Panelist Complex Coronary Intervention (CCT), Kobe, Japan 2008
- Faculty, Trans Radial Intervention, Kochi, India 2009
- Faculty,Chairperson, Heart Failure Summit, Hyderabad, 2010
- Presenter: in “ Challenging case forum” in TCT,USA, Sanfrancsisco 2009, “ Recipient of BEST CASE AWARD”
- Presenter: in Annual National Interventional Council of India in 2008 (Chennai), 2010 (Kolkotta).
- Chair Person: Indo French Conference , Hyderabad 1999, Cardiological society of India, Chennai, 2008. Indian college of Cardiology 2007, Trans Radial summit, Kochi, 2009,Heart Failure Summit, Hyderabad,2010.
- Speaker in Annual conference of Indian college of Echocardiography 2008,
- Speaker,Annual Conferrence, Associations of physcians of India (Odisha chapter) in 2007,2008,2009, 2012.
- Speaker,Annual Conferrence Indian Association of Paediatricians (Odisha Chapter) 2006
- Speaker,Annual Conferrence, Indian Medical Association(odisha Chapter) 2006
- Speaker,All India Steel Doctors Meet, EAST ZONE OF India
- Speaker, All India Railways Doctors meet.2007
- Participant: Euro- PCR, Paris 2004, TCT, Washington 2007; TCT – Sanfrancsisco 2009, Singapore meet 2002, ACS meet at Cairo, Egypt 2008, Atherosclerotic meet Sanghai, China, 2009.Complex Coronary Intervention ,Kobe ,Japan,2008.
- Speaker and Presenter ,Vizag Live 2010, Speaker ,Vizag heart club 2007,2008.2010,
- Speaker , Vizag Hrudaya 2011. Vizag Rhythm 2010
- Best graduate in M.B.B.S and Reciepient of Khurseed Banu Gold medal
- Honours in Anatomy
- Six Gold medals in M,B.B.S (Gold medals for Best graduate, for highest marks in Medicine, Surgery, Pathology, Medicine & Surgery combined and Ophthalmology).
- Pifer award winner for best outgoing medical graduate of University in Odisha and Pfizer Medallion in MEDICINE as Post-graduate Medical award
- National Rural Talent search scholarship from Government of India.
- Merit Scholarship from Government of Odisha.
- Merit Scholarship in MBBS.
- Achievements published in APOLL EXCELLENCE REPORT 2011
- Publications:Chairman Scientific Committee VIZAG LIVE 2010,Visakhapatnam
- Organising Seccretary , RHYTHM 2010,Visakhapatnam
- Scretary, Vizag Heart Club 2011-2012
- Member Scientific Committee,HRUDAYA 2011
- PUBLISHED PAPERS IN PEER REVIEWED JOURNALSSai Krishna C, Baruah DK,Reddy GV, Panigrahi NK, Suman K, Kumar PV: Aorta-right atrial tunnel.:Tex Heart Inst J. 2010;37(4):480-2.
- Sai Krishna C, Reddy GV, Debta M, Panigrahi NK.Tetralogy of Fallot with rheumatic mitral stenosis: A case report.J Med Case Reports. 2008 Apr 28;2:127.
- Sai Krishna C, Ramesh Babu V, Ram Mohan K, Panigrahi NK, Naresh Kumar PV.Right ventricular perforation induced by transvenous pacing lead:Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann. 2008 Apr;16(2)183-4
- Sai Krishna C, Naresh Kumar PV, Panigrahi NK, Suman K:Submitral aneurysm with left atrial communication.Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2007 Sep;32(3):547-9.
- Baruah DK, Panigrahi NK, Srinivas AN.Concurrent coronary, bilateral iliac and left renal artery direct stenting.Indian Heart J. 2003 Jan-Feb;55(1):71-4.
- Rath PC, Tripathy MP, Panigrahi NK, Agarwal R, Rao PS, Chandra KS, Singh S, Deb T, Agarwal S, Mannam G, Dixit V.Elective coronary artery stenting--immediate and follow up results.J Assoc Physicians India. 1998 Mar;46(3):263-7.
- Rath PC, Agarwala MK, Das NK, Deb T, Kumar KP, Panigrahi NK.Coronary stenting without pre-dilatation: an observational study.Indian Heart J. 2000 Jan-Feb;52(1):45-9.
- Rath PC, Panigrahi NK.The Use of Abciximab in the Treatment of Subacute Stent Thrombosis. J Invasive Cardiol. 1998 Nov;10(9):558-560.
- Rath PC, Panigrahi NK, Agarwala MK, Das NK, Venkatesvaralu R.Coil Embolization of a Giant Atherosclerotic Coronary Artery Aneurysm.J Invasive Cardiol. 1999 Sep;11(9):559-62.
- Rath PC, Tripathy MP, Panigrahi NK, Das NK, Venkateswarlu R.Successful coil embolization and follow-up result of a complex pulmonary arterio-venous fistula. J.Invasive Cardiol. 1999 Feb;11(2):83-6.
