Dr. Deepak Goenka
Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Guwahati
- 1 Hospital
- Dr. Deepak Goenka is the director of Institute of Human Reproduction, Guwahati.
- He had extensive training in Ultrasound, Assisted Reproductive Technology & Genetics at different leading centres of the world like at AIIMS, France, US, Germany, Sydney etc
- He has performed more than 3000 IVF cycles so far
- Dr. Deepak Goenka has performed more than 1000 laparoscopy surgeries
- Has trained more than 100 specialists in Assisted Reproductive Technologies and endoscopy surgeries
Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Reproductive Technologies
- Doppler & Interventional ultrasound
- Endoscopic surgery
- Microscopy
- Prenatal Diagnosis & Clinical Genetics
- Reproductive Endocrinology
- MBBS from Bangalore University, India in February 1995
- MD in O & G from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India in July 2000
- Genetic Counselling and Prenatal Diagnosis (Chorionic Villus Sampling and Cytogenetic Analysis) at Birth Defect Centre, Bombay, India in February, 1996.
- Embryology course by Ms. Rosemarie Cullinan, senior scientist, Sydney IVF, Australia at Institute of Human Reproduction, Guwahati, India, in December, 1996
- Andrology & Embryology course by Dr. David Mortimer, Scientific Director, Sydney IVF, Australia at Sydney IVF, Sydney, Australia in February, 1997
- Assisted reproductive technologies (including ICSI) by Dr. James Catt, Embryology Director, Sydney IVF, Australia at Institute of Human Reproduction, Guwahati, India in August, 1997
- Training in Gynaec-oncology by Prof. Thomas Cherian at Shree Siridi Sai Baba Cancer Institute, Manipal, Karnataka, India in March, 1999.
- Training in “Assisted Reproductive Technologies†by Prof. Pratap Kumar at Manipal Assisted Reproductive Centre (MARC), KMC, Manipal, Karnataka, India in June, 1999
- Training in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) by Prof. K. K.Diwakar at KMC, Manipal, Karnataka, India in January, 2000
- Training in Gynae-urology by Prof.K.Sashidharan, Head Dept.of Urology, KMC, Manipal, Karnataka, India, in March, 2000
- Training in Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) by Dr. Joycee Harper at University College London (UCL), U.K. in March, 2001
- Training in Doppler Ultrasound by Dr. S. Suresh at Mediscan Systems, Chennai, India in November, 2001
- Intensive Course on Screening for Down’s Syndrome by Dr. Nicholas Wald at St. Bartholomew’s and the Royal London School of Medicine and dentistry University of London, U.K. in May, 2002
- Training in Obstetric and Gynaecology Ultrasound by Dr. S.Suresh at Mediscan Systems, Chennai, India in June, 2002
- Training in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery Workshop by Dr. Prakash Trivadi at National Institute of LASER & Endoscopic Surgery (NILES), Mumbai, India in April, 2003
- Training in Cytogenetics and FISH in the Department of Anatomy at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India in May, 2003
- Training in operative hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and vaginal surgeries by Dr. Hafeez Rahaman at Center for Advanced Gynecological Endoscopy, Cochin, India in May 2006
- Training in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery at Kiel, Germany in June, 2007
- Training in Advanced Gynaecological Endoscopic Surgery at Giessen, Germany in June, 2007
- Training in Advanced Andrology at JPAC, Nadiad, India in April, 2008
- Training in “Autoimmune update & ELISA†by Bio-Rad Laboratories (India), Guwahati, India in April, 2009
- Training in “Advanced Techniques in Operative Gynecological Endoscopy†at IRCAD/EITS, Strasbourg, France in December, 2009
Practice Information
Institute Of Human Reproduction (IHR), Guwahati
Bharalumukh, Guwahati, Assam - 781009
Achievements & Contributions
- Workshop on “Ultrasonography & Endoscopy” by Dr.R.Rajan at Kochi, Kerala, India in February 1998
- Workshop on “Vaginal Hysterectomy” by Dr. Sirish Seth at Manipal Hospital, Bangalore, India in November, 1999
- “Cytogenetics & Molecular Genetics” by Dr. Sharad Gogate and Dr. C.Pangalos at Indo-European Workshop, Bombay, India in December, 1999
- Workshop on Ultrasonography Colour Doppler & 3D Sonography organised by ISAR 2003 under the aegis of “Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction”, Indore, India in February, 2003
