Dr. Mukul Goyal
Oncologist, Jaipur
DM (Medical Oncology), MD (General Medicine), ECMO
- 14 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals
- Languages : English, Hindi
Oncologist, Apex Hospital, Jaipur
MBBS, 2003, Ravindra Nath Tagore Medical College, Udaipur, India
MD (General Medicine), 2007, SMS Medical College, Jaipur, India
DM (Medical Oncology), 2011, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, Bangalore, India
ESMO, 2012, European Society of Medical Oncology, Vienna
Practice Information
Asian Cancer Research Institute, Jaipur
Metro Mas Hospital, Shipra Path, Near Technology Park, Shanthi Nagar, Mansarovar, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302017
10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Dr. Goyal's Clinic, Jaipur
C-10, Nityanand Nagar, Gandhi Path, Queen's Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan - 302021
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Achievements & Contributions
- Principal Investigator: A Phase III study of XXX plus YYY versus YYY alone in patients with advanced breast cancer previously treated with resistant to an anthracycline and who are taxane resistant
- Principal Investigator: A randomised double-blind placebo controlled study to evaluate the long term safety & efficacy of XXX administration at 500mcg once every 3 weeks in anaemic subjects with advanced stage non small cell cancer receiving multi-cycle chemotherapy
- Principal Investigator: A randomised double-blind placebo controlled Phase III study to assess the safety & efficacy of weekly XXX in combination with carboplatin and taxane in subjects with platinum sensitive ovarian cancer in first relapse
- Principal Investigator: A Phase III multi-centre open label study to evaluate the efficacy and the safety of drug XXX in chronic ITP
- Principal Investigator: An international, randomised double-blinded Phase III efficacy study of XXX versus placebo in subjects with unresectable locally advanced or metastatic medullary thyroid cancer
- A Phase 3 randomised multi-centre open-label study to compare XXX to YYY in subject with advanced renal cell carcinoma
- A Phase 3 randomised open-label two arm study of XXX Plus YYY versus ZZZ plus YYY as first line treatment for Erb2 positive locally recurrent or mets breast cancer
- A randomised multi-centre open-label Phase 3 study to compare the efficacy & safety of XXX and YYY in subject with previously treated , wild type Kras, metastatic colorectal cancer
- An international, multi-centre, randomised double-blinded study of XXX or placebo in combination with YYY in patients with multiple myeloma
- A Phase 3 randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study for oral XXX in addition to best supportive care in patients with non-small cell lung cancer who have failed two or more prior treatment regimens
- Best Paper Award. ICC 2011. Bhubaneswar
- First Prize. Quiz – CME in haemato–oncology. Mazumdar Shaw Cancer Centre and Narayana Hrudayalaya Multispeciality Hospital, Bangalore
- Reactive perforating collagenosis. Yadav MK, Sangal BC, Bhargav P, Jai PR, Goyal M. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. Jan-Mar 2009; 52(1):106-7
- Turbid serum in a patient of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia on treatment – what to look for? Singh T, Satheesh CT, Madhumathi DS, Goyal M, Rajeev LK, Lakshmaiah KC, Suresh TM, Babu KG. J Cancer Res Ther. Jul-Sep 2009; 5 (3): 219- 20. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. Jan-Mar 2009; 52(1): 106-7
- Circadian rhythm of peak expiratory flow rate in healthy north Indian men. Goyal M, Goel A, Kumar P, Bajpal M, Verma NS, Kant S, Tiwari S. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol. Jan–Mar 2008, 52(1):64-8
- Imatinib resistance mutation analysis pattern in chronic myeloid leukaemia (CML) patients on Imatinib in Indian population. Mukul Goyal, KC Lakshmaiah, K Govind Babu, Amit Rauthan, Linu Abraham Jacob, Singh Tejinder, LK Rajeev, G Mehar Kumar and Vineetha Unnikrishnan. Blood. (ASH Annual Meeting Abstracts) Nov 2010; 116: 4491
- Comparison of Maglitol alone, Metformin alone and combination long term control of type 2 DM. ESICON 2006
- Carboplatin and Docetaxel as first line in metastatic cervical carcinoma. AGOICON 2010. Indian Cancer Congress, Bhubaneswar, 2011
- Comparison of toxicity and efficacy of docetaxel, Cisplatin and 5 FU regimen with 5FU, Cisplatin in locally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in Indian population at single centre
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