Dr. Jayant Thomas Mathew
Nephrologist, Kochi
- 25 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Dr. Jayant Thomas Mathew is a senior consultant Nephrologist in Thrissur attached to St. Joseph's Hospital, Choondal. Former Professor and Head of Nephrology at Amala Institute of Medical Sciences. Also has couple of clinics in Thrissur town. Former secretary of the Nephrology Association of Kerala. Core Group Member of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the International Society of Nephrology.
- Languages : English, Malayalam
Nephrologist, St. Joseph's Hospital , Thrissur - Currently working here
Renal Transplant
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy
Peritoneal Dialysis
Acute Renal Failure
Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS)
Chronic Kidney Diseases
Diabetic Kidney Disease
- More
MBBS, 1993, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India
MD (General Medicine), 1999, St. John's Medical College, Bangalore, India
DM (Nephrology), 2002, Christian Medical College, Vellore, India
Practice Information

Lisie Hospital, Kochi
P.B.NO.3053, Ernakulam, Kochi, Kerala - 682018
Achievements & Contributions
- Research Experience in Nephrology - Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Albert Einstein University, New York. Mar 2004-Feb 2005.
- First Prize in postgraduate Quiz and Case Discussion. Indian Society of Nephrology (Southern Chapter) Conference. Cochin.2001
- Best Paper Award. Indian Society of Nephrology (Southern Chapter) Conference. Cochin.2001
- Best Poster Award. Indian Society of Nephrology Conference. Cochin.2005
- Indian Achiever's Award for Chikitsak Ratan. Global Society for Health & Educational Growth. New Delhi.2011
- RTI Council Award. Thrissur.2012
- Consumer Protection Award - Koratty, Thrissur.2012
- Rajiv Gandhi Gold Medal. Global Economic Progress & Research Association, Tamil Nadu.2012
- Health Care Excellence Award for Nephrology. World Wide Achievers with media partner Headlines Today. New Delhi.2013
- Osteomalacia – Fifty-five patients seen in a teaching institution over a four-year period. JT Mathew, MS Seshadri, Kurien Thomas, et al. J Assoc Phys Ind. 1994; 42: 692-694.
- Bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis of pulmonary infections in renal allograft recipients. Jayant Thomas Mathew, SD Tarey, S Dominic, et al. Ind J Nephrol. 1998: 8: 172-174.
- Respiratory complications in postoperative pPatients. JT Mathew, GA D'Souza, AB Kilpadi. J Assoc Phys Ind. 1999; 47: 1086-1088.
- Cardiac echinococcosis. R Narayan. JT Mathew, PK Shetty. J Assoc Phys Ind. 2001; 49: 292.
- Coexistant extrapulmonary tuberculosis and diffuse non-Hodgkins lymphoma within a lymph node. JT Mathew, Usha Kini, CB Sridhar, Shameem Shariff. J Assoc Phys Ind. 2001; 49: 1044.
- Nutritional status predicts outcome in patients hospitalised with exacerbation of COPD. Jayant Thomas Mathew, GV Veena, Anura V Kurpad, George A D'Souza. Lung India. 2006; 23: 143-146.
- Post-transplant hyperglycemia: A study of risk factors. Jayant T Mathew, M Rao, V Job, S Ramaswami, CK Jacob. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2003; 18: 164-171.
- Aldosterone induces mesangial cell apoptosis both in vivo and in vitro. Jayant T Mathew, Hitesh Patni, Ahmad N Chaudhary, Wei Liang, Aakriti Gupta, Praveen N Chander, Guohua Ding and Pravin C Singhal. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2008; 295: F73-F81.
- Aldosterone promotes proximal tubular cell apoptosis: Role of oxidative stress. Hitesh Patni, Jayant T Mathew, Liming Luan, Nicholas Franki, Praveen N Chander, and Pravin C Singhal. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2007; 293: F1065-F1071.
- Mucinous cystadenoma in a horseshoe kidney: Report of a case with review of literature. Varna Menon, Krishna Prasad, Jayant T Mathew. Kuwait Medical Journal. 2012; 44 (1): 60-62.
- Co-author of book chapter: Acute Infections in Diabetes Mellitus. In: RSSDI Textbook of Diabetes Metllitus.
- Do inhaled steroids increase the risk of tuberculosis in asthmatic patients? European Respiratory Congress. Florence, Italy. 2000.
- Post-transplant hyperglycemia. American Society of Nephrology. San Fransisco, USA. 2001.
- Angiotensin II induced human tubular cell apoptosis is mediated via aldosterone and oxidative stress. American Society of Nephrology. St. Louis, USA. 2004.
- Angiotensin II Induced Human Tubular Cell Apoptosis is Mediated via Aldosterone and Oxidative Stress. American Society of Nephrology. St.Louis, USA. 2004.
- Aldosterone promotes proximal tubular cell apoptosis. American Society of Nephrology. St. Louis, USA. 2004.
- Socio-economic status of patients undergoing CAPD in India. Asian Chapter of the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis. Hiroshima, Japan. 2007.
- Lecture: Hepatitis B infection in renal transplantation. Southern Chapter of Indian Society of Nephrology (SCISN). 2005.
- Lecture: Pathogenesis of ANCA associated vasculitis. Nephrology Association of Kerala (NAK). 2006.
- Lecture: Tumour lysis syndrome. Nephrology Association of Kerala (NAK). 2008.
- Lecture: Polyoma virus nephropathy. Southern Chapter of Indian Society of Nephrology (SCISN). 2010.
- Lecture: Changing trends in the management of lupus nephritis. Nephrology Association of Kerala (NAK). 2011.
- Lecture: Diabetes mellitus management in CAPD. Peritoneal Dialysis Society of India (PDSI). 2011.
- Lecture: Sclerosing peritonitis. Peritoneal Dialysis Society of India (PDSI). 2012.
- Lecture: Lupus nephritis - Guidelines. Indian Society of Nephrology (ISN). 2012.
- Lecture: Chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) in India – present & future. First Annual Conference of Kidney Foundation. Bangladesh.
- Lecture: Peritoneal dialysis initiation: How we do it. SAARC Nephro Uro Transplant Congress. Chennai, 2013.
- Chaired: Three sessions at Leptocon 2009 (Conference of the International Society of Leptospirosis).
- Member, European Renal Association (ERA-EDTA)
- Member, Indian Society of Nephrology (ISN)
- Member, Indian Society of Hemodialysis (ISHD)
- Member, Peritoneal Dialysis Society of India (PDSI)
- Member, Southern Chapter of Indian Society of Nephrology (SCISN)
- Member, Nephrology Association of Kerala (NAK)
- Member, Association of Physicians of India (API) Kerala Chapter
- Member, Indian Medical Association (IMA)
- Core Group Member, International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis (ISPD) Asia Pacific Chapter
- Past Secretary, Nephrology Association of Kerala. 2011-13
- Past Secretary, Thrissur Nephro-Urology Club
- Past Secretary, Thrissur Diabetes Club
- Member, Medical Board of the YMCA
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