- Advanced Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy training by Dr. P.G.Paul at Cochin Gynaecological Endoscopic Training Centre, Cochin, India in January, 2004
- Workshop on Endometriosis organised by Indian branch of RCOG & Guwahati O&G Society at International Hospital, Guwahati, India in February, 2006Dr. Deepak Goenka, Curriculum Vitae, Page 3
- International Symposium on hysterectomies at Kiel, Germany, in June, 2007
- Workshop on Genetic & Fetal Medicine organised by FOGSI during AICOG at AIIMS, Delhi, India in February, 2008
- Workshop on “Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy” organised by ISAR 2009 under the aegis of “Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction”, Pune, India in January, 2009
- Embryology workshop during ISAR 2009 "Cutting Edge Technologies for ART" Pune, India in January, 2009
- Workshop on Urogynecology organised by Guwahati O&G Society, Guwahati, India in April, 2009
- Symposium on “Infertility & Genetics” at Guwahati, India in November, 1996
- Symposium on “Male Infertility” at Guwahati, India in September, 1997
- XXth all Kerela Conference of Obstetrics & Gynaecology on Ultrasonography / Endoscopy at Kochi, Kerela, India in February, 1998
- AICC-RCOG All India Conference ’ 98, Bangalore, in November, 1998
- Symposium on “Cytogenetics & Molecular Genetics” Bombay, in December, 1999
- 7th International Congress on Assisted Reproductive Technology and advances in Infertility management, Guwahati, India in February, 2001.
- FOGSI’s Catch ’em Young Millennium Conference” Agra, India in July, 2001
- 8th International Congress on Assisted Reproductive Technology and advances in Infertility management, Ooty, India in February, 2002.
- International Congress & Workshop on Newer Aspects in the Management of Infertility and Assisted Reproductive Technology, Hyderabad, India in June, 2002
- Annual East Zone meeting of Indian Society of Perinatology & Reproductive Biology (ISOPERB), Guwahati, India in July, 2002
- 46th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (AICOG-2003), Bangalore, India in January, 2003
- 9th National Congress on Assisted Reproductive Technology & Advances in Infertility Management, Indore, India in February, 2003
- International Congress on Infertility organised by FOGSI & MOGS, Mumbai, India in November, 2003
- 47th All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (AICOG-2004), Agra, India in January, 2004
- “PCOS: The thief of Womanhood” during 25th anniversary of Institute of Human Reproduction (IHR), Guwahati, India in October, 2004
- “State of A.R.T. 2005; The Communicating Oocyte”, Copenhagen, Denmark in June 2005
- 21st Annual meeting of ESHRE, Copenhagen, Denmark in June 2005
- Indo-French Congress on gynaecologic Endoscopy, Ultrasound & Infertility (IF2006), Varanasi, India in November 2006.Dr. Deepak Goenka, Curriculum Vitae, Page 5
- 19th Convention of North East Obstetrics & Gynaecological Societies (NEOGSCON-2008), Jorhat, India in January, 2008
- 13th National Congress on Assisted Reproductive Technology and Advances in Infertility Management, Bhubaneswar, India in March, 2008
- 18th World Congress on Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISUOG-2008), Chicago, USA in August, 2008
- 14th National Congress on Assisted Reproductive Technology & Advances in Infertility Management, Pune, India in January, 2009
- “Cutting Edge 2009” Bangalore, India in May, 2009
- 53rd All India Congress of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (AICOG-2010), Guwahati, India in January, 2010
- Participated as faculty in “Workshop on Male Infertility” at Institute of Human Reproduction, Guwahati, India in September, 1997
- Participated as faculty in Hands-on workshop in association with Sydney IVF, Sydney, Australia on “ICSI & LASER Assisted Hatching” at Institute of Human Reproduction, Guwahati, India in February 2001
- Participated as faculty in Hands-on workshop in association with International Society of Andrology on “Seminology / IUI / Sperm banking” at Institute of Human Reproduction, Guwahati, India in February 2001
- Organised India’s first "Hands on workshop on Basic Semen Analysis and IUI" in association with International Society of Andrology (ISA) under the guidelines of World Health Organisation from 23rd to 27th September, 2002
- Organised "Hands on workshop on Basic Semen Analysis and IUI" in association with Tygerberg Hospital, South Africa under the guidelines of World
- Health Organisation from 11th to 14th October, 2004.
