Dr. Navneetha
Pediatric Cardiologist, Tiruvallur
Pediatric Cardiology
- Paediatrics Cardiac Anaesthesia
- Low Flow Anaesthesia
- Paediatric Intensive Cardiac Care Unite
- Emergency Medicine, Airway & Heamodynamic stabilization
- MD (Paediatrics) from Bhopal Medical College
- DM (Cardiology) from Sion Medical College, Mumbai
Practice Information
Pushpagiri Medical College Hospital (PMCH), Kochi
Pushpagiri Buildings, Kochi, Kerala - 689101
Achievements & Contributions
- Low fresh gas flow in Semi-closed circuit in Cardiac Surgery.
- Ketamine as a pre-emptive analgesia in Paediatric Cardiac Surgery
- Role of MgSO4 in Peri-operative Arrhythmia in Adult Cardiac Surgery
- Opioid Sparing Agents in managing Post-operative Pain
- Participating in Public Awareness Program related in Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation
- Best outgoing student from Aleppy Medical college
- “Saudi Journal of Anaesthesia (SJA) ”; Symptomatic sinus bradycardia: A rare adverse effect of intravenous ondansetron. Moazzam MS, Nasreen F, Bano S, Amir SH; Saudi J Anaesth 2011;5:96-7
- “Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology (JOACP)”.Evaluation of intubating conditions after Rocuronium Bromide in adults induced with Propofol or Thiopentone Sodium. Moazzam Md Shahnawaz, Bano Shahjahan, Siddiqui Sohail Sarwar; Journal of Anaesthesiology Clinical Pharmacology 2011; 27(2): 216-19
- “2008 Free Poster Competition Winner”; in 4th Annual INDO-US Emergency Medicine summit-2008, Mangalore
- “2008 Clinico Pathological Case (CPC) Competition Runner”; in 4th Annual INDO-US Emergency Medicine summit-2008, Mangalore.
- World Anaesthesia Day-2002 Quiz Competition on “Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation”, declared as WINNER during my Undergraduate study: organized by Department of Anaesthesiology, JNMCH, AMU, Aligarh
- Scientific Paper Presented in ISACON-2007, 55th Annual Conference & Diamond Jubilee Celebration of Indian Society of Anaesthesiology: Title of the paper--- Evaluation of intubating conditions at 60 sec using rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg with two different induction agents
- Scientific Paper Presented in UPISACON-2007 29th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiology- UP Chapter: Title of the paper--- Correlation of paralysis in adductor pollicis muscle with intubating conditions at 60 sec using rocuronium 0.6 mg/kg with two different induction agents
- Scientific Paper Presented in UPISACON-2006, 28th Annual Conference of Indian Society of Anaesthesiology- UP Chapter: Title of paper---- A comparative study of postoperative residual neuromuscular blockade with vecuronium & atracurium using TOFR & it’s correlation with clinical sign of recovery
- Have worked on Clinical research under supervisor during post graduation on following topic: “Evaluation of satisfactory intubation conditions after Rocuronium Bromide in adults anaesthetized with Propofol or Thiopentone Sodium”
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