Dr.C.V. Harinarayan Diabetologist in Bangalore

Dr.C.V. Harinarayan

Diabetologist, Bangalore


  • 1 Hospital
  • 40 Years Experience


  • For the first time he demonstrated Vitamin D deficiency as the predominant cause for radiological bone changes in Primary Hyperparathyroidism in India.
  • A very reputed endocrinologist in Bangalore.
  • An accomplished researcher and scientist, exemplary organizer and administrator with over two decades of experience in the field of endocrinology.
  • Is a specialist in Endocrinology, Diabetes, Thyroid and Metabolic Bone Diseases.
  • In his ongoing work on metabolic bone disease, has documented through extensive population surveys, 
  • The high prevalence of low dietary calcium intake and varying degrees of Vitamin D deficiency in South India. 
  • His groundbreaking work could potentially contribute to revision of national guidelines of dietary allowances for calcium and Vitamin D.


Director of Diabetes & Endocrinology, Sakra World Hospital, Bengaluru - Currently working here


  • Diabetology

  • Endocrinology


  • Metabolic Bone Diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Endocrinology
  • Thyroid
  • Hyperparathyroidism
  • Pituitary Disorders
  • Osteoporosis


  • MBBS degree from Madras University, 1982 
  • MD (Internal Medicine) securing 2nd Rank in the Madurai University, March 1985,
  • DM in Endocrinology from All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, 1991

Practice Information

Sakra World Hospital, Bangalore

Sakra World Hospital, Bangalore

52/2 & 52/3, Devarabeesanahalli, Outer Ring Road, Marathahalli, Bangalore, Karnataka - 560103

Achievements & Contributions

  • He has got the BEST PAPER AWARD in the International Symposium on pituitary disorders, held at Christian Medical College, Vellore, 2001.
  • Dr. V. Sundera Ramiah Memorial Gold Medal Endowment Lecture, by the Indian Medical Association, Tenali, AP.
  • 2nd prize for this scientific paper Insulin resistance in Ischemic stroke as risk factor analysis at the Annual courses in clinical Neurosciences 2005.
  • "Hari Om Ashram Alembic Research Award 2003 – Operational Research” by the Medical Council  India (Received the award from Hon’ble President of India),
  • “Sir Shriram Memorial Award” for the year 2006 for the best published work, “Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in postmenopausal South Indian women” by the National Academy of Medical Sciences, New Delhi,
  • APSA- 2006 Award (Andhra Pradesh Scientist Award – 2006) for excellence in medical research by the Andhra Pradesh Council of Science and Technology (APCOST).
  • “Samikya Bharth Gaurav Satkar 2006” (formerly Ugadi Puraskar) for “excellence in medical research”.
  • The Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India awarded him the “short-term research associate ship” in the year 1997.
  • In recognition of his dedicated more than a decade long work, the institute awarded him with “a shield” for the “Best Rural Camps” for the years 1993-2002 and “Certificate of merit for the Punctuality to work” for the year 2002 on the eve of the “Institute Annual Day 2002”.
  • The Collector of Chittor district awarded him with “certificate of merit” as the best doctor for the services rendered on the eve of Republic day 2002.