- Participated as faculty in “IUI and Infertility Workshop” organised by Siliguri O&G Society and Ferring Pharmaceuticals at Siliguri, West Bengal in January, 2006
- Participated as national faculty in “Live IUI Pre-Congress Workshop” during 13th National Congress on Assisted Reproductive Technology and Advances in Infertility Management, Bhubaneswar, India in March, 2008
- Participated as faculty in “Live Demonstration IUI & Endoscopy Workshop” at Institute of Human Reproduction (IHR), Kolkata, India, in September, 2008
- Participated as faculty in “Live IVF Workshop” at Institute of Human Reproduction (IHR), Kolkata, India, in November, 2008
- Organised “CME on DOWN Syndrome” under the banner of FOGSI (MNNRRC COMMITTEE) at Institute of Human Reproduction (IHR), Guwahati, India in November 2008
- Organised “Live Endoscopy workshop” at Institute of Human Reproduction (IHR), Guwahati, India in February 2009
- Organised “IUI workshop” during AICOG 2010 at Institute of Human Reproduction (IHR), Guwahati, India in January 2010
- Trained more than 200 doctors in various Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) including ICSI
- Publications:M.l.goenka, Deepak Goenka. Ovum Donation- An Overview. J.obstet Gynec Ind.: 1998; 48: 72-75
- Kushtagi Prahlad, Deepak Goenka, Jasani Vishal D.: Systemic Lupus Erythematosus And Pregnancy. Obs & Gynae Today 2000; 5:181-185
- Deepak Goenka, M.l.goenka: Characterisation Of Top Quality Embryo: A Step Towards Improving Pregnancy Rate In Ivf. J.obstet Gynec Ind.: 2003; 53
- Contributed The Chapter “icsi: The Laboratory Aspect” In The Book “recent Advances In Infertility” Edited By Kanti Bansal And Published By Jaypee Brothers
- Presentations:“aids In Pregnancy”. Deepak Goenka. Kmc, Manipal, India In August 1997
- “role Of Chemotherapy In Gynaecological Malignancies”. Deepak Goenka, Anitha H.d. Kmc, Manipal, India In November 1997
- “labour Room Audit Report”. Deepak Goenka & Rupinder Rupari. Kmc, Manipal, India In August, 1998
- “systemic Lupus Erythematosus And Pregnancy”. Deepak Goenka, Kmc, Manipal, India In October, 1998
- “pregnancy Results And Obstetrical Outcome In Patients 40 Years And Olders In An Oocyte Donation Programme”. Goenka M.l., Kukreja N., Goenka D. 11thWorld Congress On In Vitro Fertilisation And Human Reproductive Genetics. Sydney, Australia, May, 1999
- “evaluation Of Primary Amenorrhoea”. Deepak Goenka Kmc, Manipal, India In September, 1999
- “adenomyoma”. Deepak Goenka. Kmc, Manipal, India In November, 1999
- “pathophysiology And Management Of Eclampsis”. Deepak Goenka & Padmavathi V. Kmc, Manipal, India In February, 2000
- “valvuloplasty In Pregnancy”. Deepak Goenka, Kmc, Manipal, India In May, 2000
- “progesterone For Luteal Support In Art Cycles”. Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, 7th International Congress On Assisted Reproductive Technology Advances In Infertility Management, Guwahati, India In February, 2001
- “recent Advances In The Managements Of Male Infertility”. Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, Fogsi’s Catch ’em Young Millennium Conference” Agra, India In July, 2001
- “current Trends In The Managements Of Male Infertility”. Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, 8th International Congress On Assisted Reproductive Technology And Advances In Infertility Management, Ooty, India In February, 2002
- “fish: Diagnostic Tool Of 21st Century”. Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, Symposium On Male Infertility And Genetics, Ihr, Guwahati, India In February, 2002
- “oocyte And Embryo Grading: Does It Predict Pregnancy?”. Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, International Congress & Workshop On Newer Aspects In The Management Of Infertility And Assisted Reproductive Technology, Hyderabad, India In June, 2002.dr. Deepak Goenka, Curriculum Vitae, Page 8
- “morphological Assessment Of Top Quality Oocyte” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, Annual East Zone Meeting Of Indian Society Of Perinatology & Reproductive Biology (isoperb), Guwahati, India In July, 2002.
