Dr.K. Vinodh
Orthopedician and Traumatologist, Coimbatore
M.CH ortho
- 40 Years Experience
- 2 Hospitals
Dr. K. Vinodh is one of the reputed doctors in Coimbatore who has acquired the reputation of being one of the best orthopedic surgeons in the region. He is at present working as a Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon at the Hindusthan Hospital and the GKNM hospital, Coimbatore.
Dr. Vinodh started his medical career by completing his MBBS from the Coimbatore Medical College, Coimbatore in 1984, which was followed by a Diploma in Orthopaedics from the Christian Medical College Hospital, Vellore in 1988. He, then, went on to do M.Ch Orthopaedics from the University of Liverpool U.K. in 1995.
- Languages : English, Tamil
Senior COnsultant Otrhopaedic Surgeon, Medwin Hospital, Coimbatore 2016 - Present
Senior Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, GKNM Hospital, Coimbatore
Registrar in Orthopaedics, Christian medical collage Hospital, Vellore 1985 - 1988
Senior Registrar, Sitalaxmi hospital, Coimbatore 1988 - 1993
S.H.O in Orthopaedics, Rochdale infirmary, Rochdale U.K 1992 - 1993
S.H.O in Orthopaedics, Alder hey children's hospital, Liverpool - UK 1993 - 1994
Registrar in Orthopaedics, Fazakerly Hospital 1994 - 1996
Registrar in Orthopaedics, Southport hospital 1994 - 1996
Registrar in Orthopaedics, Arrow park Hospital 1994 - 1996
Locum consultant orthopaedic surgeon, Alderhey children's hospital, Liverpool 1996 - 1997
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Sitalaxmi hospital, Coimbatore 1997 - 1999
Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, G.K.N.M Hospital, Coimbatore 1999 - 2007
Orthopedics & Traumatology
Joint Replacement Surgery
Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery
Hip Replacement Surgery
Knee Surgery
Orthopedic Surgery
Elbow Replacement
Hip Replacement
Knee Replacement
Ligament Reconstruction
Shoulder Replacement
- More
Avascular Necrosis
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Complex Deformities of the Limbs
Complex Fracture of Acetabulum
- More
Dr. Vinodh is an expert in the following procedures:
- Total hip replacement, revision hip replacement, resurfacing arthroplasty of the hip
- Total knee replacement, Revision knee replacement
- Total shoulder and reverse and hemi shoulder replacement
- Total elbow replacement
- Mini open Bankart’s repair and mini open cuff repair
- Posterolateral complex reconstruction, medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction, and reconstruction of complex fractures.
Dr. Vinodh treats the following conditions:
- Avascular Necrosis
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Clubfoot
Practice Information
G. Kuppuswamy Naidu Memorial Hospital, Coimbatore
P.B. No. 6327, Nethaji Road, Pappanaickenpalayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu - 641037
01:00 PM - 05:00 PM
Hindusthan Hospital, Coimbatore
522/3, Udayampalayam Road, Sowripalayam Pos, Nava India Signal, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu - 641015
10:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Achievements & Contributions
- Recent Guest Lectures :Ankle Fractures In Children, Traumacon, Apr 2010, Coimbatore
- Shoulder Arthroplasty- Anatomy,indications And Approaches, Indo-us Shoulder Course, Oct 2009, Coimbatore
- How I Do Open Stabilisation, Indo-us Shoulder Course, Oct 2009, Coimbatore
- Paediatric Distal Humeral Fractures, Cme, Salem Medical College, June2009, Salem
- Scaphoid Fractures – Cme In Upper Limb Trauma May 2009, Sparsh, Bangalore
- Lateral Condyle Fractures Of Humerus-cme In Upper Limb Trauma,may 2009,sparsh, Bangalore
- Paediatric Distal Humerus Fractures- Tnoacon Feb 2009, Coimbatore.
- Postural Deformities- Cme In Paediatric Orthopaedics, Feb 2009, Coimbatore
- Current Concepts In Bone And Joint Infections, Interactive Session, Moderator.- Cme In Paediatric Orthopaedics. Feb 2009, Coimbatore
- Limping Child 1-5 Yrs- Ioacon, Nov 2008, Bangalore.
- Management Of Ddh In The Walking Child- Oasis Annual Meet, Aug 2008, Puduchery.
- What Is New In Paediatric Orthopaedics- Cme , Indian Orthopaedic Surgeons, Feb 2008, Dubai, Uae
- Difficult Tka Cases- Cme, Feb 2008, Dubai, Uae
- Paediatrc Orthopaedics, What Should A G.p Know?- Cme, Feb 2008, Dubai. • Developmental Dysplasia Of Hip- Cme Salem Medical College, Sep 2007, Salem
- Screening Of Developmental Dysplasia Of Hip- Oasis, Sep 2007, Mangalore.
- Two Layer Closure Of Quadriceps Tendon Following Total Knee Arthroplasty - July 2010, Hongkong
- Principles Of Revision Tka - Ortho One Knee Arthroplasty Course, July 2010,coimbatore
- Physeal Injury Of Distal Femur – Oasis,aug 2010,chennai
- Physeal Anatomy And Classification Of Injuries – Posi-posna Trauma Course ,oct 2010,coimbatore
- Clinical Examination Of Infant Hip- Cusp 2006, Sep 2006, Chennai
- Ddh-paediatric Orthopaedicians Perspective- Cusp 2006, Chennai
- Limping Child – Cme In Paediatric Orthopaedics, July2006,chennai
- Postural Deformities- Cme In Paediatric Orthopaedics, July 2006, Chennai
- How I Do Open Stabilization Of Shoulder Instability- Tnoa , Chennai, March 2006
- How I Do It- Open Stabilization- Shoulder Meet 2006, Coimbatore.
- Best candidate in the D Orth exam - 1988
- Dr. Shanmugasundaram award for best paper TNOA conf - 1990
- Best candidate in the M Ch clinical exam - 1995
- Life member, Indian Medical Association
- Life member, Tamil nadu Orthopaedic Association
- Life member, Indian Orthopaedic Association
- Life member, Paediatric Orthopaedic Society of India
- Member, executive committee, South zone representative,POSI
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