Dr. Manish Agarwal
Orthopedic Oncologist, Mumbai
- The only surgeon in the country with experience in non-invasive expandable implants
- Helped design low cost minimally invasive expandable prosthesis for our patients bringing the cost down to Rs 3 Lakhs from 10 lakhs
- The only surgeon in the country with experience in the use of joint saving osteo-integrable implants. It is now possible to preserve the joint by keeping a very small portion and having a custom implant to fit and integrate into this bone
- Developed a team for research in osteosarcoma. An indigenous osteosarcoma cell line and an animal model of implantable osteosarcoma is also being developed at ACTREC (Advance Centre for Teaching Research and Education in Cancer)
- Developed the first oral standardized formulation of ashwagandha herb and started it’s clinical trial in osteosarcoma
- Consultant Orthopedic Oncologist & Associate Professor – Orthopedic Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital, Bombay(Jan 2000-2009)
- Lecturer & Junior Consultant, Dept. of Orthopedics, Seth G.S Medical College & K.E.M Hospital, Bombay. Exposure to Arthroscopy, Pediatric Orthopedics, Trauma, Spine Surgery and Ilizarov methods.( Jan 1994 to Dec 1999)
- Junior Administrative Medical Officer and Casualty Medical Officer with training in mass disaster management (Jan 1993 to Jun 1993)
- 4 years Orthopedic Residency, Seth G.S Medical College & King Edward Memorial Hospital, University of Bombay (Feb 19 to Dec 1992)
- 52 weeks internship in Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Otolaryngorhinology, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics and Preventive & Social Medicine in various departments in hospitals affiliated to the Seth G.S Medical College & University of Bombay (Feb1988 to January1989)
Orthopedic Oncology
- Indigenous Megaprosthesis
- Non-Invasive Expandable Implants
- Minimally Invasive Expandable Prosthesis
- Osteosarcoma
- Limb Salvage Surgery
- Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors (Oncology)
- Fellowship in Orthopedic Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital(July 1993 to Dec 1993)
Practice Information
Nanavati-Max Super Speciality Hospital, Mumbai
Dr. Balabhai Nanavati Hospital, S.V. Road, Vile Parle (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400056
Achievements & Contributions
- Books and Book Chapters :Puri Ajay, Agarwal M.G : “Current Concepts in Bone and Soft tissue Tumors”. Textbook editors. 1st edition,2006, Paras Medical Books
- Ravi B, Agarwal MG: Chapter titled "Computer-Aided Development of Mega Endo-Prostheses" for the book titled "Bio Materials & Prototyping Materials in Medicine”. Published by Springer. Edited By Bopaya Bidanda & Paulo Bartolo, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of
- Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA 15261, Published by Springer Nov 2007
- Tumors of the Foot and ankle:Edited by Selene Parekh (Under publication)
- Seth Jairamdas Berry Gold Medal for the highest marks in Pharmacology at Bombay University in 1986
- Gold Medal for Orthopaedic Surgery 2004 conferred by the Special Executive Magistrates Society, Dec 2004
- AA Mehta Gold Medal for the best paper at the 49th National conference of the Indian Orthopaedic Association, Dec 2004
- Smt. Manorama Vijayraj Hazrat prize for highest aggregate marks at the 2nd MBBS examination of Bombay University in 1986
- Best Paper Award : WIROC (Annual meeting of the Bombay Orthopaedic society) 98 : For “Rotationplasty as a limb salvage procedure for malignant bone tumours” presented at Western India Regional Orthopaedic Conference which is the annual conference of the Bombay Orthopaedic Society.
- Best Paper Award : WIROC 2002 for paper on “ The role of freeze dried irradiated allografts in tumor reconstruction
- Best Paper Award : WIROC 2004 for paper on “Limb salvage surgery in very large tumors-is it worth the effort?”
