Dr. Devi Dayal
Pediatrician, Chandigarh
- 1 Hospital
Pediatric Endocrinology
MBBS, 1986, University of Jammu, Jammu, India
MD, 1989, PGIMER, Chandigarh, India
Fellowship Pediatric Endocrinology, 2012, University of Bristol, UK
Practice Information
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh
Sector-12, Chandigarh, Chandigarh - 160012
Achievements & Contributions
- Polymorphisms of MHC &non-MHC genes in Type 1 diabetes
- Role of Th17 cells in autoimmune diabetes
- Kansra S, Devidayal, Suri D, Singh M. Hypocalcaemiafollowing therapy of thyrotoxicosis in an infant. Acta Paediatr 2006; 95: 375-7
- Devidayal. A male infant withgynecomastia-galactorrhea. J Pediatr2005; 147: 712
- KhadwalA, Devidayal, Kumar A, Deepthi N.Severe thrombocytopenia in a child with type 1 diabetes. Pediatr Endocrinol Diab Metab 2008; 14: 125-6
- Devidayal, Menon P, VaipheiK, Singh M, Rao KLN, Singhi S. Pleuropulmonary zygomycosis in a diabetic child.Clin Pediatr Endocrinol 2009; 18:35-40
- SinghB, Naganur S, Devidayal. Thyroidstatus and autoantibodies in first degree relatives of children with autoimmunethyroiditis. J Nucl Med 2009; 50:S433
- BorkarVV, Devidayal, Verma S, Bhalla AK.Low levels of vitamin D in North Indian children with newly diagnosed Type 1diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes 2010; 11:345–50
- SharmaD, Devidayal, Gupta A, Saxena A.Premature menarche associated with primary hypothyroidism in a 5½-year-oldgirl. Case Rep Endocrinol 2011;doi:10.1155/2011/678305
- SainiA, Devidayal, Verma S, Bhalla AK.Comparative Efficacy of Once Daily Insulin Glargine with Twice Daily NPHInsulin in Children with Type 1 Diabetes. JDiabetes Metab 2011; 2:124. doi:10.4172/2155-6156.1000124
- Dayal D, Saini A, Sodhi K, Rao K, Gupta N,Dogra S, Singhi S. Thymic Zygomycosis in a Girl with Poorly ControlledDiabetes. Acta Endocrinologica (Buc)2011; 7: 379-383
- Sawatkar GU, Kanwar RAJ, Dogra S,Bhadada SK, Dayal D. Spectrum ofskin changes secondary to insulin injections in Type 1 diabetes mellituspatients. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol2013. DOI: 10.1111/jdv.12068
- Devidayal,Bhalla AK, Sachdeva N. A boy with prepubertal gynecomastia, hyperprolactinemia,and hypothyroidism. J Pediatr Endocr Met2013; 26 (3-4): 357-60
- Jauhari P, Sahu JK, Singhi P, Dayal D, Khandelwal N. An Indian BoyWith a Novel Leukodystrophy: 4HSyndrome. J Child Neurol 201429(1):135-8
- Devidayal,Singh MK, Sachdeva N, Singhi S, Attri SV, Jayashree M, Bhalla AK. Vitamin Dlevels during and after resolution of ketoacidosis in children with new onsetType 1 diabetes. Diabetic Med 2013;30(7): 829-34
- Dayal D,Dekate P, Sharda S, Das A, Attri SV. An Indian girl with Fanconi–Bickelsyndrome without SLC2A2 gene mutation. JPediatr Genetics 2013; 2: 109–112
- Dayal D,Saini L, Attri SV, Singh B, Bhalla AK. Daily versus alternate day thyroxinetherapy to maintain euthyroidism in children with congenital hypothyroidism. Int J Endocrinol Metab 2013; 11(4):e9499
- Abdusalam K, Bhalla AK, Dayal D. Early onset and slowprogression of sexual maturation in North Indian boys with exogenous obesity. Acta Endocrinologica (Buc) 2013; 9(4):589-96
- Dayal D,Kumar S, Sachdeva N, Kumar R, Singh M, Singhi S. Fall in vitamin D levelsduring hospitalization in children. IntJ Pediatr Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 291856
- Dayal D,Sharda S, Attri SV, Kumar R. Hypophosphatemic rickets caused by a novel PHEXgene mutation in an Indian girl. JPediatr Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Apr 16. pii:/j/jpem.ahead-of-print/jpem-2013-0270/jpem-2013-0270.xml
- SawatkarGU, Kanwar AJ, Dogra S, Bhadada SK, Dayal D. Spectrum of cutaneousmanifestationsof type 1 diabetes mellitus in 500 south Asian patients.Br J Dermatol. 2014 Apr 28.doi:10.1111/bjd.13077
- Dayal D,Sharma S, Sachdeva N, Bhalla AK, Attri SV. Efficacy of insulin detemir comparedto insulin NPH on glycemic control in Indian children with Type 1 Diabetes. J Diabetology 2014 (in press)
- Dayal D,Malhi P, Bhalla AK, Sachdeva N, Kumar R. Psychomotor retardation in a girl withcomplete growth hormone deficiency. PediatrEndocrinol Diab Metab 2014 (in press)
- Dayal D,Saini AG, Jayashree M, Singhi S, Kumar R, Samprati M, Singh M. Hospital basedincidence, patterns of presentation and outcome of Type 1 diabetes: 12 yearsÂ’data from a tertiary care center in North India. Int J Diab Dev ctries 2014 (in press)
- Ganvir RH, Bhalla AK, Dayal D. Growth attainments of Indianchildren with Type 1 diabetes: a mixed longitudinal study. Indian J Pediatr 2014 (in press)
- Dayal D,Jain H, Attri SV, Bharti B, Bhalla AK. Relationship of high sensitivityC-reactive protein levels to anthropometric and other metabolic parameters inIndian children with simple overweight and obesity. J Clin Diag Res 2014 (in communication)
- Dayal D,Jain P, Kumar R, Bakshi J, Menon P, Das A, Singhi S, Singh M. Clinical spectrumand outcome of invasive fungal infections in children with Type 1 Diabetes: 10years experience from a developing country. Int J Endocrinol Metab 2014 (in communication)
- Life member Indian Academy of Pediatrics
- Life member Indian Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Endocrinology
- National Academy of Medical Sciences
- Asia-Pacific Pediatric Endocrine Society
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