Dr. Neela Baheti
Reproductive Medicine Specialist, Jaipur
- Specialist in Reproductive Medicine and has been practicing in Jaipur since 1999
- She is the Director of ML Baheti Hospital at Kota and Programme Director, IVF unit Baheti hospital and Centre of Reproductive Health care, Jaipur
- She also has extensive experience in IVF and latest microsurgical techniques for reversing tubal and vasal sterilization
- Apart from her long standing experience of medical practice in India from 1982 till this date
- Worked abroad as Consultant in Dept of Obstetrics/Gynaecology., King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Riyadh in Saudi Arabia and also at International Hospital Bahrain
- Her Special achievements are establishment of the first Colposcopy Clinic in Rajasthan in 1982
- Starting the first ART Centre in South East Rajasthan in 1990
Reproductive Medicine
- Recurrent pregnancy loss
- Endometriosis
- Fibroids
- Reproductive health problems
- Reproductive Medicine
- Care of high-risk pregnancies
- Preventive Gyneacological oncology
- Trained in India as General Surgeon
- Post-graduation in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in UK
- Membership of RCOG, London in 1981 and was awarded Fellowship of Royal College in 1995
- Training in Assisted Reproduction Technology at National University Hospital -Singapore, Sydney IVF Centre-Australia, NURTURE - Nottingham University Hospital, and at St Mary’s Hospital, Manchester, UK
Practice Information
Baheti Hospital, Jaipur
14, Usha Colony, Malviya Nagar Main Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302017
Achievements & Contributions
- Membership of RCOG, London in 1981 and was awarded Fellowship of Royal College in 1995
- She holds membership of ASRM (American Society for Reproductive Medicine)
- FOGSI(Federation of Obtetrics & Gynaecologists Society of India)
- ISAR (Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction)
- IAHR (Indian Association for Human Reproduction)
- IAGE (Indian Association of Gynaecological Endoscopists)
- Ethical Committee of Mahaveer Cancer Hospital
- Jaipur and Kota Cancer Society
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MBBS, MD, Fellowship in Infertility, FMAS
19 Years Experiance