Dr.J. Naresh Babu Spine Surgeon in Guntur

Dr.J. Naresh Babu

Spine Surgeon, Guntur


  • 23 Years Experience
  • 3 Hospitals


Dr. J. Naresh Babu is the first National Board certified spine surgeons of Andhra Pradesh. Dr. Naresh is a proven expertise in Degenerative Spine, Spinal Infections, Spinal Deformity, Cranio-Vertebral Pathologies, Skeletal Fluorosis and Spinal Tumors. He grabs Niloufer Chinoy Award, Consultant gold medal by OASIS, VT Ingalhalikar Gold Medal by Association of spine surgeons of India, AA Mehta Gold Medal by Indian Orthopaedic Association, Young Orthopaedic Investigator Award by Singapore Orthopaedic Association, Ethi Raju Gold Medal by NTR University for best outgoing orthopedic and many fellowships & research awards.

Dr Naresh Babu has authored number of chapters in many books as spinal infections and trauma, The Normal Diffusion Pattern of Human Lumbar Intervertebral discs, Translaminar facetal screw fixation, Morphological changes during growth in Healed childhood spinal Tuberculosis and more.

  • Languages : English, Hindi, Telugu


  • Spine Surgery

  • Orthopedic Surgery


  • Osteotomy


  • Safety of Primary Closure in Open Injuries of Limbs
  • Resection and Reconstruction Of Primary Vertebral Tumors
  • Closing – Opening wedge osteotomy of spine to correct severe post tubercular kyphotic deformities of the spine.
  • Closing – Opening wedge osteotomy of spine to correct severe post tubercular kyphotic deformities of the spine.


  • MS Ortho
  • FNB (Spine Surgery)
  • Fellowship Spine surgery (USA, Singapore)
  • Johnson & Johnson Trauma Fellowship at Ganga hospital Coimbatore
  • Fellow in Spinal Surgery- National Board of Examinations, New Delhi.
  • International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS) Macnab La Rocca Fellowship, Rush Presbyterian St.Lukes Medical Center, Chicago Illinois
  • Clinical fellow in Spine surgery, National University Hospital, Singapore

Practice Information

Mallika Spine Centre, Guntur

Mallika Spine Centre, Guntur

12-12-30, Old Club Road, Kothapeta, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh - 522001

KIMS Hospitals, Secunderabad

KIMS Hospitals, Secunderabad

1 - 8 - 31/1, Minister Road, Secunderabad, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500003

Mallika Hospitals, Guntur

Mallika Hospitals, Guntur

#12-12-173, Besides Mallika Spine Center, Oldclub Road, Kothapet, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh - 522201

