Dr. Bhuvneshwari Gohil Interventional Pulmonologist in Bharuch

Dr. Bhuvneshwari Gohil

Interventional Pulmonologist, Bharuch


  • 8 Years Experience
  • 1 Hospital


Dr.BK Gohil (MBBS, DTCD, CIH, IDCC) is the 1st full time Chest Physician/ Pulmonologist of Bharuch city, presently working at Healing touch hosp,Bharuch. She did her MBBS from PDUMC,Rajkot & PG in Respiratory Medicine from SBKS MIRC,Baroda. Later, she went to Mumbai for Infectious Dz course (IDCC) at Hinduja Hosp & Clinical training in Bronchoscopy at Tata Memorial Hosp. She also did Clinical observership in Interventional Pulmonology from Sparsh CDC, Ahmedabad. She completed her Diploma in Industrial Health from MSU,Baroda. She is well trained to diagnose & treat CHEST & ALLERGY related diseases like Covid, TB, various Pneumonia, Flu, Asthma, COPD, Allergies, Lung cancer, lung fibrosis/ ILD, Sarcoidosis, Sleep Apnea, Occupational Lung dz, Chronic smoking,etc.
  • Languages : Gujarati, English, Hindi


CMO, Sevshram trust hospital, Bharuch April, 2017 -  May, 2017

Consultant Pulmonologist, Healing touch multispeciality hospital , Bharuch June , 2019 -  August, 2020

Clinical trainer, Sparsh Chest Disease Center, Ahmedabad July, 2019 -  September, 2019

Clinical trainer, Tata memorial hospital, Mumbai October , 2019 -  October, 2019

Clinical observer, Bhagats Allergy Clinic, Ahmedabad September, 2019 -  September, 2019

Senior Resident, Dr KC Patel Medical College, Bharuch November, 2019 -  August, 2020


  • Interventional Pulmonology

  • Allergic Disorders

  • Chest Physician

  • Infectious Diseases

  • Pulmonology


Bronchoscopy and Biopsy, Foreign body removal, Pulmonary Function Test, Pleural Tapping, ICD insertion, 6minute Walk test


MBBS, 2016, Pdu medical college, Rajkot, Rajkot, India

DTCD, 2019, Sbks mirc, Baroda, Baroda, India

CIH, 2019, MS university, Baroda, Baroda, India

IDCC, 2020, PD Hinduja hospital, Mumbai, India

Practice Information

Healing Touch Multi Speciality Hospital, Bharuch

Healing Touch Multi Speciality Hospital, Bharuch

Doctore House, 2nd, 3rd Floor, R K Casta, Bharuch, Gujarat - 392001


01:00 PM - 04:00 PM & 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM


01:00 AM - 04:00 PM & 05:00 PM - 07:00 PM

Achievements & Contributions

  • TB screening in Medical and paramedical staff , 2018
  • Indian medical association

Patient Experience

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