Dr. Kalpana Upmanyu Psychologist in Noida

Dr. Kalpana Upmanyu

Psychologist, Noida


  • 8 Years Experience
  • 3 Hospitals


Dr. Kalpana Upmanyu is a psychologist in Sector 61, Noida and has an experience of 32 years in these fields.

Dr. Kalpana Upmanyu is practicing as clinical psychologist in the hospitals below:-

1) Narinder Mohan Hospital Ghaziabad
2) Neo Hospital Sector 50 Noida
3) Life Care Hospital Sector 61 Noida
4) C.N Health Care Sector 61 Noida


Psychologist, Neo Hospital, Noida


  • Psychology


Some of the services provided by the doctor are:- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), stress, depression, anger & anxiety management, relationship counselling, individual counselling, child counselling & guidance, personal counselling, pre/post marital counselling, family counselling, old age counselling, adolescent counselling & guidance, pre/post bronchoscopy counselling and various psychological tests.


Phd, 1991, MLS University, Udaipur, India

Practice Information

Neo Hospital, Noida

Neo Hospital, Noida

D-170A, Sector - 50, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301

Life Care Hospital, Noida

Life Care Hospital, Noida

E-1, Near Sai Mandir , Sector 61, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201302

Narinder Mohan Hospital & Heart Centre, Ghaziabad

Narinder Mohan Hospital & Heart Centre, Ghaziabad

Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh - 201007

Achievements & Contributions

  • Developed test on emotional divorce and conducted over 150 workshops on psychological issues.
  • She has published more than 25 research papers at national and international level on various psychological issues.
  • Examiner of UG, PG and Ph.D scholars since 2016.