Dr. Bincy Vargese
Dermatologist, Noida
- Currently associated as a consultant dermatologist with Colombia Asia Hospital, GZB, Apollo Noida and Lifecare Hospital Noida
- Has a keen interest in Paediatric Dermatology and cosmetology and has vast experience in the treatment of acne in adolescents & adults, psoriasis, eczemas, hair disorders, contact dermatitis, etc
- Languages : English, Hindi, Malayalam
Dermatology (Skin)
Pediatric Dermatology
- Pediatric Dermatology
- Cosmetology
- Acne and other adolescent disorders
- Graduation from Government Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram
- MD in dermatology from Lady Hardinge Medical College & associated S.K. & Kalawati Saran Children's hospital, New Delhi in 2009
- Trained in dermatological surgery including removal of warts, moles, skin tags, DPNS, chemical peeling for acne, melasma, photoaging, laser hair removal, botox etc
Practice Information
Skin Appeal Laser Clinic, Noida
B-1/38 Central Market, Sector - 50, Noida, Uttar Pradesh - 201301
Achievements & Contributions
- Won Dr. F Handa Award for best paper at Dermacon 2009
- Recipient of the IADVL - BAD (British Academy of Dermatology) exchange scholarship
- Publication: Serum Cytokine Profile in Psoriasis - A Case - Control Studying Tertiary Care Hospital from Northern India. Ind J Clin BiochemDOI 10.1007/s12291-011-0156-9
- Publication: Photo-quiz on pulmonary disease with striking nail involvement in a child. Pediatric Dermatology, Nov 2008 Volume 25 Issue 6, Pages 633 - 634
- Publication: CHILD syndrome with thrombocytosis and congenital dislocation of hip: A case report from India. Dermatology Online Journal.Volume 16 Number 8. August 2010
- Publication: Dorfman-Chanarin syndrome in two female siblings: A case report and discussion on approach & management. Dermatology Online Journal. Volume 17 Number 4. April 2011
- Publication: Generalized linear porokeratosis: A rare entity with excellent response to acitretin. Dermatology Online Journal Volume 17 Number 5. May 2011
- Publication: Approach to a patient with skin rash. Health positive. May 2010, vol.1 No.11
- Publication: Neutral Lipid Storage Disease with Unusual Presentation: Report of Three Cases Pediatr Dermatol. 2011 May 16. [Epub ahead of print]
- Presentation: CHILD syndrome with thrombocytosis and congenital dislocation of Hip, Advanced Course In Paediatric Dermatology, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, Scotland 2010
- Society of Pediatric Dermatology, Delhi
- British Society of Pediatric Dermatology
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