Dr.M.S. Hiremath
Cardiologist, Pune
- Consultant at Ruby Hall Clinic, AiMS Hospital & Research Center (AIMS), Heart Care Clinic, Pune
- Honorary Associate Professor of Cardiology at Sassoon General Hospital, Pune
- Consultant Cardiologist and Director of Cardiac Cath Lab, Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune: this lab does about 300 procedures every month
- Consultant Cardiologist at Joshi Hospital, Erandwane, Pune
- Consultant Cardiologist at Lokmanya Hospital, Pune
- Consultant Cardiologist at Niramaya Hospital, Chinchwad
- Outpatient Consultant at Medinova and Decision Diagnostic
Cardiac Catheterization
Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Emergency Care Management
- Hospital Care Management
- Angiography
- Angioplasty and Stenting
- Colour Doppler
- 2D/3D Echocardiography
- Transesophageal Echocardiography
- Pacemaker Insertion and Monitoring
- Cardiac Catheterization
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- MBBS from University of Pune, Pune
- MD from University of Pune, Pune
- DM from Sion Hospital, Mumbai in 1981
- MNAMS National Academy of Medical Sciences
Practice Information
Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune
40 Sassoon Road, Pune, Maharashtra - 411001
09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
AiMS Hospital & Research Center (AIMS), Pune
Near AiMS Square, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra - 411007
Heart Care Clinic, Model Colony
1126/B, Model Colony, Shivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra - 411016
Achievements & Contributions
- Was Awarded SAMB Angioplasty case for 1997
- Conducted Live Angioplasty Courses for Chinese Doctors in Beijing and Shanghai
- Gets Invitation for various intervention cardiology meetings as a faculty.
- Organized a lot of International Conferences in Pune, which were transmitted live via satellite to Sydney and Bombay
- ArticlesRole of omega-3 ethyl ester concentrate in reducing sudden cardiac death following myocardial infarction and in management of hypertriglyceridemia: An Indian consensus statement. Dalal JJ, Kasliwal RR, Dutta AL, Sawhney JP, Iyengar SS, Dani S, Desai N, Sathyamurthy I, Rao D, Menon A, Dasbiswas A, Wander GS, Chadha M, Hiremath MS, Roy DG, Gupta V, Shivakadaksham N. Indian Heart J. 2012 Sep-Oct;64(5):503-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ihj.2012.08.004. Epub 2012 Aug 27
- Non-coronary cardiac interventions. Venugopal K, Hiremath MS, Thomas V, Bhat A, Kerker P, Roy S, Jain V, Kuruttukulam S. Indian Heart J. 2006 Jul-Aug;58(4):375-80
- Balloon mitral valvuloplasty in Patients with Juvenile rheumatic mitral stenosis (Abstract). Durairaj M, Sathe SV, Makhale C.N, Hiremath M.S et al Journal of American College of Cardiology 39, Supplement 9, Page 353B, 2002
- Alcohol septal ablation for Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy ( Abstract) Hiremath MS, Durairaj M, Makhale C.N, Grant P.K et al Journal of American College of Cardiology 39, Supplement 9, Page 250B, 2002
- Unprotected left main Stenting ( Abstract) Makhale CN, Grant P.K, Hiremath M.S, Durairaj M et al Journal of American College of Cardiology 39, Supplement 9, Page 314B, 2002
- Percutaneous Alcohol Septal Ablation in Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy (Abstract) Ajit C Mehta, M.S Hiremath, M Durairaj, P.K Grant, C.N Makhale, A.S Sathe, R.S Shinde, S Sathe, J.S Hiremath, M.A Gadkari, R.B Sethi Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune Indian Heart Journal Sept-Oct, 2004; 56:(5) Article No.238
- Carotid Stenting: Improving Safety with Protection (Abstract) M.S Hiremath, Ajit C Mehta, A.A Nanivadekar,M Durairaj, PK Grant, C.N Makhale, S Sathe, J.S Hiremath, M.A Gadkari, RB Sethi, A Sathe, R.S Shinde Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune Indian Heart Journal Sept-Oct, 2004; 56:(5) Article No.239
- Unprotected Left Main Coronary Stenting (Abstract)M.S Hiremath, Ajit C Mehta, M Durairaj, P.K Grant, C.N Makhale, S Sathe, J.S Hiremath, M.A Gadkari, Rajiv Sethi, A Sathe, R.S Shinde Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune Indian Heart Journal Sept-Oct, 2004; 56:(5) Article No.128
