Dr. Ketan Ranpariya HIV Specialist in Surat

Dr. Ketan Ranpariya

HIV Specialist, Surat


  • 19 Years Experience
  • 1 Hospital


Dr. Ketan Ranpariya is one of the well known doctors in Surat who has earned the reputation of being one of the best HIV specialists in the state. Dr Ketan Ranpariya, who is experienced in treating HIV positive persons, has treated more than 5,000 cases of HIV. He works with children and adults, including pregnant women, having HIV/AIDS who belong to all sections of the society. 

Dr. Ketan did his MBBS from the Baroda Medical College in 2006. He later did HIVM from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in 2014. He, then went on to do PGDHIVM from the B J Medical college, Ahmedabad.

Dr. Ketan, who is HIV and AIDS Consultant in a number of hospitals of Surat, is also available for consultation at three of his clinics in Surat. Dr. Ketan Ranpariya has popularized the fact that recent advances have proved that an HIV positive person can lead his normal life to the fullest under proper medical guidance. 

Dr. Ketan takes personal interest in creating awareness about HIV and AIDS among the medical fraternity as well as the society to prevent transmission of HIV to non-HIV people. 


HIV AIDS Consultant, HIV AIDS Clinic, Surat January, 2013 -  Present


  • HIV Medicine

  • Sexology


  • Sex Therapy


Dr Ketan Ranpariya has an experience of treating HIV positive persons since many years and treated more than 5,000 cases of HIV.

He is also visiting HIV AIDS Consultant of almost all major hospital of Surat along with available at his 3 different Clinic. He has also good experience of delivering lectures, CME, training and talks for Family Physicians, Pediatricians, Gynaecologist and other specialist doctor as well. He takes personal interest into creating awareness about HIV AIDS among Medical Fraternity and Community to prevent transmission of HIV in society and consider it as his Corporate Social Responsibility.



Practice Information

Hiv Aids Clinic, Surat

Hiv Aids Clinic, Surat

Majuragate Branch 408, Viswakarama Arcade, Opp New Civil Hospital, Majura Gate, Ring Road, Surat, Gujarat - 395002


09:00 AM - 09:00 PM

Achievements & Contributions

  • ઝિંદગી ફાઉન્ડેશન “ફોર એચ.આઈ.વી ફ્રી જનરેશન” દ્વારા એચ.આઈ.વી અને એઇડ્સ વિષય પર હેલ્થ અવેરનેસ ટોક નું આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું.
  • Current Awareness among Students of Surat City about HIV and AIDS.
  • He received award for “Best Anti Retroviral Therapy Center of Gujarat State” out total 27 ART center running in Gujarat on World Aids Day 1 Dec 2013.
  • Given PRESENTAION on “Anti Retro Viral Drug Clinical Pharmacology” at 6th National    Conference of AIDS Society of India (13th 14th Dec 2013), Mumbai, India
  • Presented POSTER on “: Post Exposure Prophylaxis” at HIV Congress 2014 (21st to 23rd Mar 2014), Mumbai, India and at FPNATCON 2014, (3 to 5 Oct 2014), Surat
  • Given PRESENTATION on “: Post Exposure Prophylaxis” at FPNATCON 2014, (3 to 5 Oct 2014), Surat   
  • Presented POSTER on “Post Exposure Prophylaxis” at GUJCON 2014  (29th to 30th Nov 2014), Surat, India
  • Presented POSTER on “Pre Exposure Prophylaxis” at ASICON, (12th Dec to 14th Dec     2014), Kolkata, India
  •  Given PRESENTATION on Divers Case Presentation in HIV AIDS at HHRF (10th Jan and 11th Jan 2015), Mumbai, India
  • Member of HIV Medical Association of India
  • Member of AIDS Society of India
  • Member of American Association of HIV Medicine