Dr. Ghanashyam Biswas
Medical Oncologist, Bhubaneswar
- 2 Hospitals
Medical Oncology
MBBS, 1995, SCB Medical College, Cuttack, India
MD (General Medicine, 2000, MKCG Medical College, Behrampur, India
DM (Medical Oncology), 2004, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India
ECMO, 2004, European Certified Medical Oncologist
Practice Information
Sparsh Hospitals, Bhubaneswar
A/407, Behind Metro Tower, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751007
American Oncology Institute, Bhubaneswar
A/407, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha - 751007
Achievements & Contributions
- Two-month short term ICMR project at AHRCI, Cuttack: "Role of FNAC in cervical lymphadenopathy with special reference to TB lymphadenitisâ€. 1993. [Guide: Prof. Dr. NC Parija)
- MD Thesis: Observation on renal manifestations in falciparum malaria. 1997-2000. [Guide: Prof. Dr. PK Padhy]
- DM Thesis: "Neuroblastoma: A Retrospective Analysis (1987-2000)". 2001-04. [Guide: Prof. Dr. PA Kurkure]
- Clinical Trial: MO18024 First line Bevacizumab and chemotherapy in metastatic cancer of the colon or rectum (First beat Phase III B Trial)
- Clinical Trial: Molecular remission with Arsenic Trioxide in Acute Promyelocytic Leukaemia (Indian APML study group- IASG).
- Prizes for essay on "World Health Day". Organised by Urban Health and Training Centre, SCB Medical College, Cuttack.1994, 1995, 1996
- Received Award for "Profile of Primary Thyroid NHL: 10 years experience". 3rd Conference of Federation of Oncologists of SAARC countries, Goa.2005
- Travel Grant Awarded for Poster Presentation: ESEC 2005 Meeting, Budapest. Jun 2005
- Microcystic adnexal carcinoma in a 10 year old child: A case report and review of literature. Sharma L, Biswas G, Lokeshwar N, Nair C, Gupta S, Parikh P. Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology. 2004; 25: 40-42.
- Advances in neuroblastoma management. Biswas G, Kurkure P, Banavali SD, Achrekar S, Khadwal A. Oncology Nursing Newsletter. 2003; 5: 1-3.
- Retroperitoneal Plasmacytoma: A case report and review of literature. Sharma L, Biswas G, Rai S, Nair R, Gupta S, Parikh P. Indian Journal of Cancer. 2004; 41; 3: 133-134.
- Metastatic Gastric Adenocarcinoma: Clinical brief. Bhagwat R, Biswas G, Khadwal A, Pai SK, Banavali SD, Parikh P. Indian Journal of Paediatrics. 2005; 72(1).
- Necrotizing fascitis in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL): a pictorial CME. Biswas G, Khurana R, Bhagwat R, Nair R, Banavali SD, Vora A, Parikh PM. Journal of Association of Physicians of India. 2004; 52: 890.
- Multiple myeloma presenting as a suprasellar plasmacytoma: a pictorial CME. Biswas G, Bhagwat R, Khurana R, Prasad N, Sastry PSRK, Parikh PM. Journal of Association of Physicians of India. 2005; 53: 24.
- Dermatological toxicity of Imatinib Mesylate: a pictorial CME. Prasad N, Deshmukh C, Biswas G, Bakshi A, Sastry PSRK, Parikh PM. Journal of Association of Physicians of India. 2005; 53: 298.
- Desmoplastic round cell tumour: A single institutional experience. Biswas G, Laskar S, Gujral S, Banavali SD, Kurkure PA, Muckaden M, Nair CN, Parikh PM. Indian Journal of Cancer. Apr-Jun 2005; 42(2): 78-84.
- Hepatocellular carcinoma: A review. Parikh PM, Bhagwat R, Biswas G, Goyal L. Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology. Jul 2005.
- Ewing's sarcoma with cutaneous metastasis - a rare entity: A report of three cases. Biswas G, Khadwal A, Kulkarni P, Bakshi A, Nair CN, Kurkure PA, Muckaden M, Parikh PM. IJDVL. Nov-Dec 2005; 7 1(6):423-5.
- Primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET) as second malignancy after treatment of Hodgkin's disease. Khadwal A, Biswas G, Arora B, Kurkure PA, Deshmukh C, Shetty V. Indian J Pediatr. May 2006; 73(5): 437-8.
