Dr. Nitin Maheshwari
Pediatric Neurologist, Gurgaon
- Has received higher specialist training in “Paediatric Neurology†at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford and certified to work as a consultant with National Health Services in United Kingdom.
Pediatric Neurology
- Paediatric epilepsy
- Neuro-degerative and neuro-metabolic conditions
- Autistic spectrum disorder
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Neuromuscular conditions
- Paediatric headache and movement disorder
- Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS) from Jiwaji University, Gwalior, India
- Doctor of Medicine (M.D., Paediatrics) from NSCB Medical College, Jabalpur, India
- MRCPCH from Royal college of Paediatrics & Child Health, London
- Certificate of completion of specialist training (CCT) from Oxford deanery, Oxford, UK
Practice Information
Achievements & Contributions
- James Flett gold medal for best research paper in India (2001): awarded by Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP)
- Best medical student of Madhya Pradesh state (1996): awarded by Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- B Nagraj gold medal for medical student with outstanding general proficiency, G R Medical College, Gwalior, 1996
- Dr. Pankaj Tiwari gold medal for best boy medical student, GR Medical College, Gwalior, 1996
- Dr. K W Hazratji gold medal for first rank in Medicine, GR Medical College, Gwalior, 1996
- Dr. BK Dhir gold medal for first rank in combined medicine and ophthalmology, GR Medical College, Gwalior, 1996
- Dr. VC Dubey gold medal for first rank in Ophthalmology, GR Medical College, Gwalior, 1995
- PublicationsJaypal S, Maheshwari Nitin. Topiramate for chronic migraine in chiIdren. Arch Dis Child, 2011 (Epub ahead of print)
- Maheshwari Nitin. Is ketogenic diet effective in treatment of difficult childhood epilepsies? Arch Dis Child 2010; 95:560-5623. Anand G, Maheshwari N, Jayawant S. X-linked Hereditory Motor sensory neuropathy (Type 1) presenting with stroke like episode Dev Med Child Neurol. 2010 Jul; 52(7):677-9
- Maheshwari N, Shefler A. E. Cloacae: an “ICU bug” causing community acquired rapidly progressive neonatal meningo-encephalitis. Eur J Pediatr, 2009 April; 168 (4): 503-505
- Maheshwari Nitin, Zaiwalla Z, McShane MA. Management of infantile spasms in a regional centre before and after the United Kingdom Infantile Spasms Study (UKISS). Arch Dis Child, 2008 May; 93(5):448
- Maheshwari N, Gupta M. Use of melatonin for recording sleep EEGs: a review of current evidence Developmental medicine & child neurology supplement No 1 January 2010 Vol. 52
- Maheshwari N, Jaywant S, Baxter P. Pyridoxine in treatment of dopa non-responsive dystonia: a case report Developmental medicine & child neurology Supplement No 112 January 2008 Vol. 50
- Maheshwari Nitin. Are young infants treated with erythromycin at risk for developing hypertrophic pyloric stenosis? Arch Dis Child. 2007 Mar; 92(3):271-3.
- Maheshwari Nitin. How useful is C-reactive protein in detecting occult bacterial infection in young children with fever without apparent focus? Arch Dis Child, 2006 Jun; 91: 533-535.
- Maheshwari Nitin. In a febrile child, how useful C-RP is in differentiating between acute bacterial and viral otitis media? www.bestbets.org/cgi-bin/bets.pl?record=00580
- Maheshwari Nitin. Do Leukotriene receptor antagonists reduce clinical severity in acute bronchiolitis? www.bestbets.org/cgi-bin/bets.pl?record=00791
- Books Recent Manual on PLAB (ISBN:81-7179-857-8).
- Dr. Maheshwari is currently writing a book: "A Handbook of Paediatric Epilepsies".
- European Paediatric Neurology Society
- Royal college of Paediatrics and Child health (RCPCH), London
- General Medical Council (GMC), London
- International Child Neurology Association (ICNA)
- International league against Epilepsy (ILAE, UK chapter)
- British Medical Association (BMA)
- UK Paediatrics Research Society
- Indian Academy of Paediatrics (IAP), India
- Medical council of India, New Delhi, India
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25 Years Experiance
MBBS, DNB (Pediatrics)