Dr.K.N. Gahalot
Sexologist, Indore
MBBS, Diploma in Reproductive and Sexual Medicine, Post Graduate Certificate Course in Psychiatry and Psychosexual Medicine
- 40 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
Dr.K.N.Gahalot specializes in the field of sexual medicine and holds a diploma in Reproductive and Sexual Medicine in First Class from the Annamalai University of India in 2012.
He has done Post Graduate Certificate Course in Psychiatry and Psychosexual Medicine from the IMA AKN Sinha Institute Patna in 2013
He has done Certificate Course in Sex Therapy and Counselling from Medikon Sexual Sciences Mumbai in 2014.
He has done his M.B.B.S. from MGM Medical College Indore in 1983.
He has a keen interest in the Treatment of All types of Sexual Dysfunctions in Men and Women.
Dr.K.N.Gahalot is a qualified Medical Practitioner in Indore. He is one among the Professional Sexologist Doctors in Indore having relevant qualifications, fellowship, membership and experiences.
He is a Life Member of Council of Sex Education and Parenthood(Intl), Indian Association for Sexology, International Association for Sexual Medicine Practitioner (Modern Medicine).
He is having Fellowship of Council of Sex Education and Parenthood (International) with Fellowshipmnumber-F-223.
Dr.K.N.Gahalot has attended many Conferences on Sexual medicines with vast knowledge in the field of Sexual Medicine for the benefits of the patients and persons to maintain their sound sexual health .
From 11 AM to 6 PM he is available at Dr K N Gahalot Clinic, LG-1, Bafna Tower, Plot 33-34, Scheme 54, Vijay Nagar, Opposite Hotel Marriott, Indore, MP, PIN-452010 , Mobile-6267508480, 7224858290
Email- sexologistdrkngahalot@gmail.com, shriramclinicindore@gmail.com, gahalotclinic@gmail.com. Website- www.sexologist-drkngahalot.com
- Languages : Hindi, English
- Website : http://www.sexologist-drkngahalot.com
Additional Chief Medical Suptd, Indian Railway, Ratlam
Reproductive Medicine
Family Medicine
MBBS, 1983, MGM Medical College, Indore, India
P.G.D.H.Sc. (Reproductive and Sexual Medicine), 2012, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, India
Practice Information
Dr.K.N. Gahalot Clinic, Indore
LG-1, Bafna Tower, Plot 33-34, Scheme 54, Vijay Nagar, Opposite Hotel Marriott, Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 452010
11:00 AM - 02:00 PM
11:00 AM - 02:00 PM & 05:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Achievements & Contributions
- Life Member of Council of Sex Education and Parenthood (Intnl’)
- Life Member of Indian Association for Sexology
- Life Member of International Association for Sexual Medicine Practitioners (Modern Medicine) IASMP
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