- Panigrahi NK, Panda RS, Panda S.Tricuspid valve endocarditis following elective abortion. Indian J Chest Dis Allied Sci. 1998 Jan-Mar;40(1):69-72
- Rath PC, Agarwal MK, Das NK, Deb T, Kumar KP, Panigrahi NK; Coronary Stenting without predilatation. An observational study. Indian Heart Journal; 2000; 52; 45-49.
- Rath RN, Panigrahi NK, Das BK, Das PK.Lipid peroxidation in acute falciparum malaria. Indian Journal of Medical.Research. 1991 Sep;93:303-5.
- TEXT BOOK CHAPTERS & INVITED ARTICLESRath P.C.,Panigrahi N.K.,Stennting in coronary artery disease— Present stasus and future development.(In) Text Book of Medicine Update;DAS A.K. (ed) 1998;8;345-346.
- Rath P.C., Panigrahi N.K.,Pathophysiology and Management of Resistant Heart failure ;Asian Journal of Clinical Cardiology.1998;1 (3);42-44.
- PUBLISHED ABSTRACTSPanigrahi N.K., Mishra TK, Pattnaik UK, Satpathy M: Relation of left ventricular mass & plasma insulin in essential hypertension, Indian Heart Journal: 1996:48, 509. (Abstract)
- Mishra TK, Panigrahi N.K. Rath PK, Pattnaik UK, Satpathy M: Out come following closed mitral commissurotomy in patients of mitral stenosis with left ventricular dysfunction. Indian Heart Journal: 1996: 48, 518. (Abstract)
- Rath PK, Pattnaik UK, Panigrahi NK, Mishra TK, Satpathy M; QT depression in essential hypertension. Indian Heart Journal; 1996; 48, 509
- Rath PC, Panigrahi NK , Agarwal R; Elective stenting with BARD-XT stent- Early experience, Indian Heart Journal, 1997; 49, 647.
- Rath PC, Panigrahi NK, Srinivas R; Stenting without predilatation. Indian Heart Journal; 1998; 50, 634. ( Abstract)
- Rath PC, Panigrahi NK, Deb. T , Chandra S,Rao PS,Kumar S; Stent through stent; Indian Heart Journal; 1998; 50, 634. (Abstract)
- Rath PC, Panigrahi NK, Janardhan V; Percutaneous transmyocardial laser revascularization (PTMR)- Initial experience. Indian Heart Journal; 1998; 50,676 (Abstract)
- Rath PC, Panigrahi NK, Rao PS et al; Abciximab in treatment of Subacute Stent thrombosis. Indian Heart Journal; 1998; 50, 669. (Abstract)
- Rao PS, Shiva Kumar, Pramod, Rath PC, Chandra S, Deb T, Dixit V, Panigrahi NK. Coronary Interventions in Post – CABG Patients. Indian Heart Journal; 1998; 50, 635. (Abstract)
- Panigrahi NK, Baruah DK, Srinivas AN, Abbayi S, Angigraphic profile of coronary artery disease in Indian women. Indian Heart Journal 2000; 52; 716 (Abstract)
- Baruah DK, Srinivas M, Panigrahi NK, Percutaneous transluminal coronary Angioplasty and Stenting with Drug eluting Stent and follow up Single centre experience of Pronova drug eluting stent; Indian Heart Journal 2005; 57; 433.(Abstract)
- Baruah DK, Farooqui A, Abbayi S, Srinivas AN, Panigrahi NK, Emergency CABG and ventricular septal defect closure in Acute myocardial Infarction with cardiogenic shock Indian Heart Journal. 2000; 52; 760. (Abstract)
- Baruah DK, Panigrahi NK, Immediate outcome of peripheral vascular intervention. Indian Heart Journal institutional review. Indian Heart Journal 2005; 57; 545-546.
- Panigrahi NK, Baruah DK, Debta SM, Reddy GV, Acute myocardial infraction with cardiogenic shock- Percutaneous Coronary Intervention with Intra Iotic Balloon Pump and Venilators support. Indian Heart Journal. 2006; 58; 421-422 (Abstract).
- Panigrahi NK,Baruah DK:Incidence and Predioctors of Stent Edge Dissection During PCI – 5 year single center experience.Indian Heart Journal 2008,60(5),155(Abstract ).
- Panigrahi NK ,Baruah DK ; Efficacy of Intracoronary bolus Eptifibatide In patients with STEMI underghoing Primary PCI and Mechanical Thrombus aspiration. Indian Heart Journal 2008:60(5),184.(Abstract ).
- Baruah DK,Panigrahi NK :Outcome of Primary Thrombosuction In acute Myocardial infarction Using export cather.Indian Heart Journal:2008;60(5);171.
- Baruah DK,Panigrahi NK :Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention- A Single Center Experience. Indian Heart Journal:2008;60(5);222.
- Panigrahi N K ,Baruah DK,Menon J : Randomised, head-to-head comparative trial of four spamolytic drugs in predicting radial artery spasm during trans radial coronary procedures: Indian Heart Journal ,2010; (Abstact no 0331)
- Panigrahi N K ,Baruah DK,Menon J:Incidence and Technical predictors of radial artery spasm during trans radial coronary procedures: Indian Heart Journal ,2010 (abstract 329).
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