- “advances In The Management Of Male Infertility”. Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, Symposium On Advances In Andrology, Guwahati, India In September, 2002
- “characterisation Of Top Quality Embryo: A Step Towards Improving Pregnancy Rate” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, 46th All India Congress Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology (aigog), Bangalore, India In January, 2003.
- “a New Approach Of Embryo Scoring For Better Implantation” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, 9Th National Congress On Assisted Reproductive Technology & Advances In Infertility Management, Indore, India In February, 2003.
- “recent Clinical Perspective In Ovulation Induction” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, Nogaon, Assam In December, 2003
- “oral Contraceptive Pill Pre-treatment For Clomiphene Citrate Resistant Cases Followed By Repeat Clomiphene Citrate Treatment” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, 47th All India Congress Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology (aicog-2004), Agra, India In January, 2004
- “pcos: A Diagnostic Dilemma” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, 25th
- Anniversary Of Institute Of Human Reproduction (ihr), Guwahati, Assam In
- October, 2004
- “pcos: Recent Clinical Perspective” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, Imphal, Manipur In December, 2004
- “cryo Preservation And Pooling Of Multiple Ejaculates For Iui In Oligospermic Patients” (poster Presentation) Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, 21st Annual Meeting Of Eshre, Copenhagen, Denmark, June, 2005
- “gonadotropin Releasing Hormone Agonists (gnrh-a) In The Treatment Of Female Infertility” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, Gauhati O&g Society Meet, Guwahati, Assam In August, 2006
- “managing Azoospermia” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, Indo-french Congress On Gynecologic Endoscopy, Ultrasound And Infertility, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh In November, 2006
- “endometrial Thickness & Infertility Treatment Outcome” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, First East Zone Isar Meet, Patna, Bihar In December, 2006
- “genetics And Prenatal Diagnosis Of Β Thalassaemia” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, Β Thalassaemia: Let’s Understand It Better, Ihr, Guwahati, Assam In
- September, 2007dr. Deepak Goenka, Curriculum Vitae, Page 9
- “endometrium & Hysteroscopy” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, East Zone Isar Meet, Guwahati, Assam In September, 2007
- “endometrium & Hysteroscopy” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, East Zone Isar Meet, Kolkata, West Bengal In December, 2007
- “hcg Vs Gnrh-a For Ovulation Induction In An Iui Programme” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka, 19th Convention Of North East Obstetrics & Gynaecological Societies (neogscon-2008), Jorhat, India In January, 2008
- “thrombophilias & Recurrent Pregnancy Loss” Deepak Goenka & M.l.goenka During Cme On Recurrent Pregnancy Loss By Guwahati O&g Society, Guwahati, India In November, 2008
- “cvs, Amniocentesis & Pgd” Dr. Deepak Goenka & Dr. M.l.goenka During Cme On Down Syndrome At Institute Of Human Reproduction (ihr), Guwahati,
- India In November 2008
- “genetic Of Male Infertility” Dr. Deepak Goenka & Dr. M.l.goenka During Cme On Male Infertility At Institute Of Human Reproduction (ihr), Kolkata, India In October 2009
- “luteal Phase Support In Iui Cycles” Dr. Deepak Goenka & Dr. M.l.goenkaDuring 53Rd All India Congress Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology (aicog-2010), Guwahati, India In January, 2010
- Is a member of “American Association of Gynaecologic Laparoscopists (AAGL)” since the year 1996
- Is a member of “The Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI)” since the year 1997
- Is a member of “alpha, scientists in reproductive medicines” since year 2001
- Is life member of “Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology (IFUMB)” since year 2001
- Is member of “Embryo mail” since year 2001
- Is member of “PGD mail” since year 2001
- Is member of Indian Society for Assisted reproduction (ISAR) since year 2002
- Is member of ESHRE since 2005
- Is member of ISUOG since 2008
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