Dr.C.B. Dass Gupta
Pediatric Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist, Kota
- 47 Years Experience
- 1 Hospital
- Dr.C.B. Dass Gupta is a Senior Consultant,working since 1978(36 yrs)
- An academician &throughout first class career,always in 1st 10 students of the class during medical education.
- pioneer person in Rajasthan for promoting Breastfeeding,Care of Thalassemics & Epileptics & Pediatric Gastroentrology &Hepatology.
- Languages : English, Hindi
Pediatric Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Pediatrics & Neonatology
- General Pediatrics
- Breast feeding
- Infant feeding practices
- Lactation management counselling
- Care of Thallasemics & Epileptics
- Care of New Borns & Intensive Care
- MBBS, MD(Pediatrics) 1978
Practice Information
Aatmik Child Healthcare Clinic, Kota
634 A, Talwandi, Behind Jat Samaj Chhatrawas, Kota, Rajasthan - 324001
Achievements & Contributions
- Published an article on Australia antigen in indian childhood cirrohosis & viral hepatitis in IJP-1981
- Published leaflet on infant feeding practices-guide to mothers & health workers available on UNICEF & BPNI Rajasthan website
- Published an article on Thalassemia& prevention on epilepsy for awareness in general public
- Published a book on infant feeding practices in kota district
- Twice awarded by Govt. of Rajasthan for outstanding contribution to Child Health in yr.2005 &2009
- Doctor of Millenium Award-Academy of Medical Sciences New Delhi in year 2000
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