Dr. Damandeep Singh Makkar
Spine Surgeon, Ludhiana
- 12 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Languages : English, Hindi, Punjabi
Spine Surgery
Spine Related Disorders
Orthopedic Surgery
- Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery.
- Deformity Correction
- Pain management
- MBBS, DNB (Ortho.), FIASA (USA)
- Post doctoral fellowship in spine surgery (Ahmedabad)
- Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery: Rush University, Chicago, USA
- Visting fellowship CCHMC, Cincinnati, USA
- Visting fellowship: Samsung Medical Centre, Seoul, S. Korea
- Fellowship of the Indo-American Spine Alliance
Practice Information
The Spine Clinic, Ludhiana
57 A, Rajguru Nagar, Ludhiana, Punjab - 141002
10:00 AM - 01:00 PM
Achievements & Contributions
- Co-Author in a chapter titled “Minimally Invasive Cervical laminectomy and lateral mass screw fixation” in the book tilted “textbook of Minimally Invasive Spine surgery” by Dr. Kern Singh.
- Prediction of coronal balance intra-operatively using the last instrumented vertebrae radiographic findings in Lenke type C curves: a retrospective study. (In collaboration with Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and medical Centre, Cincinnati)
- Asymmetric Pedicle subtraction Osteotomy (Convex close wedge osteotomy) for correction of rigid scoliosis: a retrospective review. (Sent for publication in Indian Journal of Orthopaedics).
- Minimally Invasive Trans-foraminal Lumbar interbody fusion: Prospective Clinical and radiological results of 23 consecutive cases - An Indian perspective. (Sent for publication in Indian Journal of Orthopaedics).
- Case report- use of Calcitonin in the percutaneous management of Aneurysmal bone cyst in C5 vertebrae. (Sent for publication in The Spine Journal)
- Paper presented in the Gujarat Orthopedic Association conference 2013 on “clinical and radiological results of Minimally Invasive TLIF: a prospective study of 24 consecutive cases.”
- Poster presentation in the Gujarat Orthopedic Association conference 2013 on “ Asymmetric pedicle subtraction osteotomy for correction of rigid scoliosis”
- Presented a paper on “Management of Tibial Pilon fractures with Ilizarov method” in 23rd Annual Indian Foot and Ankle Society Conference held from 6th-8th August 2010 in Delhi
- Paper published in Malaysian journal of Orthopaedics in July 2012 titled “Results of closed intramedullary nailing using Talwarkar square nail in adult forearm fractures”. (http://www.morthoj.org/2012/v6n2/Closed-Intramedullary-Nailing.pdf)
- Paper sent for publication in Journal of Orthopaedic surgery, Hong-Kong titled “study of results of operative outcomes of fractures of the Calcaneum”
- Published a case report on Salmonella Paratyphi A infection with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Diffuse large B cell type of the Hip in the journal of Orissa Orthopaedic Association. Vol.30 January 2009(78-80)
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