Dr. Jagadish Tubachi
ENT Surgeon, Hubli-Dharwad
- Head and Neck Oncosurgeon with more than four years of experience
- Possess expertise in wide range of patients who need surgical or conservative treatments for cancer of the head and neck regions and the skull base
- Helped in hands on oncosurgery training to ENT surgeons of ENT department of BLY Nair medical college in Mumbai.
- Possess expertise to perform almost all the minor and major head & neck surgeries , even difficult and advanced cases
ENT (Otolaryngology)
- Head & Neck oncosurgery
- Fellowship trained at the Prince Ali Khan Hospital, Mumbai ,under Dr Sultan Pradhan, pioneer head neck surgeon in India
Practice Information
Sampige Super Speciality Clinic, Hubli-Dharwad
3rd Floor, Signature Mall, Gokul Road, Hubli-Dharwad, Karnataka - 580029
Achievements & Contributions
- Dr Jagadish is strong in academics & contributed a more than 17 research papers in international journals in various aspects of head neck surgery
- Chapter on Surgical management of parathyroid carcinoma in Atlas of ENT Surgery by Jaypee Publisher.
- Chapter on Transoral resection of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers in Atlas of ENT Surgery by Jaypee Publisher.
- Chapter on Vertical partial laryngectomy in Atlas of ENT Surgery by Jaypee Publisher.
- Chapter on Reconstruction of lip defects in Atlas of ENT Surgery by Jaypee Publisher
- Chapter on Assessment of laryngeal lesions in voice conservation surgery for laryngeal & hypopharyngeal cancer by Lloyd Publisher.
- Chapter on Assessment of laryngeal lesions in voice conservation surgery for laryngeal & hypopharyngeal cancer by Lloyd Publisher.
- Chapter on Assessment of laryngeal lesions in voice conservation surgery for laryngeal & hypopharyngeal cancer by Lloyd Publisher.
- Transoral resection of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers.Authors: Pradhan, Sultan; Mehta, Marzi; Hakeem, Arsheed; Tubachi, Jagadish; Kannan, R.2Source: Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology, Volume 1, Number 2, April 2010 , pp. 207-211(5)
- Metastasis of papillary thyroid cancer to the larynx and pharynx:unusual case report .Arsheed H. Hakeem • Sultan A. Pradhan •Sanica Bhele • Jagadish Tubachi .Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol Received: 7 June 2012 / Accepted: 26 July 2012
- Outcome of Per Oral Wide Excision of T1-2 N0 Localized Squamous Cell Cancer of the Buccal Mucosa - Analysis of 156 Cases Hakeem AH, Pradhan SA, Tubachi J, Kannan R The Laryngoscope. 08/2012.
- Transoral C02 laser surgery for laryngeal & hypopharyngeal cancers. Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International journal, September 2010
- Malignant transformation of non-irradiated recurrent juvenile laryngeal papillomatosis - a case report . Otorhinolaryngology Clinics: An International journal, September2010
- CSOM versus CSF Otorrhoea - A Dilemma. Ind. J Otology 2008; 14: 18 – 20
- Neurogenic Tumours of parapharyngeal Space. Journal of Scientific Society, J.N. Medical College, Belgaum. 2008;35:133-136
- Dissertation: Completed Dissertation on the “Assessment of Eustachian tube functions in OSMF” during my post graduation. The work was undertaken under the guidance of Professor Basavaraj Belaldavar.
- Impact of Anterior Commissure involvement in Early Glottic Cancer After CO2 LaserEndoscopic Resection
- MIcrolaryngoscopic resection for radiation failed early glottic carcinoma
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