Dr.M. Chandrashekar
Surgical Oncologist, Bangalore
- Dr.M. Chandrashekar is a Senior Surgical Oncologist with over 3 decades of experience in the management of variety of solid tumors involving Breast, Gastrointestinal ,Thoracic, Gynecology, Head and Neck, Urogenital , Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcoma
- Worked in various major hospitals of Bangalore and at present is a Senior Consultant Surgical Oncology at Apollo Hospitals , Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore
- Professor, Surgical Oncology Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology, a regional Union International cancer research and treatment centre Bangalore(1989 – 1999)
- Assistant Professor, Surgical Oncology, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology(1985 – 1989)
- Lecturer, Surgical Oncology, Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology(1981 – 1985)
- organ conservation surgeries in early breast cancer to multi organ resection in various locally advanced malignancies and organ replacement surgeries like orthotopic sigmoid neobladder reconstruction after radical cystectomy
- Major Aortic resections with PTFE graft replacement in retroperitoneal lesions affecting the infrarenal abdominal aorta
- Pylorus preserving pancreatoduodenectomy for early carcinoma of head of the pancreas.
- Nephron sparing surgery for bilateral renal cell carcinoma
- Radio frequency Ablations of hepatic metastatic lesions
- Have experience with use of Tissue link and Habib's sealer in Hepatic resections even in cirrhotic individuals nerve sparing radical prostatectomy, etc
Surgical Oncology (Cancer Surgery)
- Covering Breast
- Gastrointestinal
- Thoracic
- Gynaecology
- Head and Neck
- Urogenital
- Bone and Soft tissue Sarcoma
Practice Information
Apollo Hospitals, Bannerghatta Road
154/11, Opp, I.I.M, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560076
Achievements & Contributions
- Best scientific paper award, annual state surgeons’ conference, Gadag1984 - “Breast Lumps of uncommon etiology”
- Awarded International traveling fellow in oncology with Dr M S Bains, Department of thoracic surgical oncology, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA in 1988
- Chairman – Board of MCH- fellowship in Surgical Oncology Bangalore University1995 as well as Co Examiner on several occasions
- External Examiner for Gujarat Cancer Institute MCH Surgical oncology fellowship program 1993
- Visiting Faculty of Medical Council of India to regional cancer centre Gujarat for granting post-doctoral studies in surgical oncology in 1994.
- I was involved in training Surgical Oncology Fellows at Kidwai Memorial Hospital, 1992-1999
- Conducted live operative surgery demonstrations like Transthoracic Esophagectomy with medastinal lymphadenectomy, Whipple’s Pancreatoduodenectomyetc at Kidwai Memorial Institute during various National and international conferences.
- Merit student award during MBBS
- “Breast Lumps of uncommon etiology” was awarded the best scientific paper at State chapter of ASI at Gadag 1984 and was an invited paper at annual conference of ASI at Agra 1985
- PUBLICATIONS AND RECOGNITIONS:TranshiatalEsophagectomy - its applicability in esophageal and LaryngoPharyngeal Cancers - Annual Conference of ASI, Karnataka state Chapter, 1-7 April 1991
- Carcinoid Profile at KIMIO - A five year Review - 5th national Conference of Oncology
- CystosarcomaPhylloides in adolescent and adult females – A Review of 7 cases – The Antiseptic Vol. 88(9): P 467-469
- Tube Intubation- its necessity in palliation of advanced Esophageal Cancer – The Antiseptic Vol. 89 (3) P 148-151
- The scapular fasciocutaeous flap: a new flap for reconstruction of the posterior neck, Br J Plast Surg. 1993 Sep; 46(6): 508-10
- NeoadjuvantCis-DDP in esophageal cancers: an experience at a regional cancer center, India. J SurgOncol. 1990 Nov; 45(3): 173-6
- Isolated granulocytic sarcoma of the breast. Ann Oncol. 1996 Apr; 7(4): 424-5
- Sacral chordomas: a 10-year study. AustralasRadiol. 1998 Feb; 42(1): 42-6
- Tensor fasciae lataemusculocutaneous flaps to reconstruct skin defects after radical inguinal lymphadenectomy. Br J Plast Surg. 1988 Jul; 41(4): 366-8
- Bronchial embryonalrhabdomyosarcoma--a case report. ActaOncol. 1994; 33(7): 832-3.
- Clinical usefulness of fine needle aspiration cytology in pediatric urogenital malignancies – Indian Journal of Surgery, 1991; 53(9) 357-361
- Spontaneous expulsion of hydatid cyst through areola breast, Indian Journal of Surgery, 1991; 53(9), 377-378
- Published Abstracts:Pleurodesis- Its effectiveness in the control of Malignant Pleural effusion - Annual Conference of Association of Surgeons of India, Karnataka State chapter, 1- 7 April 1991.Otolaryngology
- Substernal Gastric Pull up – best alternative for advanced Oesophageal cancer: Annual Conference of ASI, Karnataka state Chapter, 1- 7 April 1991
- Laryngo-Pharygo-esophagectomy – Initial experience: Annual Conference of ASI, Karnataka state Chapter, 1-7 April 1991
- Video presentation: Spectrum of surgery for cancer of esophagus- International College of Surgeons, 1991
- Association of Surgeons of India
- Indian Society of Oncology India
- Indian Medical Association
- International college of Surgeons
- Bangalore Oncology Group
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