Dr. Chellamuthu Ramasubramanian
Psychiatrist, Madurai
- 1 Hospital
- Dr. Chellamuthu Ramasubramanian M.S.Chellamuthu Trust & Research Foundation
- Asst. Professor in Psychiatry, Institute of Psychiatry, Madurai Medical College, Madurai
- Asst. Professor in Neurology ( to deal with Neuro-Psychiatry problems )
- Asst. Professor in Dept. of Forensic Medicine ( to deal with Forensic Psychiatry )
- Reader in Psychiatry, Chengalpet Medical College, Chengalpet
- Co-ordinator- Mental Health Programme for Ramnad, Madurai & Theni Districts
- Professor & HOD, Dept of Psychiatry, Madurai Medical College, Madurai
- State Nodal Officer, NMHP, TamilNadu
- MBBS from Madurai Medical College, Madurai in 1975
- DPM from Madurai Medical College, Madurai in 1979
- MD from Madurai Medical College in 1984
Practice Information
M.S. Chellamuthu Trust & Research Foundation, Madurai
643, K.K.Nagar, Madurai, Tamil Nadu - 625020
Achievements & Contributions
- Chief Investigator in clinical trial of Ziprasidone in 2001
- Chief Investigator in clinical trail of Escitalopram in 2002
- Chief Investigator in clinical trial of Duloxetine in 2004
- Personality studies among Industrial Workers - Presented at Annual Psychiatric Conference at Calicut, 1982
- Paper presented at The 49th Annual National Conference, Indian Psychiatric Society on 5th Jan 1997 at Kanpur
- Attitude towards Mental Retardation in Madurai city
- Papers presented at International Conference in Current Trends in Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and Family Intervention (27-29 Mar’97) at Bangalore
- Problems faced by Rural Based Multidimensional Rehabilitation Centre
- Expectations of Alcoholics and their key relatives attending Trishul De-addiction centre, Madurai
- Assessment of disability among Chronic Schizophrenics availing residential Care Programmes at Shristi, Madurai
- Impact of Psycho-Education on Key Relatives of Schizophrenics
- Needs of service users attending a General Hospital Psychiatric Unit
- Personal Attributes of Key Relatives of Schizophrenic patients
- Coping with the Alcoholics Husband – Experiences of the wives attending TRISHUL – De-Addiction Hospital, Madurai, Paper presented at IPS (Indian Psychiatric Society) Conference, Bhuvaneswar between January 6th –9th 1999)
- Paper presented at TANPSYCON’99, the 14th National Conference of IPS (Indian Psychiatric Society), Tamilnadu Chapter, Thanjavur between July 10th-11th)
- Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Issues and Prospects, Papers presented at Indian Psychiatric Society – South Zone 32nd Annual Conference – Visakhapatnam – 23rd and 24th October 1999
- Paper presented at 13th National Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry –15th-17th November 1999 Bangalore
- Self - Esteem of parents of the persons with Mental Retardation, Paper presented at the 52nd Annual National Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society & Indo – British – American Symposium held at Cochin between 20 – 23 January 2000
- Psycho – Social Aspects of Children of Alcoholics, Paper presented at 13th National Conference of Indian Association for Social Psychiatry –15th-17th November 1999 Bangalore
- Personality Profile of the Mothers of Children with Mental Retardation, Paper presented at The Indian Psychiatric Society, TANPSYCON 2000 held on 12th and 13th August 2000 at Coimbatore (Ooty)
- Assessing the needs expressed by Siblings of persons with mental retardation, Paper presented at the Scientific Session Programme at IPSOCON 2000 held on 14th and 15th October 2000 at Madurai
- 21st Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society, Tamilnadu, TANPSYCON 2006, 1st and 2nd July 2006, Madurai, Tamilnadu, Community Mental Health Camps a rural experience
- International Conference Schizophrenia – 2006 ICONS of SCARF-2006, 13th -15th October 2006, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Quality life of the persons with Schizophrenia availing treatment through Community Mental Health camps and Psychiatric O.P.Services
- Annual South Zone Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society (IPSOCON 2006) 27-29th October 2006, Mangalore, Private and Public partnership in the District Mental Health Programme - A programme Scenario
- International Rehab conference 2006 on channeling the challenges of Disability, 7th -9th December 2006, Trichy, Tamilnadu, India. A comparative study on Quality of Life (QOL) of the persons with Schizophrenia availing treatment through Community Mental Health Camps and psychiatric O.P. services. Overcoming the challenges in Community Mental Health Programme(CMHP)
- 59th Annual National Conference of the Indian Psychiatric Society on 4th – 7th January 2007 at Chennai, Tamilnadu. Exploring Psycho Social Intervention for the persons with Mental Illness during discharge in a Residential Rehabilitation Programme, Community Based Rehabilitation – A model
- District Collector Award From Madurai District Administration , Tamilnadu State In 2007
- “Humanitarian Award” From Lions Club Of International District 324-b3 In 2005-2006
- “Best Doctor’s Award” From Apollo Hospitals, Madurai In 2005
- District Collector’s Award' From District Administration, Tamilnadu State
- State’s Best Doctor Award From State Government Of Tamilnadu In 1999-2000
- “For The Sake Of Honour Award” From Rotary Club Of Madurai West In 1999
- Modification of Homo- Sexual behaviour - Published in Indian Journal of Psychiatry in the year 1982
- Thought stopping in Obsessive Compulsive Neurosis - Published in Indian Journal of Psychiatry in the year 1982
- Level of Aspiration in Obsessive-Compulsive Neurosis - Published in Indian Journal of Psychiatry during April 1973
- A study on Sociological Aspect & Psychological reaction related to Sexual Assault Victims
- Paper presented at The 10th National Seminar on Mental Retardation during Jan ’97 At Nagpur
- Papers presented at International Conference in Current Trends in Psycho-Social Rehabilitation and Family Intervention (27-29 Mar’97) at Bangalore
- Psychiatric Illness – What Panchayat Union Teachers know about? – Our experiences during School Mental Health Programme of “SHRISTI”, A Project of M.S.Chellamuthu Trust & Research Foundation, Madurai, Tamilnadu
- Executive member, Indian Psychiatry Society
- Fellow Indian Psychiatric Society
- Member, Indian Epilepsy Association
- Member, Neurological Society
- Vice President, Indian Psychiatry Society, Tamilnadu Branch
- Executive Member, Indian Association of Social Psychiatry
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