- Best Clinical meeting for 2004 and 2007 Shield conferred by Bombay Orthopaedic Society (BOS). 5 meetings are held in a year rotating through teaching medical colleges and institutes. Only two meeting were held at Tata Memorial and both times it was adjudged as the best clinical meeting of the year
- Nominated for the Depatment of Atomic Energy Homi Bhabha Award for developing an indigenous megaprosthesis
- Nominated for the Ministry of Human Resources “Technology Innovation Award “for developing a light weight titanium shoulder prosthesis with MIDHANI
- Purandare NC, Rangarajan V, Agarwal M, Sharma AR, Shah S, Arora A, Parasar DS. Integrated PET/CT in evaluating sarcomatous transformation in osteochondromas. Clin Nucl Med. 2009 Jun;34(6):350-4
- K. Subburaj, B. Ravi, and M.G. Agarwal Automated identification of anatomical landmarks on 3D bone models reconstructed from CT scan images. Computerised Medical Imaging and Graphics. Accepted Mar 2009
- Puri A, Shah M, Agarwal MG,Jambhekar NA, Basappa P. Chondrosarcoma of bone: does the size of the tumor, the presence of a pathologic fracture, or prior intervention have an impact on local control and survival? J Cancer Res Ther. 2009 Jan-Mar;5(1):14-9
- K. Subburaj, B. Ravi, and M.G.Agarwal,(2008) "3D Shape Reasoning for Identifying Anatomical Landmarks," Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 5(1-4), 2008, 153-160
- Puri A, Subin BS, Agarwal MG. Fibular centralisation for the reconstruction of defects of the tibial diaphysis and distal metaphysis after excision of bone tumours. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2009 Feb;91(2):234-9
- Puri A, Agarwal MG/u>, Shah M, Srinivas CH, Shukla PJ, Shrikhande SV, Jambhekar NA. Decision making in primary sacral tumors. Spine J. 2008 Dec 5. [Epub ahead of print}
- Gupta R, Seethalakshmi V, Jambhekar NA, Prabhudesai S, Merchant N, Puri A, Agarwal M. Clinicopathologic profile of 470 giant cell tumors of bone from a cancer hospital in western India. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2008 Aug;12(4):239-48. Epub 2008 Jan 11
- Rekhi B, Jambhekar NA, Puri A, Agrawal M, Chinoy RF: Clinicomorphologic features of a series of 10 cases of malignant triton tumors diagnosed over 10 years at a tertiary cancer hospital in Mumbai, India. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2008 Apr;12(2):90-7. Epub 2007 Oct 24
- Rekhi B, Jambhekar NA, Desai SB, Basak R, Puri A, Agrawal M. A t(X; 18) SYT-SSX2 positive synovial sarcoma in the pelvis of a young adult male: A rare case report with review of literature. Indian J Cancer. 2008 Apr-Jun;45(2):67-71
- Agarwal M.G : Low cost Limb Reconstruction Surgery. Curr Opin Orthop 2007 18:561–571
- Agarwal M, Anchan C, Shah M, Puri A, Pai S. Limb salvage surgery for osteosarcoma: effective low-cost treatment. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2007 Jun;459:82-91
- Agarwal M, Puri A, Anchan C, Shah M, Jambhekar N. Hemicortical excision for low-grade selected surface sarcomas of bone. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2007 Jun;459:161-6
- Agarwal M, Puri A, Anchan C, Shah M, Jambhekar N. Rotationplasty for bone tumors: is there still a role? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2007 Jun;459:76-81
- Puri A, AgarwalG, Shah M, Jambhekar NA, Anchan C, Behle S.,: Giant cell tumor of bone in children and adolescents. J Pediatr Orthop. 2007 Sep;27(6):635-9
- Laskar S, Bahl G, Ann Muckaden M, Puri A, Agarwal MG, Patil N, Shrivastava SK, Dinshaw KA. Interstitial brachytherapy for childhood soft tissue sarcoma.Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2007 Oct 15;49(5):649-55
- Laskar S, Bahl G, Puri A, Agarwal MG, Muckaden M, Patil N, Jambhekar N, Gupta S, Deshpande DD, Shrivastava SK, Dinshaw KA. Perioperative interstitial brachytherapy for soft tissue sarcomas: prognostic factors and long-term results of 155 patients. Ann Surg Oncol. 2007 Feb;14(2):560-7
- Puri Ajay, Agarwal M.G : Facilitating Rotationplasty. J Surg Oncol. 2007 Mar 15;95(4):351-4
- Puri Ajay, Agarwal Manish : Use of Polypropylene Mesh to Stabilize Skeletal Reconstructions After Resection for Bone Tumors. Surg Oncol. 2007 Feb 1;95(2):158-60
- Puri A, Anchan C, Jambhekar NA, Agarwal MG, Badwe RA. Recurrent gossypiboma in the thigh. Skeletal Radiol. 2007 Jun;36 Suppl 1:S95-100.
