Dr.K.M. Singh
Urologist, Lucknow
- Consultant at K.K. Hospital, Lucknow
- Honorary Consultant Urology Northern Railway Lucknow and Developed Unit of Urology in Northern Railway Hospital Lucknow
- Languages : English, Hindi
Renal Transplant
Laparoscopic Surgery
- Commonwealth Fellowship for higher training in Urology U.K
- Training at Japan for Uro-Radiology
- Training at Germany for PCNL
- Training at Israel for Lithotripsy
- Attended American College of Surgeons meeting for award of FACS
- Visited China for Workshop on No Scalpel Vasectomy
- Full membership of British Association of Urological Surgeons, U.K
Practice Information
K.K. Hospital, Lucknow
87/88, Nabiullah Road, Opp. SSP Office, Near Suraj Kund Park, River Bank Colony, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226018
Achievements & Contributions
- Conference OrganisedTreasurer IInd All India Symposium, of Cancer Chemotherapy organised by Indian Association of Cancer Chemotherapists at Lucknow 1981
- Incharge Accomodation 44th Annual Conference Association of Surgeons of Indian 1984, held at Lucknow
- Treasure National Seminar on present Trends in Oncology Oct, 10 and 11, 1986 at Lucknow Sponsored by Indian Society of Oncology, Oncology Section, Association of Surgeons of India and National Academy of Medical Sciences, India
- Member Accomodation Sub-Committee Ist National Workshop of Public Surgery, March 1987 held at Lucknow
- Organised CME and IInd Annual Conference of North Zone Chapter of Urological Society of India 12 and 13th Sept., 1992 at this College
- Organised one day workshop on male importance and infertility on 24th March 95 K.G. 's Medical College, Lucknow
- Organised three camps on "No Scalpel Vasectomy" at Distt. Hosiptal Raibareli, Almorah, Ranikhet and Bageshwar
- Incharge accomodation committee Annual Conference of IAPS-Oct.1995, Lucknow
- Incharge Advt. Commitee - VIIth biennial National Conference ISOCON March 1996, K.G.M.C., Lucknow
- Prof. R.V.Singh Memorial Urological Oration at Dept of Urology, KGMC, Lucknow on 3rd Sept., 1999
- C.M.E. on "Modern Advances in Urology" at Deptt. of Urology, KGMC, Lucknow 3rd Sept. 1999
- National Workshop on Male Participation in Family Planning, was organised 4th - 6th Nov. 1999 at Deptt. of Urology,KGMC, Lucknow
- Workshop on "Endo-Urology" held on 23rd & 24th June 2000, at Deptt. of Urology, KGMC, Lucknow (Audio Visual demonstration of Upper & Lower Tract Endo-Urological Operations)
- Liver Operative workshop on Halmium LASER in Urology 5th-6th march 2005 Deptt. of Urology K.K.Hospital Lucknow
- Liver Operative Workshop on Endoscopic Surgery & Laparoscopic Gynaecology Dec. 2005 K.K. Hospital
- Conference AttendedBritish Association of Urological Surgeons-21.6.1978
- British Surgical Research Society – 4.1.1979
- 36th Congress of Urologist Regional Middle Japan, Assembly KYOTO, Japan.-Nov. 1& 2, 1986
- The Satellite Symposium on CAPD at OSAKA, Japan – Nov .4th 1986
- 4th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Blood Purification Held at OSAKA, Japan – Nov. 5&6, 1986
- Visited OSAKA, Japan for Endourology Training-1986
- International Symposium at LITHOTRIPSY II at London, U.K.-5th Oct. 1987
- 73rd Annual Conference of American College of Surgeons held at Sanfransisco , U.S.A.-Oct. 11-16
- Visited Homburg (SAAR) University of West Germany, Deptt. Of Urology for Lithotripsy-7th to 9th Oct.1987
- 1st Asian Congress on Anaerobic Bacteria in Health & Disease at Bombay-14th Nov. 1987
- Visited ISRAEL to take part in Workshop on E.S.W.L.–Jan. 95
- Visited Sharjah,UAE to present a paper therapy of B.H.P n 1996
- M.B.B.S. Examination Medals AwardedChancellor’s Bronze Medal for the best student in final year MBBS 1965
- Buridge Gold Medal for best student in Physiology 1962
- Seth Aodhya Prasad Gold Medal for best student in Orthopedics Surgery.
- Mani Gold Medal for the best work an Intern Social & Preventinve Medicine
- Prize and Merit ScholarshipSecond position & book prize in first professional exam of M.B.B.S.
- Second position & book prize in final professional part I exam of MBBS .
- Second position & book prize in final professional part II exam of MBBS
- Mcgrate book prize for best student in Medicine
- Merit Scholarship in all professional examinations for second position
- Distinction in Social & Preventive Medicine
- Distinction in Forensic Medicine
- Distinction and Certificate of HonoursDistinction in Social & Preventive Medicine
- Certificate of Honour in Surgery
- Certificate of Honour in Medicine
- Certificate of Honour in Ophthalmology
- Certificate of Honour in Pathology
- Certificate of Honour in Medical Jurisprudence
- Certificate of Honour in Physiology
- Certificate of Honour with Gold Medal for best student Physiology 1962
- P.N. Kataniya Oration for North Zone Chapter Chapter- USI
- “Meda” Oration of IMA at Nagpur
- Awarded “Marudhar Oration” for 2004 for North Zone Chapter U.S.I
- Life Time achievement for Developing Urology by Urology Society of India (North Zone)
- Indian Medical Association.
- Association of Surgeons of India.
- Urological Society of India.
- Indian Association of Surgical Oncologist.
- National Academy of Medical Sciences.
- Founder Member of Indian Chapter of American College of Surgeons.
- British Association of Urological Surgeons.
- Member of Governing Council U.P.Chapter of Association of Surgeons of India
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