Achievements & Contributions

  • Morphological changes of healed spinal TB with Kyphosis: The effect of kyphotic biomechanical forces on the growth of the spinal fusion mass was studied. The study was published in JPO. Morphological Changes during Growth in Healed Childhood Spinal Tuberculosis: A Fifteen-Year Prospective Study of Sixty-One Children Treated by Ambulatory Chemotherapy. S Rajasekaran, Ajoy P Shetty, J Dheenadhayalan; J Naresh-Babu; T Kishen.- J Pediatr Orthop. 2006 Nov-Dec;26(6):716-24 
  • Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) International Educational Scholarship -2006, 2008
  •  International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS)  Macnab La Rocca Fellowship Award-2005
  • The collaborative research between Ganga Hospital India and Rush Presbyterian St.Lukes Medical Center, Chicago Illinois  was selected for this award for the year 2005. Topic; Lumbar vertebral growth is governed by "chondral growth force response curve" rather than "Hueter-Volkmann law": a clinico-biomechanical study of growth modulation changes in childhood spinal tuberculosis. Rajasekaran S, Natarajan RN, Babu JN, Kanna PR, Shetty AP, Andersson GB. Spine (Phila Pa 1
  • Dr. J. Naresb Babu is the first National Board accredited Spine surgeon of the State of Andhra Pradesh, India. National board of examinations, New Delhi started the post-doctoral fellowships in some selected specialties including Spine surgery in 2001. The selection of the candidates is by all India competitive examination and interview open to orthopaedic and neurosurgeons. The successful candidate has to do a residency programme for a period of two years which gives eligibility to sit for the
  • Niloufer Chinoy Award 2010 by International Society for Fluoride Research (ISFR). The International Society for Fluoride Research was founded in 1966, at a meeting in Detroit of the American Society for Fluoride Research, to promote the sharing of scientific information on all aspects of inorganic and organic fluorides. This is done by the publication of a quarterly journal Fluoride and the hosting of international conferences. The best scientific paper presented at the conference will be awarde
  • International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS) International travelling fellowship 2010 The purpose of the International Fellowship Fund is to identify appropriate individuals in underrepresented/underdeveloped areas and financially sponsor them to attend and actively participate in the Society's meetings.
  • Consultant Gold Medal 2010 by Orthopaedic Association of South Indian States (OASIS). Topic: Is paediatric Spine more accommodative for spinal cord shortening?. Results of cord level pedicle subtraction osteotomy for severe kyphosis in children
  • VT Ingalhalikar Gold Medal 2010 for best paper presentation by Association of Spine Surgeons of India. Topic: Is paediatric Spine more accommodative for spinal cord shortening?. Results of cord level pedicle subtraction osteotomy for severe kyphosis in children
  • Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA) Spine Training Fellowship-2009 APOA conducts regular spine training fellowships at the centres of excellence in Asia Pacific regions. Through this fellowship, got trained under Prof. JY Chung, Chonnam National University, S. Korea for a period of 1 month.
  • Silver Jubilee Orator-2008 Award by Indian Orthopedic Association. Indian orthopedic association conducts annual competition for the Silver Jubilee Award and invites the research projects from all over India and one promising project will receive this award. This award is instituted in memory of completion of 25 years. For the first time a research project from Andhra Pradesh is being honored by this award for the work done on development of newer surgical technique for Skeletal Fluorosis and sp
  • Euro Spine Open Paper Award-2008 by European Spine society. This is one of the most prestigious and highly respected awards given by the European Spine Society annually for the best research work done in the field of spine surgery. The applications were invited world wide and reviewed by the award committee. This is the first time an Indian research being recognized by this award. The award carries a cash prize of 10,000 euros and was presented at SPINE WEEK congress, Geneva, Switzerland in May
  • AA Mehta Gold Medal by Indian Orthopaedic Association 2007 This is the most prestigious medal of the Indian Orthopoaedic Association awarded to the best paper presenter below 40 years of age during the annual conference of Indian Orthopaedic association.
  • Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) International Educational Scholarship -2007 The SRS Educational Scholarship is awarded to promising spine surgeon outside North America. This scholarship facilitated to attend 42nd SRS Annual Meeting & Pre-meeting Course. Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. http://www.srs.org/outreach/scholarship_recipients.asp
  • The Young Orthopaedic Investigator Award (2006) by Singapore Orthopaedic Association The YOIA is an annual competition to select the best paper presented at the SOA Annual Scientific Meeting by a young surgeon aged 40 and below.. http://www.soa.org.sg/awards_yoi.php
  • International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS) Sofamor Danek Best Paper Award 2006 Topic: Diffusion of human lumbar intravertebral discs can be enhanced pharmacologically with oral nimodipine. International society for the study of the lumbar spine. Bergen, Norway, June 2006. http://www.issls.org/awards/sofamor2006.htm.
  • Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) International Educational Scholarship -2006 The SRS Educational Scholarship is awarded to promising spine surgeon outside North America. This scholarship facilitated to attend 41st SRS Annual Meeting & Pre-meeting Course. Monterey, California, USA. http://www.srs.org/outreach/scholarship_recipients.asp
  • International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine (ISSLS) Macnab La Rocca Fellowship Award-2005 The collaborative research between Ganga Hospital India and Rush Presbyterian St.Lukes Medical Center, Chicago Illinois was selected for this award for the year 2005.
  • ISSLS Prize (International Society for the Study of the Lumbar Spine) for Best Spine research in clinical sciences-2004 Awarded at Spine Week 2004. Porto, Portugal Topic: A Study of Diffusion in Human Lumbar Discs -A Serial MRI study documenting the influence of the endplate on diffusion in normal and degenerate discs. Dr. S. Rajasekaran, Dr. J. Naresh Babu, Dr. R. Arun, Dr. BRW Armstrong, Dr. Ajoy Prasad Shetty, Dr. KS. Murugan. http://www.issls.org/awards/isslsprize2004.htm
  • Research Grant by “Foundation Yues Cotrel” Insitut de France-Paris This foundation will support the proposed Project for a period of one year.2004-2005. Topic: A Study of Endplate Characteristics and Diffusion of Solutes across Intervertebral discs In Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. -An In-vivo Serial Post-contrast MRI Study comparing The diffusion Characteristics at convex and Concave Vertebral segments. http://www.fondationcotrel.org/english/recherche_e/laureats_e.htm
  • Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA) - Depuy Spine Traveling Fellowship-2004 This fellowship facilitated traveling across the renowned centers of excellence in the field of spine surgery at Singapore, Japan, Malaysia and Taiwan.
  • Association of Spine Surgeons of India (ASSI) - Best Spine Research Award –2006 For the original research work done in India in the field of spine surgery. ASSICON-2007 Ahmedabad. Topic: Growth Modulation Changes In Kyphotic Deformity In Children As A Clinical Model For Mechanostat Theory And Chondral Growth Force Response Curve. A clinico-biomechanical study correlating growth modulation changes with 3D finite element model analysis
  • Association of Spine Surgeons of India (ASSI) - Best Spine Research Award –2005 For the original research work done in India in the field of spine surgery. ASSICON-2006 Chandigarh. Topic: Diffusion of Scoliotic discs. A biological model to study the effect of compressive forces on Disc diffusion.
  • Association of Spine Surgeons of India (ASSI) - Best Spine Research Award –2004 For the original research work done in India in the field of spine surgery. ASSICON-2005 Bangalore. Topic: Single Stage Correction of Post-Tubercular Kyphosis by Posterior Column Shortening
  • Association of Spine Surgeons of India (ASSI) - Best Spine Research Award –2003 For the original research work done in India in the field of spine surgery. ASSICON-2004 Pune
  • Prof. Ethi Rajulu Gold Medal” for best outgoing orthopaedic postgraduate in NTR University of Health Sciences Andhra Pradesh for the year 2002 Awarded by his excellency the Governor of the state of Andhra Pradesh
  • A Study of Diffusion in Human Lumbar Discs -A Serial MRI study documenting the influence of the endplate on diffusion in normal and degenerate discs. Association of Spine Surgeons of India (ASSI) - Depuy Best Spine Research Award winning paper presentation. Pune Jan-2004
  • Endplate Damage in Lumbar Discs Can Be Identified In-vivo By Post-Contrast MRI Studies. Dr. S. Rajasekaran, Dr. J. Naresh Babu, Dr. R. Arun, Dr. BRW Armstrong, Dr. Ajoy Prasad Shetty, Dr. KS. Murugan. ISSLS - Poster (P238) Spine week-2004 Porto, Portugal
