Dr. Isha Tyagi
ENT Surgeon, Lucknow
- 36 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Working in SGPGI since 1989, Professor from July 2007 till March 2009.
- Working as senior ENT consultant Sahara hospital since Apr 2009
- Languages : English, Hindi
ENT (Otolaryngology)
Nasal Surgery
- Microearsurgery, Endoscpic nasal surgery
- MBBS from J.I.P.M.E.R, Madras
- M.S. (E.N.T.) from J.I.P.M.E.R, Madras
- D.L.O. from J.I.P.M.E.R, Madras
Practice Information
Javitri Hospital, Lucknow
Raebareli Road, Telibagh, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226002
Achievements & Contributions
- Presentations at International conference:Management of CSF otorrhoea an Otologist’s perspective. Australian society of Otolaryngology meet 2007 April Adelaid Australia.
- Micro vascular decompression of VIIIth N for management of persitant positional vertigo. Meeting of British otolaryngological society at Birmingham 2003.
- Management of Vascular malformations of the head and neck. SAARC meet at GOLOMBO 2003.
- Management of the “Intracranial extension of the angiofibroma” American society of the Skull base surgery 1997 Sandeigo USA.
- “Management of the Low flow vascular malformations of the headneck region” SAARC, ENT meet 2004. at Colombo.
- “Positional Vertigo in Migraine” at International Neurootological society in 1993 at Linkoping is Sweden.
- “Management of Positional Vertigo” in ASIA OCENIA in Hongkong.1991.
- Presentations at National conferences:Presented about 85 lectures and papers in the National conferences. Invited speaker , panelist, conducted panel discussion
- Gold Medal and certificate of honor by the Nagoya University in Japan in 1994.
- The House Ear Institute of California awarded me in 1996.
- Awarded ‘Rastria Ratan’ award and Gold Medel in 2003.
- Listed in Maraques Who’s who in 2004.
- President of The association of ‘Neuro Otology & Equilibriometric Society of India’ 2005-2006.
- Publications:I.Tyagi , N.K.Majumder : Role of impedance Audiometry in Diagnosing the type of otosclerotic focus and in post operative follow-up. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology 40(5-8)1988.
- I. Tyagi, N.K.Majumder, S.Gopalakrishnan: Mucormycosis of Para nasal Sinuses. Pakistan Journal of Otolaryngology. 6.37-41 1990.
- I.Tyagi, Majumder N.K. : Management of the Lingual Thyroid masses by implanting it in neck muscles. Indian Journal on Otolaryngology 41;66-68, 1989.
- I. Tyagi, N.K.Majumder: Malignant fibrous Histiocytoma of the Temporal bone. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology. 42: 128-132, 1990.
- I. Tyagi & N.K.Majumder : Role of conservative Laryngectomy in treatment of Thyroid malignancies. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology 42; 23-25, 1990.
- I. Tyagi : Eminectomy A Simple Treatment for recurrent dislocation of the temporomandibular joint: A case report. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology 43. 103-105 1991.
- I. Tyagi : Petrous internal carotid aneurysm: Treatment with steel coil occlusion of parent vessel. Journal of interventional radiology 7 (75-78) 1992
- I. Tyagi : Nasal septal chondrosarcoma with visual loss. Indian journal of Ophthalmology 41(189-191) 1993.
- #09. Pandey K., Tyagi I , Banerjee D. : Acromegalic : An unusual presentation. Indian journal of Otolaryngology 47 (25-27) 1995.
- K. Sharma, I. Tyagi, D. Banerjee : Rhinological complications of sublabial transseptal trans sphenoid surgery for sellar and suprasellar lesions. Neurosurgical review 19(163-167) 1996.
- I. Tyagi, T. Nakashima, A. Ito, N. Yanagita : Effect of Hemorrhagic Hypotension on blood flow to the basal and upper turns of cochlea. Auris Nasus Larynx (Tokyo) 22, 93-95,1995.
