Dr. Manoj Ramlal Kandoi
Knee Surgeon, Thane
MBBS, MS, D (Ortho), FCPS, DNB
- 27 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals
- Languages : English, Hindi, Marathi
Knee Surgery
- MBBS Bachelors of medicine and bachelor of surgery passed in October 1992 from university of Bombay
- D. (Orth) Diploma in orthopedics surgery passed in November 1996 from the college of physicians and surgeons, Parel, Bombay
- M.S. (Orth): Master in orthopedics surgery passed in January 1997 from the university of Bombay
- F.C.P.S. (Orth): Fellowship of college of physicians & surgeon passed in March 1997 from the college of physicians & surgeon, Parel, Bombay
- D.N.B.E. (Orth): Diplomat qualification degree awarded by National Board of Examination, New Delhi in January 1998
Practice Information
Ankur Nursing Home, Thane
Mohan Plaza, Opp. Vitthalwadi Police Station, O T Section, Ulhasnagar, Thane, Maharashtra - 421004
Dr. Kandois Ashirwad Hospitals, Ambernath West
Almas Mension, S.V.P. Road, New Colony, Ambernath West, Thane, Maharashtra - 421501
Achievements & Contributions
- BOOKS WRITTEN:The basics of Arthritis: A guide for students and practitionersPublished by:The National Book DepotParel, Mumbai - 400 012ISBN: 81-87540-25-7First Edition 20032nd Edition 2006
- Living With ArthritisPublished by :Institute of arthritis care and preventionAmbernath (W) Dist : Thane 421 501
- Clinical cases in orthopaedicsPublished byThe National Book DepotParel, Mumbai - 400 012First edition 2006ISBN NO.81-87540-58-3
- Clinical aspects in osteoporosisPublished byJaypee publishers Pvt. LtdNew Delhi IndiaFirst edition 2005ISBN NO.81-8061-451-4.
- INTERNATIONAL AWARDS AND FELLOWSHIPS :Observorship at Univarsity of Washington, foot and ankle department,U.S.A.
- Harborview Medical Centre in August 2007
- Observorship at Hissingpark foot and ankle clinic October 2008, Augsberg, Germany
- Clinical Fellow, University of Washington
- Observorship at policlinico multimedica at Milano, Italy in October 2009
- Centro Mano Studo fellow ,Univarsity of Milan, Italy
- AITS-ITCAD, TAIWAN in year 2010
- Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Holland in year 2011
- Fellow Of International College of Surgeons, Chicago
- Fellow of Royal Society of Medicine
- Fellow of Royal Society of Tropical Medicine
- International affiliate Member, National Osteoporosis Foundation,california
- Awarded INOR Fellowship of British Orthopedic society the year 2004 by Indian Orthopedic Association to attend British Orthopedics meet at Manchester
- Awarded “Chikitshak Ratan” of the year Oct 6,2004, by Global Society for Health and Educational Growth. In New Delhi
- Treatment modalities for bone defects using Ilizarov Technique: Dissertation submitted for M.S. Examination of Bombay University
- Management of supracondylar and Intraaricular fracture of femur: Dissertation submitted for the fellowship of college of physician & Surgeon of Bombay
- Treatment modality of Bone defects using Ilizarov technique: Orthopaedic Update (India) Journal (Indexed) as a first author.
- ‘Intermetacarpal transverse k wiring for treatment of fractures of metacarpals’ poster presented in IOCON 2009 A CONFERENCE OF INDIAN ORTHOPEDIC SOCIETY AT ORISSA IN NOVEMBER 2009
- Tuberculosis of C.V. Junction: Bombay Hospital Journal as a co-author (Vol. 39, No. 4, 1997)
- A typical presentation of spinal tuberculosis a case report: Indian practitioner as a first author (June-97, VOL.50, No.2).
- Leptomeningeal primary melanomas, causing compressive Myelopathy:Indian Journal of Orthopedics Jan 98 as a first author
- Acute disseminated Eosinphilic granuma involving spine: A case report & review of literature: Indian Journal of medical Sciences as a first author (Vol. 52, No.1, Jan. 1998)
- Intradural Extramedullary Tuberculoma causing Cord compression: A case report & Review of Literature: Journal of Indian medical Association as a first author (Vol. 96 No. 8, Aug. 1998)
- Multiple Ipsilateral fracture of lower limb: A study of problems & Management: Indian Journal of surgery as first author.
- Sonographic assessment of bone at distraction site in ilizarov procedure (Vol. 7, No.2, Dec 97)
- “Thoracic outlet syndrome : A mystery probed “ An article published in synapse Vol2 Issue 1 June 2004
- Current concepts in osteoporosis an article published in Synapse Volume 1 Issue 1 March 2004
- Tennis Elbow: A review of Literature Article in ‘Doctor Mitra’ in January ’04
- Therapies in prevention and treatment of osteoporosis: A current concept review in Dr. Mitra No. 70 15th Aug, 2004.
- ‘Coccygodynia : A review’ published in Pure Health Oct-04
- Editor of Synapse journal of Ambernath medical Association.
- ‘Intermetacarpal transverse k wiring for treatment of fractures of metacarpals’ article published in journal of maharashtra orthopedic association Dec. 2007
- ‘Intermetacarpal transverse k wiring for treatment of fractures of metacarpals’ poster presented in traumacon 2009 of Indian trauma society in Mumbai
- Supracondylar osteotomy for correction of developmental genu valgum” , A paper presented in British Orthopaedic Association Annual Meeting in Manchester on 16th September 2004,.
- ‘Intermetacarpal transverse k wiring for treatment of fractures of metacarpals’ poster presented in IOCON 2009 in ORISSA
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