- Pregnancy outcome of two patients treated with imatinib. Prabhash K, Sastry PS, Biswas G, Bakshi A, Prasad N, Menon H, Parikh PM. Ann Oncol. Dec 2005; 16(12): 1983-4. Epub 2005 Aug 12.
- Trial of amifostine in autologous stem cell transplant. Sastry Bone Marrow Transplant. Jan 2006; 37(1): 117-8.
- Scleroderma and dermographism in a case of carcinoma ovary. Vottery R, Biswas G, Deshmukh C, Gupta S, Nair R, Parikh P. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. Nov-Dec 2005; 71(6): 429-30.
- Imatinib-induced nail hyperpigmentation in chronic myeloid leukaemia. Prabhash K, Biswas G, Prasad N, Karant N, Sastry PS, Parikh PM. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. Jan-Feb 2006; 72(1): 63-4.
- Rituximab (anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody) in lymphoproliferative malignancies: Tata Memorial experience. Biswas G, Parikh PM, Nair R, Bhagwat R, Bakshi A, Prabhash K, Vora A, Gupta S, Pai VR, Menon H, Sastry PS. J Assoc Physicians India. Jan 2006; 54:29-33.
- Spontaneous migration of central venous catheter tip. Khadwal A, Prasad N, Biswas G, Bhagwat R, Sastry PS, Parikh PM. J Assoc Physicians India. Jan 2006; 54:35.
- Thalidomide in primary peritoneal mesothelioma. Thalidomide in primary peritoneal mesothelioma. Biswas G, Narayanan P, Bhagwat R, Khadwal A, Bakshi AV, Parikh PM. J Surg Oncol. Apr 2006; 93(5): 434.
- Cutaneous metastasis from urologic tumours. Prabhash K, Prasad N, Biswas G, Parikh PM. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. Jan-Feb 2006.
- Brain metastasis - evidence based management. a review article. Biswas G, Bhagwat R, Khurana R, Menon H, Prasad N, Parikh PM. J Cancer Res Ther. Mar 2006; Volume 2.
- Primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET) of thyroid – a case report. G Biswas, S Hingmire, IN Bagwan, N Prasad, A Bakshi, RF Chinoy, CN Nair. Oral Oncology Extra. May 2006.
- Carcinoma esophagus with brain metastasis. a letter to editor. Prasad N, Biswas G, Khadwal A, Pravash K, Parikh PM. Indian Journal of Medical and Paediatric Oncology. Jun 2006; Vol 27, No.2.
- Lymphoma. Hingmire SS, Biswas G, Bakshi A, Desai S, Dighe S, Nair R, Gupta S, Parikh PM. Indian J Med Microbiol. Jan-Mar 2008; 26(1):79-80.
- Isolated cutaneous relapse of acute myeloid leukaemia. Hingmire S, Narayanan P, Khadwal A, Maru D, Biswas G, Sastry PS, Parikh PM. J Assoc Physicians India. Feb 2007; 55: 131.
- Metachronous gastric diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and adenocarcinoma. Prabhash K, Biswas G, Nair R, Pandey D, Maru D, Mahajan A, Parikh PM. Indian J Gastroenterol. Sep-Oct 2006; 25(5):261-2.
- Neoadjuvant chemotherapy in recurrent sebaceous carcinoma of eyelid with orbital invasion and regional lymphadenopathy. Priyadarshini O, Biswas G, Biswas S, Padhi R, Rath S. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. Sep-Oct 2010; 26(5):366-8.
- Optic nerve and chiasmal germinoma. Rath S, Vemuganti GK, Biswas G, Mod H. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. Mar-Apr 2009; 25(2):161-3.
- BCR-ABL mediated repression of miR-223 results in the activation of MEF2C and PTBP2 in chronic myeloid leukaemia. Agatheeswaran S, Singh S, Biswas S, Biswas G, Chandra Pattnayak N, Chakraborty S. Leukaemia. Jul 2013; 27(7):1578-80.
- Bilateral toxoplasma retinochoroiditis in a patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia treated with imatinib mesylate. Basu S, Das T, Biswas G. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. Jan 2010; 18(1):64-5.
- Presence of a new BCR-ABL kinase domain mutation, C330G in an imatinib naive patient with chronic myeloid leukaemia: very low prevalence of BCR-ABL kinase domain mutations in patients with chronic myeloid leukaemia from eastern India. Kuila N, Dash N, Sahoo DP, Pattnayak NC, Biswas G, Chakraborty S.
