Dr. Murtaza Akhtar
General Surgeon, Nagpur
- Dr. Murtaza Akhtar is a Consultant at Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur
- Dr. Murtaza Akhtar is a Professor & Head of the Department of Surgery NKPSIMS
- Director, Clinical Epidemiology Unit, (INCLEN Inc. USA, Funded) Govt. Medical College, Nagpur
- Chairman/Member of Medical Record Committee, Purchase Committee, Student Grievance Committee, Library Committee, Student Welfare & Social Gathering, NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences
- Chairman Registration Committee, USICON 2001, MASICON 2003, NIMACON 2006
- Chairman Workshop Committee, NASICON 2005
- Vice Organising Secretary Hernia Update 2007
- Unit Head of Surgical Unit and Burns Unit
- Post Graduate Research guide for M.S. and PhD (Gen. Surgery) Nagpur, University/MUHS Nashik
- Examiner/Moderator in Gen. Surgery for BDS, MBBS & MS Nagpur University, Marathwada University & Amravati University, Gujrat University, MUHS, Nashik
- Honorary Surgeon for Cancer Society of India, Vidharbha Region
- Designed Teaching Modules for Distance Learning, for Postgraduate studies, University of Newcastle, Australia
- Member, Indian Medical Mission for Haj 1994 to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. A deputation by Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India & Awarded Commendation for excellent work
- Coordinator, Institutional Review Board Indiaclen: 2010-12
- Languages : English, Hindi, Marathi, Urdu, Arabic
General Surgery
- MBBS from Nagpur University in 1977
- MS from Nagpur University in 1981
- Master of Medical Science. Clinical epidemiology and biostatistics. University of Newcastle, Australia in 1996
- Fellow of Minimum Access Surgery (FMAS) in 2008
- Fellow of Indian Association of Surgeons (FAIS) in 2010
Practice Information

NKP Salve Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Centre And Lata Mangeshkar Hospital, Nagpur
Hingna Road, Digdoh Hills, Nagpur, Maharashtra - 440019
Achievements & Contributions
- “Erythema Induratum”, a case Report “Ind. Jour. of Surgery. 52 (1) 39.1990
- “Role of Trace Elements and Urinary Citrate in Urolithiasis” Ind. Jour of Surgery 55 (12) 615-618.1993. (Awarded best research paper, Gold Medal.)
- “Emergency or Interval Appedicectomy in Appendicular Mass” Current Medical Trends.2001;5:953-56
- Tumoral Calcinosis. A case series of six cases with literature review. Current Medical Trends.2002; 5:1013-17
- Aloe Vera extract in management of Burn wounds. Current Medical Trends 2002;6:1071-77
- Predictors of accurate diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis. Current Medical Trends. 2002;6:1188-92
- Transverse Testicular Ectopia. Current Medical trends 2002;6:1269-72
- Prevention of Translocation of Intestinal bacteria by early oral feeding in Burns. Current Medical trends 2003;7:1412-16
- Amyand’s Hernia case report. Ind. Jour. of Surgery. 2007:69:1:17-18
- Metaplastic carcinoma breast (Carcino-sarcoma variant): a case report J Pathol Microbiol 2007;50(2) 396-98
- Is locally advanced carcinoma of Breast a neglected disease? Indian Journal of Cancer, Oct - Dec 2011, Volume 48, Issue 4
- NATIONALBurns in children” paper at ASICON 82 (Mah. Chapter, NAGPUR)
- “Chronic Vague Abdominal pain“Paper at ASICON 82 Bombay
- “Burns in Children” a critical review ASICON 88 at New Delhi
- “Male Infertility” a review ASICON 88 at New Delhi Dec 1988
- “Burns during pregnancy - Maternal & Foetal Prognosis” at 35th All India Obstetric & Gynaecological Congress 91 at Madras, India Jan 1991
- “Research strategies in data collection” symposium on surgical Epidemiology 51st ASICON 91 at Hyderabad, India Dec. 1991
- “Burns causes & associated factors at Nagpur” INDIACLEN II at Lucknow, India in Sept. 1991
- Burns in pregnancy – “Effect on foetal outcome”. INDIACLEN III Conf. New Delhi, India, Oct. 1992
- “Etiological factors & management in Carcinoma of the urinary Bladder” IASO MIDCON, Nagpur Sept. 92
- “Carcinoma of Urinary Bladder: Risk factors & management” ASICON 92, Calcutta
- “Emergency or Interval Appedicectomy in Appendicular Mass” INDIACLEN VI at Kodaikanal, Sept. 1995
- Study of Carcinoma Breast in rural population IRSICON 2008 Sewagram. Nov 2008
- INTERNATIONAL“Clam Ileo-cystoplasty” Paper presented at London Urodynamics Society, London UK Nov. 1988
- “Burns, causes & associated factors at Nagpur” INCLEN x Conf. at Bali, Indonesia Jan. 1992
- “Predictors of Survival in Non Traumatic Ileal Perforations with peritonitis” INCLEN XI at Cairo, Egypt, Jan, 1993
- “Thermal Injury during Pregnancy: Effect on fetal outcome” INCLEN XI at Cairo, Egypt, Jan, 1993
- “Role of prophylactic H2 Blockers (Ranitidine) & Antacid in lowering gastric pH and decreasing occurrence of GIT bleeding in major Burns Patients.” INCLEN XII Conf. Changmai, Thailand 1994
- “Predictors of survival and sequelae in paediatric Head Injury” INCLEN XII Conf. Changmai, Thailand, 1994
- “Efficacy of Aloe Vera extract cream in management of Burn wounds. “At INCLEN XIII conference, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, Jan. 1996
- Life member of INDIACLEN
- Life Member, Association of Surgeons of India
- Fellow of INDIACLEN
- Life member Burns Association of India
- Life member, Indian Association of Surgical Oncology
- Fellow of Minimal Access surgeons of India (2007)
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