- Aneurysm Formation after Implantation of Drug-Eluting Stents: Report of 3 Cases – Probable Hypersensitivity Reaction? (Abstract) P.K Grant, C.N Makhale, M.S Hiremath, J.S Hiremath,R.S Shinde, A.C Mehta, M Durairaj Grant Medical Foundation, Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune Indian Heart Journal Sept-Oct, 2005; 57:(5) Article No. 171
- Saphenous Vein Graft Percutaneous Coronary Intervention(Abstract) MS Hiremath, CN Makhale, PK Grant, A C Mehta, R S Shinde, A S Sathe, M Durairaj Grant Medical Foundation, Ruby Hall Clinic, PuneIndian Heart Journal Sept-Oct, 2005; 57:(5) Article No. 172
- Drug-Eluting Stents in ST Elevation Acute Myocardial Infarction (Abstract) CN Makhale, PK Grant, MS Hiremath, J.S Hiremath, S.V Sathe, R.S Shinde, A.C Mehta, A.S Sathe, M Durairaj Grant Medical Foundation, Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune Indian Heart Journal Sept-Oct, 2005; 57:(5) Article No. 173
- Images In Cardiology : Electrocardiogram Showing Features of Total Occlusion of Left Main Coronary Artery RS Shinde, M.S Hiremath, C.N Makhle, M Durairaj Heart. 2006 May;92(5):670
- Concurrent Percutaneous Balloon Valvuloplasties In Combined Rheumatic And Tricuspid Stenosis : Our Experience Of Different Techniques ( Abstract) Sathe SV, Durairaj M, Sathe AS, Makhale CN, Shinde R.S, Mehta AC, Grant PK, Hiremath M.S -Journal Of American College of Cardiology Feb 21 2006, 281A
- Drug Eluting Stent Implantation For Treatment Of Unprotected Left Main Coronary Artery Stenosis (Abstract) Shinde R.S , Makhale C.N, Durairaj M, Hiremath M.S, Sathe S.V, Mehta A.C, Grant P.K Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2006 May;67(5):774
- Percutaneous Transluminal Septal Myocardial Ablation In Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy : A Comparative Study Of Low Dose Versus High Dose Ethanol . (Abstract) Makhale C.N, Shinde R.S , Durairaj M, Hiremath M.S, Sathe S.V, Mehta A.C, Sathe A.S, Grant P.K Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2006 May;67(5):792
- Emergency Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty in cases of Rheumatic Mitral Stenosis with Cardiogenic Shock (Abstract)Makhale C.N, Shinde R.S , Durairaj M, Hiremath M.S, Sathe S.V, Mehta A.C, Sathe A.S, Grant P.K Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2006 May;67(5):825
- Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty In Cases With Left Atrial Appendage (LAA) Thrombus (Abstract) Makhale C.N, Shinde R.S , Durairaj M, Hiremath M.S, Sathe S.V, Sathe A.S , Mehta A.C, Grant P.K Catheter Cardiovasc Interv. 2006 May;67(5):826
- Intra Aortic Balloon Pump – Review Article Journal of Indian College of Cardiology June 2006 issue
- Balloon Valvulolasty for native isolated rheumatic tricuspid stenosis.(Abstract) Sathe SV, Durairaj M, Shinde RS, Hiremath M.S, Sathe AS, Gadage S, Sethi RB, Grant PK Journal of American College of Cardiology 2008 March: 51 (10B); B81
- Drug-eluting Stents for Unprotected Left Main Bifurcations (Abstract)CN Makhale, RS Shinde,MS Hirermath, PKGrant, JS Hiremath, SV Sathe, SI Agarwal, SM Lakade, SN Gadage, M Durairaj – Indian Heart Journal Sept-Oct, 2008; 60:(5) Article No. 162
- Use of a Novel Fluoroscopic Stent Visualization Technique StentBoost in Bifurcation Lesions Intervention: A Pictorial Essay (Abstract) RS Shinde, PK Grant, CN Makhale, MS Hiremath, SN Gadage, SM Lakade, M Durairaj Indian Heart Journal Sept-Oct, 2008; 60:(5) Article No. 188
- Bivalirudin in High Risk PCI: A Single Center Experience (Abstract)
- SM Lakade, MS Hirermath, CN Makhale, RS Shinde, SN Gadage, PK Grant, SV Sathe, M Durairaj Indian Heart Journal Sept-Oct, 2008; 60:(5) Article No. 150
- Endovascular Treatment of Native Coarctation of Aorta in Children and Adults: A Single Center Experience (Abstract) CN Makhale, RS Shinde, MS Hirermath, PKGrant, JS Hiremath, SV Sathe, SI Agarwal, SM Lakade, SN Gadage, M Durairaj Indian Heart Journal Sept-Oct, 2008; 60:(5) Article No. 3
- Percutaneous Closure of Atrial Septal Defects in Complex Subsets: (Abstract) JS Dugal, MS Hiremath, CN Makhale, RS Shinde, JS Hiremath, PK Grant, SV Sathe, SN Gadage, SM Lakade, AC Mehta, AS Sathe, M Durairaj Indian Heart Journal Sept-Oct, 2008; 60:(5) Article No. 345
- Real World Experience of Very Long. 33 MM And 38MM Drug Eluting Stent. (Abstract) Grant P.K. Makhale C.N, Hiremath M.S., Gadage S.N., Shinde R.S. Sathe S.V, Lakade S.M, Hiremath J.S., Durairaj M.Indian Heart Journal December 3rd-6th, 2009 Article No . 168