- Khapake DP, Jambhekar NA, Anchan C, Madur BP, Chinoy RF, Agarwal M, Puri A. Epithelioid sarcoma of the foot with subsequent lesion in hand: metastatic lesion or second primary? Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2007 Jul;50(3):563-5
- Pant V, Jambhekar NA, Madur B, Shet TM, Agarwal M, Puri A, Gujral S, Banavali M, Arora B. Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) presenting as primary bone and soft tissue sarcoma--a study of 12 cases. Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2007 Apr;50(2):303-7
- Sanghvi DA, Purandare NC, Jambhekar NA, Agarwal MG, Agarwal A. Diffuse-type giant cell tumor of the subcutaneous thigh. Skeletal Radiol. 2007 Apr;36(4):327-30. Epub 2006 Mar 25
- Ghule P, Kadam PA, Jambhekar N, Bamne M, Pai S, Nair C, Banavali S, Puri A, Agarwal M.p53 gene gets altered by various mechanisms: studies in childhood sarcomas and retinoblastoma. Med Sci Monit. 2006 Dec;12(12):BR385-396. Epub 2006 Nov 23
- Agarwal M.G, Puri A. Management of Sarcomas in a developing country. Focus on large tumors. Orthopaedic Knowledge Online (OKO), Publication of the American Orthopaedic Association. Nov 2006
- Desai SS, Jambhekar N, Agarwal M, Puri A, Merchant N.Adamantinoma of tibia: a study of 12 cases.J Surg Oncol. 2006 Apr 1;93(5):429-33.
- Panchwagh Yogesh, Puri A, Agarwal MG, Chinoy R, Jambhekar N.A, : metastatic adamantinoma of the Tibia”an unusual presentation: a case report : Skeletal Radiol. 2006 Mar;35(3):190-3
- Puri A, Shingade V.U, Agarwal MG, Juvekar S, Desai S and Jambhekar N.A: CT guided percutaneous core needle biopsy in deep seated musculoskeletal lesions: a prospective study of 128 cases. Skeletal Skeletal Radiol. 2006 Mar;35(3):138-43
- Qureshi SS, Puri A, Agarwal M, Desai S, Jambhekar N.: Recurrent giant cell tumor of bone with simultaneous regional lymph node and pulmonary metastases. Skeletal Radiol. 2004 Sep 10
- Chaturvedi P, Puri A, Agarwal MG et al.: Pathological fracture in a pregnant woman. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 2004 Dec;80(950):740
- Jambhekar NA, Desai SS, Puri A, Agarwal M: Florid reactive periostitis of the hands. Skeletal Radiol. 2004 Nov; 33(11):663-5
- Qureshi SS, Puri A, Agarwal M, Merchant NH, Sheth T, Jambhekar N.: Unusual late sequel of ruptured distal tendon of biceps brachii mimicking a soft-tissue tumor. Skeletal Radiol. 2004 Jul;33(7):417-20
- Gajiwala Lobo A, Agarwal M, Puri A, D'Lima C, Duggal A : The use of irradiated allografts in reconstruction of tumor defects - the tata memorial hospital experience. Cell Tissue Bank.2003;4(2-4):125-32
- Gajiwala Lobo A, Agarwal M, Puri A, D'Lima C, Duggal A.: Reconstructing tumour defects: lyophilised, irradiated bone allografts. Cell Tissue Bank. 2003;4(2-4):109-18
- Pramesh CS, Deshpande MS, Pardiwala DN, Agarwal MG, Puri A.: Core needle biopsy for bone tumours. Eur J Surg Oncol. 2001 Nov;27(7):668-71
- Agarwal MG, Puri A. Limb salvage for malignant primary bone tumours: current status with a review of the literature. Indian J Surg 2003;65:354-60
- Pardiwala D, Agarwal M, Puri A, Vyas S.: Coexisting chondroblastoma and osteochondroma: a case report. J Postgrad Med. 2002 Apr-Jun;48(2):127-8