- R. Sharma , I. Tyagi : Nasoethmoid schwanoma with intracranial extension. A case report & review of literature. Neurosurgical review. 21 (1998) 58 - 60.
- I.Tyagi, R. Sharma : Tuberculoma of the skullbase; A case report. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis 41( 259-261) 1994.
- R. Sharma, I. Tyagi : Evaluation of hearing loss in infants. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology 46( 187-190) 1996.
- Tyagi I. , Taneja H.C., Banerjee D, Chhabra DK : Transpalatal approach for intracranial extensions of the juvenile angiofibroma. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology 49 (124-128)
- I. Tyagi : Symptomatic pineal cyst with intracystic & subarachnoid hemorrhage. Report of a case and review of literature. British journal of Neurosurgery 13(2) : 189 – 192.
- HC Taneja, Tyagi I : BERA in Neonates. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. 1998 ,50:26.
- I. Tyagi : Acoustic Blast trauma. Indian Journal of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. 1998 49:51
- Tyagi I., Taneja H.C. : Juvenile Angiofibroma : Review of a case series and role of embolisation. Indian Journal of otolaryngology and head and neck surgery. (Lead article) 49:36 1998.
- Banerji D, Behari S, Tyagi I, Pandey T, Jain VK, Chhabra DK : Extended frontobasal approach to the skull base. Neurol India 49 (3); 253-6 : 2001
- R. Sharma, Isha Tyagi, Deepu Banerjee, Rakesh Pandey : Nasoethmoid Schwannoma with intracranial extension. A case report with review of literature. Neurosurgical Review 1998 ; 21; 58-61.
- Raj Kumar, Ravinder Sharma, Isha Tyagi : Spontaneous evacuation of Cerebeller abscess through middle ear. A case report. Neurosurgical Review 1998; 21 ; 66-68.
- Ravinder Sharma, Isha Tyagi, Raj Kumar, R.V. Phadke : Tuberculosis of Skull bone. A case report with review of literature. Neurosurgical Review 2000; Jun 23 (2); 104-6.
- Ravinder Sharma, S.C. Gupta, Isha Tyagi, Sanjay Kumar : Study of abnormal brain stem evoked responses in diabetes mellitus. Indian Journal of Otolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery July – Sept. 2000 volume 52(3); 223-229.
- Banerji D, Behari S, Tyagi I, Pandey T, Jain VK, Chhabra DK Extended Frontobasal approach to the skull base. Neurol India 2001;49:253-61
- Isha Tyagi, Ravinder Sharma, Gopal Achari, Kumudini, Raj Kumar: Angiofibroma Surgery and Visual Improvement. Indian Journal of Otolarynogology and Head & Neck Surgery. Jan. – Mar. 2003; Volume 55 No. 1; 100 – 105.
- Vikas Malik, Isha Tyagi, R V Phadke : ‘Use of Direct Puncture Technique in Management of Capillaro-venous Malformation’. BMC Ear, Nose &Throat Disorders: biomedcentral.com/1472-6815/2/1. (2002).
- Vikas Malik, Isha Tyagi, Prasad Krishnan, Sanjay Behari : ‘Monostotic Fibrous Dysplasia of Squama of Temporal Bone’. Indian Journal of Otology, March 2002; Vol.8, No.1, 32-36.
- Raj Kumar, Vikas Malik, Isha Tyagi, Lily Pal and S. N. Singh: Hyperostotic paraganglioma of occipitotemporal bone. Neurosurgical Review : Volume 27, Number 1 January 2004 Pages: 46 – 49.
- Vikas Malik, Isha Tyagi, Bharti Rathi : Petrous apex Mucocele: A Case report & review of literature’. Indian Journal of Otology, September 2002; Vol.8, No.3.
- R. V Phadke, S. K Venkatesh, S Kumar, V Tandon, R Pandey, I Tyagi, V. K Jain, D. K Chhabra Embolization of cranial/spinal tumours and vascular malformations with hydrogel microspheres. An experience of 69 cases (2002) Acta Radiologica Volume43 Issue 1 Page 15-20, January 2002.