- Hepatocellular carcinoma presenting as double head. Prabhash K, Prasad N, Biswas G, Bakshi A, Parikh PM. Indian J Gastroenterol. Sep-Oct 2006; 25(5):255.
- Successful complete regression of isolated intramedullary spinal cord metastases from epithelial ovarian carcinoma with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Bakshi A, Biswas G, Deshmukh C, Prasad N, Nair R, Parikh PM. Indian J Cancer. Jul-Sep 2006; 43(3):136-8.
- EVI1, BAALC and AME: prevalence of the secondary mutations in chronic and accelerated phases of chronic myeloid leukaemia patients from eastern India. Kuila N, Sahoo DP, Kumari M, Biswas S, Patnaik RS, Pattnayak NC, Biswas G, Chakraborty S. Leuk Res. Apr 2009; 33(4):594-6.
- ERRß signalling through FST and BCAS2 inhibits cellular proliferation in breast cancer cells. Sengupta D, Bhargava DK, Dixit A, Sahoo BS, Biswas S, Biswas G, Mishra SK. Br J Cancer. Apr 2014; 110(8):2144-58.
- Book Chapters: 1. Neuroblastoma. 2. Wilms Tumour. In: Evidence Based Management of Cancers in India. 2004; Vol. II.
- Poster: Self assessment scale of anxiety and depression in patients with leukaemia. Kulkarni P, Parikh P, Deshmukh C, Bakshi A, Biswas G, Pai VR, Kurkure P, Nair C. Summer Education Conference of ESMO. Jun 2003.
- Poster: Ifosfamide base neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locoregionally-advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma: A retrospective analysis of 718 cases. Pai VR, Kulkarni P, Mazumdar AT, Biswas G, Parikh P, Pathak KA, D’cruz A. Annual Meeting of ASCO, Jun 2004; (Abstract no. 5550).
- Poster: Challenges in management of advanced neuroblastoma: Experience at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India. Biswas G, Kurkure P, Banavali S, Achrekar S, Kulkarni P, Bhagwat R, Sharma L. Annual meeting of ASCO. Jun 2004; (Abstract no. 8562).
- Poster: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) with single agent carboplatin. Gupta S, Biswas G, Parikh PM, Maheshwari A, Kerkar R, Tongaonkar HB. 29th ESMO Congress, Vienna. Oct-Nov 2004; (Abstract 455P).
- Poster: Isolated CNS Relapse with complete cytogenetic and hematological response in blood and bone marrow in a case of CML BC: A case report. Prasad N, Sadani G, Amre Kadam P, C Deshmukh, A Bakshi, G Biswas, A Vora, H Menon, Sastry PSRK, Parikh PM. MHG 2005.
- Poster: Plasmacytoma of external auditory canal: A case report. N Karanth, Prasad N, A Bakshi, K Prabhash, H Menon, G Biswas, Pai VR, Vora A, Parikh PM. MHG 2005.
- Poster: Preliminary results of acute promyelocytic leukaemia (APL) treated with all-trans-retinoic-acid (ATRA) and novel oral induction chemotherapy (CT). Goyal L, Banavali SD, Nair R, Khadwal A, Biswas G, Amre Kadam P, Baisane C, Mahadik S, Sadani G, Gujral S, Arora B, Parikh PM. MHG 2005.
- Poster: Amifostine in autologous stem cell transplantation - Comparative data with controls. PSRK Sastry, R Bhagwat, Biswas G, Kulkarni P, Khadwal A, N Prasad, Bakshi A, Parikh PM. ESEC, Jun 2005.
- Poster: Perceptions about complementary and alternative (CAM) medicine in a tertiary oncology centre in India. Biswas G, N Prasad, R Bhagwat, Kulkarni P, A Vora, S Shah, PSRK Sastry, Parikh P. ESEC. Jun 2005.
- Poster: Is anthracycline based chemotherapy for all stages of Wilms tumour (WT) a practical compromise for better outcome in developing countries? Bhagwat R, Kurkure P, Iyer K, Biswas G, Siddique N, Padhye B, Banavali S, Nair C, Pai S, Parikh P, Sailukar M, Qureshi S, Laskar S, Muckaden M. SIOP 2005, Vancouver.
- Life Member, Association of Physicians of India (National and Orissa State Branch)
- Life Member, Indian Co-operative Oncology Network (ICON)
- Full Member, American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
- Full Member, European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)
- Life Member, Indian Society of Medical and Paediatric Oncology (ISMPO)
- Life Member, Indian Society of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine (ISHTM)
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