Dr. Jay Shah
Cardiologist, Ahmedabad
- Ex-assistanT Professor Of Cardiology in U N Mehta Institute Of Cardiology And Research Centre, Ahmedbad, (September 2007 - April 2009 )
- SenIor Registrar in U N Mehta Institute Of Cardiology & Research Centre, Ahmedabad, (January 2007 - August 2007)
- DNB (cardiology) Resident: U N M Ic & Rc, Ahmedbad (Jaanary 2004 - December 2006)
- Asstt Professor Medicine (critical Care): U N Mic & Rc (July 2002 - December 2003)
- Research Fellow (cardiology): U N Mic & Rc, Ahmedbad (March 2002 - June 2002)
- Languages : English, Hindi, Gujarati
DNB(Cardio) First U N Mehta Institute of Cardiology and Research Centre, Ahmedabad National Board of, 2007, New Delhi
DNB(Medicine), 2007, Passed First National Board of Examinations, New Delhi
Practice Information
Life Care Institute Of Medical Sciences And Research, Ahmedabad
At Sardar Patel Statue, Stadium Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380009
HCG Multi Specialty Hospital, Ahmedabad
Mithakhali, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380006
Achievements & Contributions
- 8th RaK In SSC Board(10th Std) I Gujarat
- 1st RaK In Hsc In School(diwa Ballubhai Madhyamik School)
- Gold Medal In Physiology – 1st MBBS
- 2nd Rank In Smt Nhl Mmc In 1st MBBS And 5th In Gujarat University
- Gold Medal In Pharmacology – 2nd MBBS
- Core Prize In Pharmacology – 2nd MBBS
- 2nd Rank In Smt Nhl Mmc In 2nd MBBS And 6th In Gujarat University
- Passed MBBS In November 1997
- Paseed MD(medicine) In November 2001
- Passed DNB(medicine) In April 2002 At First Attempt
- Achived Mambership Of National Academy Of Medical Sciences From New Delhi
- Passed DNB(cardiology) In April 2007 At First Attempt
- Only Candidate To Pass The Cardiology Dnb Exam At 1stattempt From Gujarat Till Now
- Research PublicatioS (AtioAl): Persistent Restrictive Ventrilatory Defects After Accidental Ammonia Inhalation: A Case Presentation: The IDia PractitioEr: Feb 2003: 56: 137-139
- Hyperhomocysteinemia Masquerading As Pulmonary Embolism: A Case Report: Japi: Sep 2003:51: 914-915
- Case Report: Acute Pancreatitis Associated With Viral Hepatitis E, Gmj: April 2000: 57: 96
- Diabetic Nephropathy: Review Article: Gmj: Dec2002:59: 7-12
- Role Of Sildenafil In Primary And Secondary Pulmonary Hypertension: IDia Heart JourAl: Sep-oct 2004: 56: 557
- Pecutaneous Ventricular Septal Defect Closure Without Using Transosophageal Echocardiography: IDia Heart JourAl : Sep-oct 2004: 56: 487
- A New Sirolimus- Eluting Indian Stent : Ihj:sep-oct: 2004: 56 : 437
- Short-term And Intermediate Results Of Pronova: Sep-oct 2004: 56 : 436
- Device Closure Of Atrial Septal Defect In Children With Transthoracic Guidance : Ihj:sep-oct 2005: 57 : 477
- Drug Eluting Stents: Does Length Influence Restenosis? Ihj Sep-oct 2005: 57: 440
- Ankle Brachial Pressure Index And Brachial Ankle Pulse Wave Velosity As A Predictor Of Cad In Young Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiogram: Ihj Sep-oct 2005:57: 406
- Initial Experience With Sirolimus Eluting Stent In Real World Cases : Ihj Sep-oct 2005: 56 : 440
- Rotational Digital Angiocardiography In Congenital Heart Disease : Initial Single Centre Experience : Ihj Sep-oct 2005 : 57 : 492
- Role Of Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty In Children <20 Years Of Age : Ihj Sep-oct 2005 : 57 : 480
- Short-term Outcome Of Balloon Mitral Valvuloplasty In Pregnant Female : Ihj : Sep-oct 2006 : 58 : 384
- Pecutaneous Closure Of Patent Ductus Arteriosus Using Chinese “ Blockaid “ Duct Occluder : Initial Experience : Ihj :sep-oct 2006 : 58 : 388
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