  • ‘A Comprehensive Trauma Score To Prognosticate Outcome In Grade III B Open Tibial Fractures’. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons 71st Annual Meeting March-2004 • San Francisco, CA. Rajasekaran S, Rajasabapathy S, Kumar P.V Manoj, Naresh Babu J, Dheenadhayalan J, Ajoy Shetty Prasad, Maheswar Canjivaram.
  • Endplate Damage in Lumbar Discs Can Be Identified In-vivo By Post-Contrast MRI Studies. Dr. S. Rajasekaran, Dr. J. Naresh Babu, Dr. R. Arun, Dr. BRW Armstrong, Dr. Ajoy Prasad Shetty, Dr. KS. Murugan. Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association Triennial Congress, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia-2004
  • Far lateral Lumbar Disc Herniation Treated by Paraspinal Microsurgical Muscle Splitting Approach. Association of Spine Surgeons of India Annual Conference-2005, Bangalore
  • Endplate Damage in Lumbar Discs Can Be Identified In-vivo By Post-Contrast MRI Studies. Annual Conference of Orthopaedic Association of South Indian States (OASISCON-2004) Thrisur, Kerala
  • Far lateral Lumbar Disc Herniation Treated by Paraspinal Microsurgical Muscle Splitting Approach. at the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Orthopaedic Association, 2005. Cuddalore.
  • The Indications and Safety of Primary Closure in Open Injuries of Limbs. Indo-German Orthopaedic foundation Annual Conference. 2003, (IGOF-2003) Kanpur
  • ‘A Study of Diffusion Pattern in Human Lumbar Intervertebral Discs; An MRI Evaluation’ at Annual Conference of Orthopaedic Association Of South Indian States (OASISCON-2003) Bangalore
  • ‘Evaluation of Safety of Immediate Post debridement Closure in Open Injuries of Limbs’ Annual Conference of Orthopaedic Association of South Indian States (OASISCON-2003) Bangalore
  • ‘Prospective Evaluation of Adverse Events in a Busy Orthopaedic Unit’ at the Annual Conference of the Tamil Nadu Orthopaedic Association, 2003. Kodaikanal
  • ‘Role of Interloking Nailing in the Diaphyseal fractures of Tibia’ at Andhra Pradesh Chapter Of Indian Orthopaedic Association 2001 Warangal.
  • ‘Pantalar Tarsal Coalition’ at Andhra Pradesh Chapter Of Indian Orthopaedic Association 2000 Vishakapattanaum
  • Primary Closure In Open Injuries-Adventurous Or Advantageous?- Andhra Pradesh Chapter Of Indian Orthopaedic Association 2003 Hyderabad
  • ‘Resection and Reconstruction Of Primary Vertebral Tumors’- Andhra Pradesh Chapter Of Indian Orthopaedic Association 2003 Hyderabad.
  • ‘Primary closure in open injuries of limbs- Indications and safety. At 48th Annual Conference of Indian Orthopaedic Association Dec-2003 at Chennai.
  • Endplate Damage in Lumbar Discs Can Be Identified In-vivo By Post-Contrast MRI Studies. S Rajasekaran, Naresh Babu, K Murugan, A Shetty, American Acadamy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Chicago, Illinois, 2006
  • The Normal Diffusion Pattern of Human Lumbar Discs. S Rajasekaran, Naresh Babu, K Murugan, A Shetty, American Acadamy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) Chicago, Illinois, 2006
  • Diffusion of human lumbar intravertebral discs can be enhanced pharmacologically with oral nimodipine. S Rajasekaran, Naresh Babu, K Murugan, A Shetty, International Society for Study on Lumbar Spine (ISSLS), Bergen, Norway, 2006
  • Closing – Opening wedge osteotomy of spine to correct severe post tubercular kyphotic deformities of the spine. S Rajasekaran, A Shetty ,Naresh Babu, Vidyadhara S. Scoliosis Research Society. (SRS) Monterey, California, USA
  • Behavior of proximal thoracic curve and coronal balance after thoracoscopic selective anterior fusion for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.- a longitudinal study with minimum 2 yrs follow-up.Dr. Naresh Babu, Peng Y, Tao HR, Hee HT, Wong HK. 39th Singapore Orthopaedic Association Annual Scientific meeting. Singapore
  • InternationalNational delegate “AO Spine India”
  • Life Member of the ‘Indian Orthopaedic Association’ (IOA)
  • Life Member of the ‘Association of Spine Surgeons of India’ (ASSI).
  • Executive committee member ‘Twin Cities Spine Society”
  • Life Member of the ‘Orthopaedic Surgeons Association of AP’
  • Life Member of the ‘Orthopaedic Association Of South Indian States’ (OASIS)
  • Life Member of the ‘Tamil Nadu Orthopaedic Association’ (TNOA)
  • Life Member of the ‘Twin Cities Orthopaedic Society’
  • Life Member of the ‘Guntur Orthopaedic Association’
  • NationalLife Member of the ‘World Orthopaedic Concern’ (WOC)
  • Member ‘AO Spine International ’.
  • Member Asia Pacific Orthopaedic Association (APOA) Spine section.