Dr.J.V.S. Vidyasagar
Orthopedic Surgeon, Hyderabad
MBBS, MS(Ortho), D.Sc
- 46 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
Dr. Vidyasagar has completed MS from renowned Medical Institute, AIIMS, New Delhi. In his prior experience he served as Head of the department of Orthopedics at Kamineni Hospitals, Hyderabad. He was a professor in Orthopedics at NIMS, Kamineni and chief examiner at Osmania University. He also served as a senior resident in Orthopedics, JIPMER, Pondicherry. Dr. Vidyasagar do not charge on consultations and surgeries for poor people.
- Languages : English, Telugu
Orthopedic Surgery
Joint Replacement Surgery
Sports Medicine
- Indian Orthopaedic association
- Indian Arthroscopy society
- Association of Orthopaedic surgeons of Andhra Pradesh(AP Chapter of IOA)
- Association od asia Pacific Orthopaedic societies
- ISAKOS,International
- Indian Spine surgeons society
- Indian Foot society
- Life member,NAILS(National association of Inter Locking surgeons)
- Indian shoulder society
- Twin socities Orthopaedic Society(TCOS)
- Indain Menopause society
- Indian Medical association, Charminar branch
- Indian Rhematism association
- Indo german Orthopaedic foundation
- OASIS(Orthopaedic Association of South Indian states)
- BIOMAT(Bio-Material research society)
- Indian Ceramic society
- MS from AIIMS,Delhi
- Residency Traning from SVRR Govt Ruia Hospital
Practice Information
Aware Gleneagles Global Hospitals, LB Nagar
Sagar Road, LB Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500035
Achievements & Contributions
- Best research paper Award: APCH IOA,1987,( Vyaghresswarudu Gold Medal)
- Best international Research Paper award ,International arthroscopy Congress,barcelona,Spain 1992
- Best national Research paper award,Indian Arthroscopy society,1993
- "Post Gradutae text book of Orthopaedics" Ed.G .S Kulkarni,2003 Co -author " Text book of Synovial Biopsy" JP Bros
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