Dr. Manas Kumar Roy
General Surgeon, Kolkata
MBBS, MS, FRCS(Eng), FRCS(Glasg)
General Surgery
Gastrointestinal Surgery
MBBS, 1987, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
MS, 1991, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India
FRCS, 1994, Royal College of Surgeons, Glasgow, UK
FRCS, Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, UK
M.Ch, 2005, University of Wales, Cardiff, UK
Practice Information
Tata Medical Center, Kolkata
New Town, 14 Mar (E-w), Rajarhat, Kolkata, West Bengal - 700156
Achievements & Contributions
- Carey PD, Roy MK, Delicata RJ. Shock-pathophysiology and management. MonsonJRT, Duthie GS, O’Malley K eds. Surgical Emergencies. Oxford: Blackwell Sciences (page 11-24)
- Carey PD, Roy MK, Delicata RJ, Clark GWB. Response to Surgical Trauma. MonsonJRT, Duthie GS, O’Malley K eds. Surgical Emergencies. Oxford: Blackwell Sciences (page 25-36)
- Sadhu S, Jahangir T, Roy MK. Left sided gall bladder in a patient with dextrocardiadiagnosed incidentally during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Indian J Surg (March–April 2012) 74(2):186–188
- Sadhu S, Pandit P, Roy MK, Bajoria SK. Buccal mucosa ureteroplasty for thetreatement of ureteric injury: a rare case. Indian J Surg (January–February 2011)73(1):71–72
- Sadhu S, Pattari S, Shaikh F, Verma R, Roy MK. Colonic metastasis fromsubcutaneous angiosarcoma: a diagnostic dilemma. Indian J Surg 72(Suppl 1)2010:328–330
- Sadhu S, Sarkar S, Verma R, Dubey SK, Roy MK. Hemosuccus pancreaticus due totrue splenic artery aneurysm: a rare cause of massive upper GI bleeding. Journal ofSurgical Case Report 2010; 5: 4
- Roy MK, Sadhu S, Dubey SK. Advances in the management of gastric cancer. IndianJournal of Surgery 2009, 71(6):342-349
- Sadhu S, Sarkar S, Jahangir T, Dubey S, Roy MK. Open port placement through theumbilical cicatrix. Indian Journal of Surgery Oct 2009; 71(5): 273-75
- Sarkar S, Sadhu S, Jahangir T, Pandit K, Dubey S, Roy MK. Laparoscopic common bileduct exploration using rigid nephroscope. British Journal of Surgery 2009; 96:412-416
- Sadhu S, Pattari SK, Sarkar S, Dubey SK, Roy MK. Perivascular epithelioid cell tumor(PEComa) of falciform ligament — an extremely rare tumor. Indian J Surgery Aug2008; 70(4): 200-202
- Dubey SK, Mahendru V, Sadhu S, Sarkar S, Verma AK, Roy MK. True knot in Rylestube: a case report. Indian J Surgery June 2008; 70(3): 142-43
- Roy MK, Shrotria S, Holcombe C, Webster DJT, Hughes LE, Mansel RE. Complicationsof latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap for breast reconstruction. European Journal ofSurgical Oncology 1998 Jun;24(3):162-5
- Mahadevan A, Delicata RJ, Roy MK, Warren N, Rees BI, Carey PD. Laparoscopiccholecystectomy in multiple laparotomy Crohn’s disease. Surgical Laparoscopy andEndoscopy 1998; 8(4): 261-263
- Carey PD, Roy MK, Clark GWB. Response to surgical trauma: the integrated systems.Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons 1998; 27(1): 40-46
- Roy MK, Delicata RJ, Carey PD. Crohn’s disease presenting with acute colonicperforation. Postgraduate Medicine Journal 1997; 73: 645-646
- Roy MK, Appleton MAC, Delicata RJ, Sharma AK, Williams GT, Carey PD. Probableassociation between hidradenitis suppurativa and Crohn’s disease: the significanceof epithelioid granuloma. British Journal of Surgery 1997;84: 375-6
- Gaurav R, Banerjee S, Roy, MK, Roy P. Audit of radical cholecystectomy withextended lymphadenectomy in gall bladder cancer: our experience. Indian Chapterof International Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Association, Mumbai 9-12 Jan 2014
- Banerjee S, Das J, Gaurav R, Roy P, Sinha S, Roy MK, Ray S. Comparison andcorrelation of 18F FDG PET-CT, operative and histopathological findings in Gallbladder cancer – an initial experience of twenty one patients. Indian Chapter ofInternational Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Association, Mumbai 9-12 Jan 2014
- Association of Surgeons of India (membership no. 13726)
- Indian Association of Surgical Oncology (membership no. M 0065)
- Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India (membership no. 1404)
- International Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Association (membership no. 13418)
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34 Years Experiance
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19 Years Experiance
MBBS (Gold Medalist), MS ( Surgery), F.A.I.S, D.N.B (Surgery), M.N.A.M.S, F.I.M.S.A; MRCS (Edin), M.Ch.(Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery)