Dr. Mahalakshmi Dentist in Madurai

Dr. Mahalakshmi

Dentist, Madurai


  • 15 Years Experience
  • 1 Hospital


Established in the year 2016, VM Dental Clinic Madurai in SS Colony is one of the most preferred dental clinics not only for ladies, kids but also for gents. Dr.Mahalakshmi is one the best lady doctor or female dentists in the City. The doctor is very much specialized in Dental Practice and also known to have extensive dental training and to treat all dental problems with efficiency, dedication, and precision.

Here at VM Dental Clinic, we strive to provide world class and latest treatment available to patients, Furthermore, we focus mainly on patients satisfaction and equally important to their health and safety. In fact, we have state-of-the-art clinic well-equipped with the latest of technological dental instruments to provide high-quality dental treatment to the patients.

Best Clinic in Madurai, The clinic can also be easily found as it is in close proximity of By-Pass Road in Madurai. The working hour of the clinic is evening 6 pm to 10 pm. Step into our clinic if you have toothaches or any tooth problem. Feel free to visit us for free dental consultation, in the hope that your problem will go away soon.

  • Languages : English, Tamil


  • Dentistry

Practice Information

V.M. Dental Clinic, Madurai

V.M. Dental Clinic, Madurai

11 A, Meenakshi Complex, By-Pass Road, S S Colony, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625016


05:00 PM - 09:00 PM