- Banerji D, Behari S, Tyagi I, Pandey T, Jain VK, Chhabra DK :Intracranial infective aneurysms : angiographic evaluation. Neurol India 49 (3) page 2001.
- Prabhat Tewari, Chandra Kant Pandey, and Isha Tyagi : Retropharyngeal neurofibroma presenting with severe kypho-scoliosis: respiratory obstruction in postoperative period. Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia Year 48:422 -423.
- Isha Tyagi ,Rajan Syal and Amit Goyal : Bilateral Ramsay Hunt syndrome in a diabetic patient. BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders 2004, 4:3
- Isha Tyagi, Rajan Syal, and Amit Goyal : CSF otorhinorrhea due to cochlear dysplasia”. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2005 Jul; 69(7):983-8.
- Isha Tyagi , Rajan Syal and Amit Goyal : “CSF otorhinorrhea due to inner ear malformations – clinical presentation and new perspectives in management” J. Laryngol Otol. 2005 Sep;119(9):714-8.
- Rajan Syal, Isha Tyagi and Amit Goyal : “Traumatic subglottic stenosis – an alternative approach of surgical management” Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2005 Aug 12; [Epub ahead of print].
- Amit Goyal, Isha Tyagi, PK Tiwari, SK Agarwal and Rajan Syal : Management of difficult airway in intratracheal tumor surgery. BMC Ear Nose Throat Disord. 2005 Jun 7;5:4
- Isha Tyagi, Amit Goyal and Rajan Syal : “Our Experience with Endolymphatic sac decompression”. Indian Journal of Otology. Vol. 11, June,2005.P 5-9
- Tyagi I, Goyal A, Syal R. Sac Surgery Results as a Function of Preoperative Distress Level. Otol Neurotol. 2006 Jun 16;
- Tyagi I, Syal R, Goyal A. Staging and surgical approaches in large juvenile angiofibroma-Study of 95 cases. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2006 Jun 12; [Epub ahead of print].
- Tyagi I, Goyal A, Syal R, Agarwal SK, Tewari P. Emergency cardiopulmonary bypass for impassable airway. J Laryngol Otol. 2006 Jun 2;:1-4 [Epub ahead of print]
- Goyal A, Tyagi I, Syal R, Agrawal T, Jain M. Primary aneurysmal bone cyst of coronoid process. BMC Ear Nose Throat Disord. 2006 Mar 14;6:4.
- Syal R, Tyagi I, Goyal A. Traumatic laryngotracheal stenosis--an alternative surgical technique. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2006 Feb;70(2):353-7.
- Tyagi I, Syal R, Goyal A. Management of low-flow vascular malformations of upper aero digestive system-role of N-butyl cyanoacrylate in preoperative devascularization. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2006 Apr;44(2):152-6. Epub 2005 Jun 6.
- Syal R, Reddy SJ, Kumar R, Tyagi I, Wani AA,Krishnani N, Mishra AM, Gupta RK : Unusual clinical and MRI features of a cerebellopontine angle medulloblastoma. Case report and review of literature. Pediatr Neurosurg 2006 ; 42 (5) : 299 – 303.
- Tyagi I, Syal R, Goyal A. Recurrent and residual juvenile angiofibromasJournal of Laryngology & Otology (2007), 121: 460-467 Cambridge University Press .
- I Tyagi , R Syal , A Goyal Staging and surgical approaches in large juvenile angiofibroma ... J Laryngol Otol. 2007 Jan 9; :1-8.
- Tyagi I., Syal R. Goyal A.Staging and surgical approaches in large juvenile angiofibroma--study of 95 cases Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2006 Sep;70(9):1619-27.
- Amit Goyal , Isha Tyagi , Rajan Syal Apophysomyces elegans causing acute otogenic cervicofacial cellulitis: A case report..Medical Mycology 45:6, 2007
- Bhavana k, Tyagi I, Kapila R.- Chickengunia virus causing sudden sensorineural deafness. International Jr. of Paediatric otolaryngology Sept 2007.
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