- Agarwal MG, Prabhudesai SG, Jambhekar NA, Duggal A and Puri A : "Bizarre parosteal osteochondromatous proliferation of the phalanx" - SICOT Online Report E020 Accepted January 21st, 2003
- Agarwal MG. Puri A: Giant Cell Tumor of Bone : Reinforcing old principles and unraveling controversies. Journal of Delhi Orthopaedic Association, Jan 2005
- Agarwal M.G, Puri A: Biopsy for bone and soft tissue tumors. Journal of Delhi Orthopaedic Association, Jan 2007
- Agarwal MG, Puri Ajay, Jambhekar N.A et al. Limb Salvage for malignant primary bone tumors : Current status with a review of literature. Journal of Bone and Joint diseases, Vol 20, Dec 2004, pp9-25
- Puri A, Agarwal MG : Giant Cell Tumor of Bone: North East ORTHOSCAN, Official Journal of NEROSA - Vol 3 Jan 2004
- Duggal A, Gupta S, Puri A, Agarwal MG: Large Chondrosarcomas of the shoulder girdle - a report of 3 cases in the Bombay Hospital Journal – Vol 45, No: 2, 2003
- Agarwal MG, Puri A: Limb Salvage for osteosarcoma around the knee. Journal of Kolhapur Orthopaedic Association- Year I,Viii, Aug 2002.
- Puri A, Agarwal M, Mohan A, and Dinshaw KA: Limb Salvage with an Indian Prosthesis TMH-NICE; Nuclear India, Vol 36, Nov Dec 2002.
- Parasnis A.S, Duggal A , Navadgi S, Puri A, Agarwal M.G ,Desai S.B: Spinal metastasis of intermediate grade chondrosarcoma without pulmonary involvement : Sicot Online Reports: July 2002
- Pardiwala DN, Vyas S, Puri A, Agarwal MG: Giant Cell Tumor – A Pictorial Essay; Ind J Radiol Imag 2001 11:3:119-126
- Gajjar SM, Agarwal MG, Aroojis A, Saraf ML: Abduction osteotomy for nonunion fracture neck femur – a new look : Indian Journal of Orthopaedics : Vol34 : No4 : Jan 2000 : pp30-34
- Badhwar R, Agarwal M: Rotationplasty as a limb salvage procedure for malignant bone tumours. Int Orthop. 1998;22(2):122-5.
- Badhwar R, Agarwal MG: Internal hemipelvectomy : The Tata memorial experience - Co-author in this article published in Clinical Orthopaedics, India, Vol. 9, Sept. 94
- B. Ravi, Anip Sharma and Manish Agarwal, "Haptic Solid Modeling for Pelvic Bone Tumor Resection Planning and Prosthesis Development," proceedings of International CAD Conference, Bangkok, June 20-24, 2005.
- Ajay Kashyap, B. Ravi and Manish Agarwal, "Failure Risk Analysis during Lifecycle of Knee Prosthesis using Stochastic Modeling," Proceedings of the National Conference on Design for Product Lifecycle Engineering, Pilani, Feb 17-18, 2006
- Member of Musculoskeletal Tumor Society (North America)
- Member of Indian Orthopedic Association, Indian Society of Oncology
- Teaching Faculty for Orthopedics at the S.N.D.T College of Nursing, Mumbai.
- Honorary Member, Special Executive Magistrates Society
- Reviewer for Clinical Orthopedics and Related Research (CORR), Reviewer for Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
- Appointed on board as Independent Non Executive Director for Zee Learn, an education company which deals with education at various levels and has brands like KIDZEE,ZIMA, ZICA, SMOKE, KIDZCARE, and KIDZEE HIGH.
- Reviewer for UICC fellowships
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