- Association of Rheumatic Heart Disease And Coronary Artery Disease : A Single Center Experience (Abstract) Makhale C.N, Grant P.K, Hiremath M.S, Gadage S.N, Shinde R.S, Sathe S.V, Hiremath J.S, Agarwal S.I, Durairaj M. Indian Heart Journal December 3rd- 6th, 2009 Article No.198
- Intracoronary Junk Retrieval- A Single Center Experience. (Abstract) Makhale C.N, Grant P.K, Hiremath M.S, Gadage S.N, Shinde R.S. Sathe S.V, Hiremath J.S, Duggal J.S, Durairaj M Indian Heart Journal December 3rd- 6th, 2009 Article No.199
- Real World Experience of Very Long. 33 MM And 38MM Drug Eluting Stent. (Abstract) Grant P.K, Makhale C.N, Hiremath M.S. ,Gadage S.N, Shinde R.S, Sathe S.V, Hiremath J.S, Lakade S.M, Durairaj M.Indian Heart Journal December 3rd- 6th, 2009 Article No.200
- “Stentboost” Fluroscopic Enhancement – In left main coronary artery bifurcations. PCI: A Pictorial Essay (Abstract)Hiremath M.S. Grant P.K, Makhale C.N, Ghadage S.N, Shinde R.S, Sathe S.V, Hiremath J.S, Lakade S.M, Durairaj M.Indian Heart Journal December 3rd- 6th, 2009 Article No.201
- “Stentboost” Fluroscopic Enhancement – In left main coronary artery bifurcations. PCI: A Pictorial Essay (Abstract) Hiremath M.S, Grant P.K., Makhale C.N, Ghadage S.N, Shinde R.S, Sathe S.V, Hiremath J.S, Lakade S.M, Durairaj M.Indian Heart Journal December 3rd- 6th, 2009 Article No.226
- Real World Experience of Very Long – 33 MM And 38MM Drug Eluting Stent – Grant P K, Makhale C.N, Hiremath M.S, Gadage S.N, Shinde R.S, Sathe S.V, Lakade S.M, Durairaj M- Grant Medical Foundation , Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune, Maharashtra, Presented 61st Annual Conference of The Cardiological Society of India December 3rd-6th, 2009 at Kochi, Kerala
- Association of Rheumatic Heart Disease and Coronary Artery Disease: A single Center Experience- Makhale C.N, Grant P.K, Hiremath M.S, Gadage S.N, Shinde R.S, Sathe S.V, Hiremath J.S, Agarwal S.I, Durairaj M- Grant Medical Foundation, Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune, Maharashtra, Presented 61st Annual Conference of The Cardiological Society of India December 3rd-6th, 2009 at Kochi, Kerala
- Optimal platelet inhibition in patients undergoing PCI: data from the Multicenter Registry of High-Risk Percutaneous Coronary Intervention and Adequate Platelet Inhibition (MR PCI) study. Mardikar HM, Hiremath MS, Moliterno DJ, Mathew R, Arora R, Deo D, Hiremath JS, Deshpande NV, Khan A, Joseph J, Mukherjee D. Am Heart J. 2007 Aug;154(2):344.e1-5
- Intracoronary Junk Retrieval – A Single Centre Experience- Makhale C.N, Grant P.K, Hiremath M.S. Gadage S.N, Shinde R.S, Sathe S.V, Hiremath J.S, Duggal J.S, Durairaj M, Grant Medical Foundation, Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune, Maharashtra, Presented 61st Annual Conference of The Cardiological Society of India December 3rd-6th, 2009 at Kochi, Kerala
- “Stentboost” Fluoroscopic Enhancement in Left Main Coronary Artery Bifurcations –PCI: A pictorial Essay- Hiremath M.S,Grant P.K, Makhale C N, Gadage S.N, Shinde R.S, Sathe S.V, Hiremath J.S., Lakade S.N, Durairaj M- Grant Medical Foundation , Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune, Maharashtra, Presented 61st Annual Conference of The Cardiological Society of India December 3rd-6th, 2009 at Kochi, Kerala
- Safety and efficacy of indigenously developed and manufactured bivalirudin in moderate/high-risk Indian patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention: the Bivaflo Registry
- Seth A, Sinha N, Parikh K, Patel T, Hiremath MS, Mehta AB, Chandra P, Pinto B, Sethi KK, Sengottuvelu S. Indian Heart J. 2008 Jul-Aug;60(4):333-41
- Kawasaki syndrome with multiple arterial aneurysms.
- Nitsure MY, Hiremath MS, Grant PK, Gulati MR, Wadia RS. Indian Pediatr. 1988 Sep;25(9):881-8
- Vasodilator therapy in acute left ventricular failure (LVF) after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Gandhi MJ, Hiremath MS, Viswanath M. Indian Heart J Teach Ser. 1980;(5):181-6
- Haemodynamic assessment of isosorbide dinitrate (sorbitrate) therapy in cases of acute myocardial infarction. Mehta AB, Hiremath MS, Mody RV, Tillu DD, Pahlajani DB, Gandhi MJ. Indian Heart J. 1980 Sep-Oct;32(5):303-7
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19 Years Experiance
31 Years Experiance
MBBS, MD, DNB (Med), FCPS, DNB (Cardiology