Dr. Jayant Kashinath Watve
ENT Surgeon, Kolhapur
- 1 Hospital
- Chatrapati Shahu Maharaj Govt. Medical College, Kolhapur Professor (full time) Department - E.N.T
- UlhasPatil Medical College, Jalgaon - MH Professor & H.O.D - ENT
- Current Practice: As "Full time Consultant - E.N.T Surgeon at Aadhar Hospital", Kolhapur
- Dr Watve is the Member of Indian Editorial Board for waent.org, a web ENT journal andHon Secretary Kolhapur Medical Association (IMA-Kolhapur Branch)
ENT (Otolaryngology)
- MBBS from Govt. Medical College, Miraj
- Master of Surgery E.N.T (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology) from B.J.Medical College, Pune
Practice Information
Aster Aadhar Hospital, Kolhapur
R. S. No. 628, B Ward, Near KMT Workshop, Near Shastri Nagar, Kolhapur, Maharashtra - 416012
Achievements & Contributions
- Publications:Author of booklet on Cochlear Implant
- Published two research articles in IJOHNS
- Lacrimal sac Rhinosporidiosis - A case study Vol.58 no.4, Oct-Dec, 2006
- RhinocerebralMucormycosis - A dreadful disease on the rise Vol.59 no.2, April-June, 2007
- Published two research articles in MJDPU
- Kikuchi'-Fujimoto disease - a rare diagnosis of cervical lymphadenopathy (Review article) (MJDYPU; Vol-3 Sep, 2008- 79)
- Primary nasal tuberculosis - A case Report (Review Article MJDYPU Vol-3, Sept- 2008, 66)
- Publication in waent.org, a web journal:
- Videos on Ossiculoplasty, Difficult Stapes surgery, Microlaryngial surgery - uploaded on waent.org, a web journal
- Article on Puberphonia - an alternative management on waent.org (web journal) vol.2
- Article on isolated # Zygoma - Gillie's approach is still best - waent.org.vol-2
- Published various articles on E.N.T. diseases in Marathi news paper.
- Lectures on AakashwaniSangli- Kolhapur
- Delivered guest lectures at various places, in Kolhapur district.
- Contribution in innumerable free check -up camps organized by Rotary Club & Lions Club
- Included as a panel member at state E.N.T. conference at Dhule (1997), Solapur (1999), Latur (2001), Pune (2003), Mumbai (2005)
- Received Dr.A.R.Bhide, Best Paper award in Consultant category at State E.N.T. conference at Jalgaon in 2006 for presenting a paper on -Puberphonia-an alternative management
- Life member of Association of Oto- Rhino-Laryngologists of India
- Life member of Indian Medical Association
- Life member of NSE India
- Life member of Indian Society of Otology
- Life member of Rhinology Society of India
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