Dr. Jitendra Kumar
Nephrologist, Faridabad
- 28 Years Experience
- Dr. Jitendra Kumar is a Director, Nephrology and transplant at QRG health city faridabad. Previously he was at Asian institute of medical sciences Faridabad
- Associated with Indian Railway,Katihar Medical College for 1 year
- Worked as a Senior Resident,IGIMS,Patna for 1 year
- Worked as a Senior Resident SGPGIMS Lko for 3 year
- Worked as a Consultant- Nagarjuna Hospital Vijayawada for 1 year
- Worked as a Consultant and head- Fortis Escorts Hospital for 7 years
- Languages : English, Hindi
Transplant surgery
- Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance
- Acid base disorder
- Renal Hypertension
- Secondary Hyper Parathyroidism
- All modes of Dialysis
- Peritoneal dialysis
- Maintenance Hemodialysis
- Nocturnal Dialysis
- Private Dialysis
- CRRT ( ICU dialysis) SLED
- Plasmapheresis
- Hemoperfusion Techniques
MBBS, 1992, Patna Medical College
MD (Medicine), 1997, Patna Medical College
DNB (Medicine), 1997, National Board of Examination, New Delhi
DM (Nephrology), 2002, Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute Of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
Practice Information
Achievements & Contributions
- US-based Indian creates first artificial kidney.
- Kumar J, Gulati S, Sharma RK, Sharma AP. Histopathological spectrum of childhood nephrotic syndrome in Indian children. Pediareic nephrology 2003 May 13
- Sharma RK, Kumar J, Gupta A, Gulati S, Sharma AP, Kumar A, Bhandari M. Which single point drug level estimation of cyclosporine is the best? Transplant Proceedings 2001 Nov-Dec; 33(7-8): 3124-5.
- Sharma RK, Kumar A, Kumar J, Gupta A, Gulati S, Sharma AP, Bhandari M. Kumar A. Low-dose ATG is effective in treatment of acute rejection episodes. Transplant Proc. 2003 Feb; 35(1): 225-6
- Sharma RK, Kumar J Gupta A Gulati S Sharma A P. Spectrum of bacterial peritonitis in acute intermittent peritoneal dialysis Renal failure 2003;25(6):975-80.
- Sharma R K, Kumar J, Kausal R et al.Spectrum of crescentic glomerulonephritis: Tertiary care experience. Nephro Dial Trans Vol 18 (4) 2003 page620 (abstract) Kumar J, Sharma RK, Gupta A, Gulati S, Sharma AP. Changes in spectrum CRF in a tertiary care center. Ind J Nephrol (Abstract) 2000; 10: 105
- Kumar J, Sharma RK, Gupta A, Gulati S, Sharma AP. Symptomatic venous thrombosis in renal transplant recipient. Ind J Nephrol (Abstract) 2000; 10: 123.
- Dr V Kher, Kumar J. Contributed a chapter on -Dialysis Equipment- in a book on Dialysis 2008
- Epidemiology of hypertension
- Non-diabetic renal diseases in diabetics
- Young investigator award japan
- Best Paper Award on -Universal precautions- an answer to preventing HCV infection in HD units.- 6th December ISN 2009 Guwahati.
- Member EDTA ( european dialysis and transplant association)
- Member ISN ( Indian Society of Nephrology)
- Member ISPD ( Indian Society of peritoneal Dialysis)
- Member ISOT ( Indian Society of Organ Transplant)
- Member NZISN ( North zone ISN)
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